Soils and Water Publications | |
| Management | Direct seeding | Soil classification | Soil fertility | Fertilizers | Irrigation and drainage | Soil and water conservation ] Reclamation ] Soil temperature
- All free factsheets listed are available online (see hypertext links).
- Hard copies (limit of 10 per title) are available to Alberta residents by using the online order form or by calling 780-427-0391.
- Residents of other provinces are reminded the information is specific to Alberta, so they should contact their own agriculture departments for information more pertinent to their local conditions.
Back to Alberta Agriculture / Publications / DVD-Videos / CD-ROMs
Management |
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Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |
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510-1 | Agricultural Soil Compaction: Causes and Management. 2010. |  | html | pdf |
515-1 | Sustainable Crop Rotations for Alberta's Brown Soil Zone. 2003. |  | html | pdf |
518-6 | High Salt Content in Garden Soil. |  | html | pdf |
518-8 | Management of Solonetzic Soils. |  | html | pdf |
518-12 | Dryland Saline Seeps: Types and Causes. Revised 2000. |  | html | pdf |
518-16 | Structural Controls for Dryland Saline Seeps. Revised 1998. |  | html | pdf |
518-17 | Salt Tolerance of Plants. 2001. |  | html | pdf |
518-18 | Vegetative Control of Saline Seep Recharge. 2007. |  | html | pdf |
518-19 | Perennial Forages for Saline Seeps. 2007. |  | html | pdf |
518-20 | Management of Sodic Soils in Alberta. 2010. |  | html | pdf |
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Soil Classification
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Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |
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525-2 | Alberta Soil Quality Card. 2003. |  |  | pdf |
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Direct Seeding
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Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |
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519-9 | Controlling Wheat Diseases in Direct Seeding Systems. Revised 1999. |  | html | pdf |
519-13 | Controlling Barley Diseases in Direct Seeding Systems. Revised 1999. |  | html | pdf |
519-15 | Foxtail Barley Control in Direct Seeding Systems. Revised 2007. |  | html | pdf |
519-16 | Controlling Wildlife Damage in Direct Seeding Systems. |  | html | pdf |
519-17 | Removing Forages from the Rotation in a Direct Seeding System. Revised 2018. -UPDATE- |  | html | pdf |
519-19 | Controlling Canola Insect Pests in Direct Seeding Systems. Revised 1999. |  | html | pdf |
519-20 | Anhydrous Ammonia Use at Seeding. 1998. |  | html | pdf |
519-22 | Seed Row Spacing and Seeding Rates in Direct Seeding. 1998. |  | html | pdf |
519-23 | Controlling Field Pea Diseases in Direct Seeding Systems. Revised 2009. |  | html | pdf |
519-25 | Estimating the Value of Crop Residues. Revised 2008. |  | html | pdf |
519-27 | Controlling Quackgrass in Direct Seeding Systems. 2000. |  | html | pdf |
519-28 | Crop Rotations in Direct Seeding. Revised 2008. |  | html | pdf |
570-4 | Residue Management for Successful Direct Seeding. Revised 1999. |  | html | pdf |
570-6 | Soil Quality and Moisture Conservation Benefits of Direct Seeding. |  | html | pdf |
570-7 | Direct Seeding Systems: Terms, Definitions and Explanations. Revised 1999. |  | html | pdf |
. | Soil Temperature and Direct Seeding. Revised 1999. |  | html | pdf |
Soil Fertility
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Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |  |
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531-1 | Micronutrient Requirements of Crops. |  | html | pdf |  |
531-3 | Minerals for Plants, Animals and Man. Revised 1998. |  | html | pdf |  |
531-4 | Soil pH and Plant Nutrients. 2003. |  | html | pdf |  |
532-3 | Copper Deficiency: Diagnosis and Correction. 1999. |  | html | pdf |  |
534-1 | Liming Acid Soils. |  | html | pdf |  |
534-2 | Wood Ash - An Alternative Liming Material for Agricultural Soils. 2002. |  | html | pdf |  |
536-1 | Soil Organic Matter. |  | html | pdf |  |
537-1 | Home Composting. Reprint of Environment Council of Alberta fact sheet. |  |  | pdf |  |
538-1 | Manure Application and Nutrient Balance on Rangeland. 2003. |  | html | pdf |  |
538-2 | Sampling Liquid Manure for Analysis. 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
538-3 | Ammonia Volatilization from Manure Application. 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
538-4 | Sampling Solid Manure for Analysis. 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
538 / 120-2 | Applying Manure on Perennial Forage. 2006. |  | html | pdf |  |
538 / 450-1 | Sampling Poultry Manure for Analysis. 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
090-2 | Use of Fertilizers, Manures and Pesticides for Sustainable Farm Management. 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
121 / 531-5 | Soil and Nutrient Management of Alfalfa. 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
130 / 538-1 | Nutrient Management on Intensively Managed Pastures. 2009. |  | html | pdf |  |
142 / 532-1 | Irrigated Dry Bean Nutrient Requirements for Southern Alberta. Revised 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version
142 / 532-2 | Pea Nutrient Requirements in Alberta. 2002. |  | html | pdf |  |
Fertilizers |  |
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Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |  |
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540-1 | Crop Nutrition and Fertilizer Requirements. |  | html | pdf |  |
541-1 | Alberta Fertilizer Guide. Revised 2004. |  | html | pdf |  |
541-2 | Fertilizing Eroded Knolls. Revised 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
542-3 | Phosphorus Fertilizer Application in Crop Production. Revised 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version
542-9 | Potassium Fertilizer Application in Crop Production. Revised 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version
542-10 | Sulphur Fertilizer Application in Crop Production. Revised 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version
542-11 | Fall-applied Nitrogen: Risks and Benefits. Revised 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile
version |
100 / 541-1 | Fertilizer Requirements of Irrigated Grain and Oilseed Crops. Revised 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version
100 / 548-1 | Plant Growth Regulators: What Agronomists Need to Know. Revised 2018. -UPDATE- |  | html |  |  |
112 / 541-1 | Fertilizing Irrigated Soft White Spring Wheat. |  | html | pdf |  |
112 / 542-1 | Fertilizing Winter Wheat in Southern Alberta. 2000. |  | html | pdf |  |
114 / 540-1 | Optimizing Barley Silage Production in Alberta. 2000. |  | html | pdf |  |
114 / 540-2 | Agronomic and Fertilizer Management of Barley in Alberta. 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
127 / 541-1 | Fertilizing Grass for Hay and Pasture. 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
Irrigation and Drainage |
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Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |
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560-1 | Irrigation in Alberta. Revised 2001. |  | hardcopy only |  |
560-2 | Irrigation Management in Alberta. 2011. |  | html | pdf |  |
560-3 | Land Classification for Irrigation in Alberta. Revised 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
561-18 | Fertilizer Requirements of Irrigated Alfalfa. Revised 2001. |  | html | pdf |  |
563-1 | Irrigation System Application Efficiency Values. 2011. |  | html | pdf |  |
573-5 | Grassed Waterway Improvement and Gully Restoration. Revised 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
573-6 | Grassed Waterway Construction. |  | html | pdf |  |
100 / 561-2 | Optimum Seeding Date and Rates for Irrigated Grain and Oilseed Crops. 2011. |  | html | pdf |  |
111 / 561-1 | Irrigation Scheduling for Silage Corn in Southern Alberta. Revised 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
112 / 561-1 | Irrigation Scheduling for Winter Wheat in Southern Alberta. 2011. |  | html | pdf |  |
112 / 561-2 | Irrigation Scheduling for Spring Wheat in Southern Alberta. 2011. |  | html | pdf |  |
114 / 561-1 | Irrigation Scheduling for Barley in Southern Alberta. 2011. |  | html | pdf |  |
121 / 561-1 | Irrigation Scheduling for Alfalfa Hay in Southern Alberta. 2011. |  | html | pdf |  |
127 / 561-1 | Irrigation Scheduling for Timothy Hay in Southern Alberta. 2011. |  | html | pdf |  |
142 / 561-1 | Irrigation Scheduling for Dry Bean in Southern Alberta. Revised 2011. |  | html | pdf |  |
142 / 561-2 | Irrigation Scheduling for Pea in Southern Alberta. 2011. |  | html | pdf |  |
149 / 561-1 | Irrigation Scheduling for Canola in Southern Alberta. 2011. |  | html | pdf |  |
171 / 561-1 | Irrigation Scheduling for Sugar Beet in Southern Alberta. Revised 2012. |  | html | pdf |  |
258 / 561-1
. | Irrigation Scheduling for Potato in Southern Alberta. 2011. |  | html | pdf |  |
Soil and Water Conservation |
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Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |
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570-4 | Residue Management for Successful Direct Seeding. Revised 1999. |  | html | pdf |  |
570-6 | Soil Quality and Moisture Conservation Benefits of Direct Seeding. |  | html | pdf |  |
570-7 | Direct Seeding Systems: Terms, Definitions and Explanations. Revised 1999. |  | html | pdf |  |
572-1 | Emergency Wind Erosion Control Measures. Revised 1998. |  | html | pdf |  |
572-2 | An Introduction to Wind Erosion Control. Revised 1998. |  | html |  |  |
573-5 | Grassed Waterway Improvement and Gully Restoration. Revised 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
573-6 | Grassed Waterway Construction. |  | html | pdf |  |
576-1 | Managing Nitrogen to Protect Water Quality. 2000. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
576-2 | Managing Phosphorus to Protect Water Quality. 2000. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
576-4 | Managing Cow-Calf Operations to Protect Water Quality. 2000. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
576-5 | Protect Groundwater Quality - Minimize the Risks. 2000. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
576-6 | Manure Management to Protect Water Quality. 2000. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
576-8 | Getting to Know Your Local Watershed. 2002. |  |  | pdf |  |
577-1 | Building Community Partnerships. 2003. |  | hardcopy only |  |
123 / 20-2 | Legume Green Manuring. |  | html |  |  |
130 / 14-1 | Range and Pasture Management When Dealing with Drought. |  | html | pdf | |
Reclamation |  |
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Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |  |
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580-1 | Guide to Using Native Plants on Disturbed Lands. $30.00. |  | purchase info |  |
580-2 | Growing Native Plants of Western Canada. $30.00 |  | purchase info |  |
580-3 | Establishing Native Plant Communities. $30.00. |  | purchase info |  |
420 / 580-1 | Managing Feedlot Shutdowns. 1999. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 580-2 | Cattle Wintering Sites: Managing for Good Stewardship. 2001. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 580-3 | Wintering Site Assessment and Design Tool. 2013. |  | html | pdf |  |
641-15 | Control Options for Downy Brome on Prairie Reclamation Sites. Revised 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
Soil Temperature |
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Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |
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590-1 | Soil Temperature for Germination. |  | html | pdf |
590-2 | Soil Temperature and Direct Seeding. Revised 1999. |  | html | pdf |
Other Documents in the Series |
Beekeeping Publications Crops Publications Engineering Publications Forestry Publications Horticulture Publications Insects, Diseases, Weeds and Pests Publications Livestock Publications Local Food Industry Marketing and Economics Publications Rural Development Publications Soils and Water Publications - Current Document Other Resources Publications
For more information about the content of this document, contact Rita Splawinski.
This document is maintained by Jennifer Rutter.
This information published to the web on May 16, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on October 22, 2018.