General |  |
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Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |  |
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400 / 092-1 | Shelterbelts for Livestock Farms in Alberta: Overview. 2014. |  |  | pdf |  |
400 / 092-2 | Shelterbelts for Livestock Farms in Alberta: Planning, Planting and Maintenance. 2014. |  |  | pdf |  |
400 / 092-3 | Shelterbelts for Livestock Farms in Alberta: Shelterbelt Planning Workbook. 2014. |  |  | pdf |  |
400 / 27-1 | Manure Composting Manual. Revised 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 27-2 | Compost Temperature Measurement: Livestock Manure. 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 28-1 | Managing Livestock Manure. 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 28-2 | Beneficial Management Practices: Environmental Manual for Livestock Producers in Alberta. 2010. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 28-3 | Nutrient Management Planning Guide. 2011. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 28-4 | Relocation of Livestock Facilities Planning Guide. 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 29-1 | Livestock Mortality Management (Disposal). |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 29-2 | Livestock Mortality Burial Techniques. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 29-4 | Large Animal Mortality Composting. |  | html | pdf |  |
CD 400/40-1 | What's the Score? Body Conditioning Scoring for Livestock. CD-ROM. $25.00. |  | purchase info |  |
400 / 60-1 | Nitrate Poisoning and Feeding Nitrate Feeds to Livestock. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 60-2 | Know Your Feed Terms. Revised 2006. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 60-3 | Risks of Using Overwintered Crops as Livestock Feed. 2017. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 66-1 | Strategic Vitamin A and E Use for Livestock During a Shortage. 2018 -NEW- |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 651-1 | A Guide for the Control of Flies in Alberta Confined Feeding Operations. 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 716-1 | Water Requirements for Livestock. Revised 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 716-2 | Water Analysis Interpretation for Livestock. Revised 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 716-4 | Pasture Watering System: A Cost Comparison. 2003. |  |  | pdf |  |
400 / 716 (C30) | Remote Pasture Water Systems for Livestock. 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 837-1 | Understanding the Federal Tax Deferral. Revised 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 845-1 | Direct Marketing Meats...Selling Meat at Alberta Approved Farmers' Markets. 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
089 / 400-2 | Antimicrobial Spray Treatment of Red Meat in Small Abattoirs. 2013. |  | html | pdf |  |
Beef |  |
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Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |  |
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CD 400 / 40-1 | What's the Score? Body Conditioning Scoring for Livestock. CD-ROM format. $25.00. |  | purchase info |  |
400 / 50-3 | Nutrients for Cattle. Revised 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 50-4 | Creep Feeding Calves. Revised 1998. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 10 | Beef Cow-calf Manual. $30.00. |  | purchase info |  |
420 / 10-1 | Selecting a Custom Feedlot. Revised 2000. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 11-1 | Residual Feed Intake (Net Feed Efficiency) in Beef Cattle. 2006. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 16-1 | Using Animal Unit Month (AUM) Effectively. Revised 2017. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 22-1 | Calving. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 26-1 | Best Practices for RFID Ear Tag Application. Revised 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 26-2 | Overcoming RFID Ear Tag Readability Challenges. Revised 2013. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 40-1 | Body Condition: Implications for Managing Beef Cows. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 40-2 | Value-based Marketing of Cattle: More Than Just Carcass Quality. Revised 2002. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 40-3 | Beef Cow Body Condition Management. 2003. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 50-2 | Increasing Cow/Calf Profitability Using Chaff and Chaff/Straw Feedstuffs. Revised 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
420/51-1 | Effects of Nutrition on Beef Cow Reproduction. Revised 2009. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 /52-2 | Ration Options for Beef Cows. Revised 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 /52-3 | Winter Feeding Programs for Beef Cows and Calves. Revised 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 /52-4 | Beef Ration Rules of Thumb. 2004. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 52-5 | CowBytes. CD - ROM format. $50.00 |  | purchase info |  |  |
420 / 52-6 | CowBytes. USB format. $50.00 |  | purchase info |  |  |
420 / 54-1 | Feed Waste Management. Revised 2006. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 /55-1 | Cattle Feeding: Limiting Intake and Adding Corn Grain. 2003. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 56-2 | Swath Grazing in Western Canada: An Introduction. 2004. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 56-3 | Agronomic Management of Swath Grazed Pastures. 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 56-4 | Agronomic Management of Stockpiled Pastures. 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 57-1 | Managing Cattle Feed Contaminated with Mycotoxins. 2003. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 57-2 | Effect of Bale Processing on Particle Size and Potential Feeding Losses in Hay or Bale Silage. 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 60-1 | Bloat in Cattle. 2003. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 62-1 | Feeding Legumes to Cattle. 2003. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 63-1 | Utilizing Annual Cereals for Livestock Feed. Revised 2009. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 68-1 | Grass Seed Residues for Beef Cattle Feed. 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 580-1 | Managing Feedlot Shutdowns. 1999. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 580-2 | Cattle Wintering Sites: Managing for Good Stewardship. 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 580-3 | Wintering Site Assessment and Design Tool. 2013. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 651-1 | Warble Control in Alberta. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 721-1 | Bedding Without Straw. Revised 2009. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 723-1 | Corrals for Handling Beef Cattle. $12.00. |  | purchase info |  |  |
DVD 420 / 723-2 | Cattle Handling: Psychology of a Cow. DVD format. $20.00 |  | purchase info |  |
420 / 816-2 | Management Strategies for Cattle During Dry Conditions. Revised 2009. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 821-2 | Custom Grazing Profits...Profit Planning Tools in an Alberta Intensive Grazing Enterprise. 2002. |  |  | pdf |  |
420 / 843-1 | Feedlot Movement Requirements. 2010. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 843-2 | Traceability and Transporting Alberta Cattle. 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
420 / 845-1 | Direct Marketing Meats...Selling Freezer Beef. 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
096-6 | Manure Management Regulations for Cow/Calf Producers. Revised 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
651-6 | Black Fly Control. |  | html | pdf |  |