Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Maps

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 This document is part of the Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta.

Annual Total Precipitation
May 1 to August 31 total precipitation
September 1 to April 30 total precipitation
January daily mean temperature
July daily mean temperature
Extreme minimum temperature
Extreme maximum temperature
Annual total degree days above 5°C
Annual total corn heat units
Annual total degree days below 18°C
Frost-free period
Date of last spring frost (<0°C)
Date of first fall frost (<0°C)
Start of growing season (>5°C)
End of growing season (<5°C)
Length of growing season (>5°C)
Mean wind speed and prevailing direction (December, January and February)
Mean wind speed and prevailing direction (March, April and May)
Mean wind speed and prevailing direction (June, July and August)
Mean wind speed and prevailing direction (September, October and November)
Mean annual maximum daily precipitation
Annual total global solar radiation
Annual number of hot days (> 30°C)
Annual number of cold days (< -30°C)
Annual number of days with precipitation (> 0.2 mm)
Annual number of days with precipitation > 25 mm


Other Documents in the Series

  Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Introduction
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Climate Basics
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Weather in Alberta
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Climate of Alberta
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Understanding Weather and Climate Data
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Agricultural Climate Elements
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Soil Moisture Conditions in Alberta
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Soils and Ecoregions in Alberta
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Maps - Current Document
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Interpolation of Climate Station Data
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Bibliography
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Appendix
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Acknowledgements
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Ralph Wright.
This document is maintained by Laura Thygesen.
This information published to the web on September 9, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on February 9, 2015.