Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Bibliography

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 This document is part of the Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta.

Agrometeorological Centre of Excellence, no date. How Do These Maps Relate to Crop Growing Conditions? Agrometeorological Centre of Excellence [on line] (ref. [accessed December 2002].

Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, 1997. Agriculture in Alberta, Crop Production. Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development.

Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, in preparation. Beneficial Management Practices: Environmental Manual for Crop Producers in Alberta. Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development.

Alberta Cattle Feeders' Association and Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, 2002. Beneficial Management Practices: Environmental Manual for Feedlot Producers in Alberta. Alberta Cattle Feeders' Association, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development.

Ash, G.H.B., D.A. Blatta, B.A. Mitchell, B. Davies, C.F. Shaykewich, J.L. Wilson, and R.L. Raddatz, 1999. Agricultural Climate of Manitoba.

Ash, G.H.B., D.A. Blatta, B.A. Mitchell, C.F. Shaykewich, J.L. Wilson, and R.L. Raddatz, 1999. Agricultural Climate of Manitoba. Manitoba Agriculture, The University of Manitoba and Environment Canada.

Atmospheric Environment Service, 1982. Degree Days. Volume 4 in: Canadian Climate Normals, 1951-1980. Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada.

Barnhart, R.K. (ed.), 1995. The Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology. HarperCollins.

Bootsma, A., no date. Assistance in Establishing and Maintaining Farm Records C.I. Use of Weather Records in Farm Management Decisions. Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry.

Bootsma, A. and M. Ballard, 1999. A National Ecological Framework for Canada, Canadian EcoDistrict Climate Normals 1961-1990. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Bootsma, A. and D.M. Brown, 1995. Risk Analysis of Crop Heat Units Available for Corn and Other Warm-Season Crops in Ontario. Technical Bulletin 1995-1E, Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research, Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Bootsma, A., G. Tremblay and P. Filion, 1999. Risk Analyses of Heat Units Available for Corn and Soybean Production in Quebec. Technical Bulletin, ECORC Contribution No. 991396, Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre, Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Brown, P.L. and G.R. Carlson, 1990. Grain Yields Related to Stored Soil Water and Growing Season Rainfall. Montana State University Agricultural Experimental Station Special Report No. 35, Montana State University.

Campbell, C.A., R.P. Zentner and P.L. Johnson, 1988. Effect of Crop Rotation and Fertilization on the Quantitative Relationship between Spring Wheat Yield and Moisture Use in Southwestern Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 68, 1-16.

Cao, W. and D.N. Moss, 1989. Temperature Effect on Leaf Emergence and Phyllochron in Wheat and Barley. Crop Science, 29, 1018-1021.

Chinook Winds. Science 10 Weather. [on line accessed January 2003].

Dzikowski, P. and R. Heywood, 1989. Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta. Agdex 071-1, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development.

Dzikowski, P.A., G. Kirby, G. Read and W.G. Richards, 1984. The Climate for Agriculture in Atlantic Canada. Publication No. ACA 84-2500, Atlantic Advisory Committee on Agrometeorology.

Dzikowski, P.A., 1998. Freezing Date Probabilities. Agdex 075-2, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. [on line]$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex10 [accessed December 2002].

Environment Canada, 2003. Canadian Climate Normals for 1971 to 2000. Environment Canada. [on line] [accessed January 2003].

Francis, D. and H. Hengeveld, 1998. Extreme Weather and Climate Change. Environment Canada.

Fung, K., 1999. Atlas of Saskatchewan. University of Saskatchewan PrintWest.

Glossary of Meteorology. Second edition, electronic version. American Society of Meteorology. [on line] [accessed January 2003].

Goodison, B.E. and J.R. Metcalfe, 1981. An Experiment to Measure Fresh Snowfall Water Equivalent at Canadian Climate Stations. In: Proceedings of the 38th Eastern Snow Conference, Syracuse, NY, 4-5 June, 1981, pages 110-112.

Grace, B. and H. Hobbs, 1986. The Climate of the Lethbridge Agricultural Area: 1902-1985. LRS Mimeo Report #3, Lethbridge Research Station, Agriculture Canada.

Hornstein, R.A., 1977. Weather Facts and Fancies. Publication No. En 56-15 11977, Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada.

Longley, R.W., 1972. The Climate of the Prairie Provinces. Climatological Studies No. 13, Environment Canada.

Marshall, I.B. and P.H. Shut, 1999. A National Ecological Framework for Canada: Overview. Ecosystems Science Directorate, Environment Canada, and Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

Matheron, G., 1963. Principles of Geostatistics. Economic Geology, 58, 1246-1266.

McGinn, S.M., O.O. Akinremi and A.G. Barr, 1992. Description of the Gridded Climate Database (GRIPCD) for Years 1960-1989. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in-house report.

Metcalfe, J.R., S. Ishida and B.E. Goodison, 2002. A Corrected Precipitation Archive for the Northwest Territories. Unpublished document.

Miller, A., 1966. Meteorology. Merrill Physical Science Series. Charles E. Merrill Books Inc.

Phillips, D., 1990. The Climates of Canada. Cat. No. En56-1/1990E, Supply and Services Canada.

Pidwirny, M.J., 2002. Fundamentals of Physical Geography. Okanagan University College. [on line] (ref. [accessed January 2003].

Room, A. (ed.), 1999. The Cassell Dictionary of Word Histories. Cassell.

Shen, S.S.P., P. Dzikowski, G. Li, and D. Griffith, 2001. Interpolation of 1961-1997 Daily Temperature and Precipitation Data onto Alberta Polygons of EcoDistrict and Soil Landscapes of Canada. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 40, 2162-2177.

Thomas, P., 1984. Canola Growers Manual. Canola Council of Canada.

Timmermans, J. and F. Larney, 1998. An Introduction to Wind Erosion Control. Agdex 572-2, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. [on line]$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex3524[accessed August 2002].

Tudor, C., 1997. EPC Electronic Disaster Database and Its Characteristics. Project Report 97-1, Emergency Preparedness Canada.

University of Saskatchewan, 1984. Guide to Farm Practice in Saskatchewan. Division of Extension and Community Relations, University of Saskatchewan.


Other Documents in the Series

  Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Introduction
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Climate Basics
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Weather in Alberta
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Climate of Alberta
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Understanding Weather and Climate Data
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Agricultural Climate Elements
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Soil Moisture Conditions in Alberta
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Soils and Ecoregions in Alberta
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Maps
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Interpolation of Climate Station Data
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Bibliography - Current Document
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Appendix
Agroclimatic Atlas of Alberta: Acknowledgements
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Ralph Wright.
This document is maintained by Laura Thygesen.
This information published to the web on September 9, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 22, 2015.