Farm Management |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |  |
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811-8 | Define Your Goals: Personal and Family Considerations (Step One) –
Agriculture Business Alternatives. Revised 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
811-9 | Consider Your Options: An Inventory of Possibilities (Step Two) -
Agriculture Business Alternatives. Revised 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
811-10 | Identify Your Market: Right Buyer, Right Price (Step Three) -
Agriculture Business Alternatives. Revised 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
811-11 | Assess Your Resources: Examining Production Requirements (Step Four) -
Agriculture Business Alternatives. Revised 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
811-12 | Review Your Finances: Making the Money Work (Step Five) -
Agriculture Business Alternatives. Revised 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
811-13 | Analyze your Profitability: Managing your Growth (Step Six) -
Agriculture Business Alternatives. Revised 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
811-14 | Launch Your Business: Time for Action (Step Seven) -
Agriculture Business Alternatives. Revised 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
811-15 | Build Your Network: Reaching Out for Support and Advice (Step Eight) - Agriculture Business Alternatives. 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
812-5 | Leasing Cropland in Alberta. $12.00 |  | purchase info |  |
812-18 | Use of Trusts in Farm Estate Planning. Ag-Succession. 2003. |  | html | pdf |  |
812-21 | Community Supported Agriculture in Alberta. 2012. |  | html | pdf |  |
812-22 | Transition Planning Guide for Agribusiness. 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
814-1 | How to Select and Hire an Agronomist or Crop Advisor. Revised 2018. -UPDATE- |  | html | pdf |  |
816-1 | Negotiating Cow Lease Arrangements. $5.00. |  | purchase info |  |
420 / 816-2 | Management Strategies for Cattle During Dry Conditions. Revised 2009. |  | html | pdf |  |
1834-9 | Finding Common Ground...Negotiating Agreements. $8.00. |  | purchase info |  |
Production Economics |  |
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Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |  |
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821-1 | Economics of Milk Production in Alberta, 2017 (Dairy Cost Study). Issued 2018. |  | html | pdf |  |
821-59 | Economics of Production and Marketing of Greenhouse Crops in Alberta. Issued 2013. |  | html | pdf |  |
821-62 | Economics of Beekeeping in Alberta 2016. Issued 2017. |  |  | pdf |  |
821-69 | Sustainable Procurement in the Food Industry: An Introduction. 2017. |  | html | pdf |  |
127 / 821-1 | Cost and Returns Budget for Straight Seeded Certified Timothy. 2001. |  | html | pdf |  |
127 / 821-2 | Cost and Returns Budget for Creeping Red Fescue - Underseeded to Canola. 2001. |  | html | pdf |  |
127 / 821-3 | Cost and Returns Budget for Straight Seeded Creeping Red Fescue. 2001. |  | html | pdf |  |
127 / 821-4 | Cost and Returns Budget for Certified Timothy Seed Production Underseeded to Barley. 2001. |  | html | pdf |  |
127 / 821-5 | Cost and Returns Budget for Irrigated Perennial Ryegrass - Underseeded to Durum Wheat. 2001. |  | html | pdf |  |
171 / 821-5 | Economics of Sugar Beet Production in Alberta 2012. Issued 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
200 / 820-1 | An Introduction to the Fruit Wine Business in Alberta. Revised 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
230 / 821-1 | Strawberry Profits. Revised 2004. |  | html | pdf |  |
238 / 821-2 | Economics of Saskatoon Berry Production: A 10 Acre Enterprise. 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
268 / 821-1 | Commercial Microgreens: Business Concept and Financial Analysis. 2018. -NEW- |  | html | pdf |  |
275 / 821-1 | Tree Nursery Profits. Revised 2007. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 821-2 | Custom Grazing Profits...Intensive Grazing Enterprise. 2002. |  |  | pdf |  |
Business Development |  |
 |  |  |  |  |  |
Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |  |
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153 / 830-1 | Industrial Hemp Enterprise. Revised 2017. |  | html | pdf |  |
200 / 830-1 | Commercial Cottage Wine Industry: Fruit Wine. 2006. |  | html | pdf |  |
200 / 830-2 | Setting Up a Mixed Fruit and Vegetable Operation. Revised 2018. -UPDATE- |  | html | pdf |  |
230 / 830-1 | Commercial Strawberry/Raspberry Industry. Ag Ventures. 1998. |  | html | pdf |  |
250 / 830-1 | Fresh Vegetable Market Gardening Industry. Revised 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
250 / 830-2 | Commercial Greenhouse Vegetable Production. Revised 2018. -UPDATE- |  | html | pdf |  |
275 / 830-1 | Commercial Tree Nursery Industry. Ag Ventures. Revised 2006. |  | html | pdf |  |
300 / 830-1 | Private Woodlot Enterprises. Ag Ventures. 2003 |  | html | pdf |  |
485 / 830-1 | Fresh Water Aquaculture Industry. Revised 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
616 / 830-1 | Commercial Honey Industry. Revised 2001. |  | html | pdf |  |
830-2 | Developing a Business Advisory Board: Best Practices. 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
832-2 | Working With Your Lenders - Keep Them in the Loop. Revised 2009. |  | html | pdf |  |
832-3 | How Much Money Do I Need? Funding Your Agricultural Business: Step 1.
2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
832-4 | Where Can I Get Money? Funding Your Agricultural Business: Step 2.
2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
832-5 | How Do I Get Money? Funding Your Agricultural Business: Step 3.
2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
832-6 | Get the Loan You Need. 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
837-1 | Tax Management Strategies for Farmers - 2nd Edition. $10.00 |  | purchase info |  |
400 / 837-1 | Understanding the Federal Tax Deferral. Revised 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
Agdex No. | Title |  | Format |  |
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843-1 | Best Practices Guidebook Food Hub Grower Manual. 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
843-2 | Best Practices Guidebook Food Hub Vendor Manual. 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
844-1 | Farm Direct Marketing: Know the Regulations – General Legislation. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
844-2 | Farm Direct Marketing: Know the Regulations – Food Labels. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
844-3 | Farm Direct Marketing: Know the Regulations – Food Claims. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
844-4 | Farm Direct Marketing: Know the Regulations – Meat and Meat Products. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
844-5 | Farm Direct Marketing: Know the Regulations – Poultry and Poultry Products. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
844-6 | Farm Direct Marketing: Know the Regulations – Fruits, Vegetables and Products. 2014. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-1 | Essentials of Pricing. Revised 2017. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-2 | Methods to Price Your Products. Revised 2017. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-3 | Pricing Processed Food Products. Revised 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-4 | Pricing Horticulture Products. Revised 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-5 | Food Brokers. Ag Strategies. Revised 2003. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-6 | Farm Direct Marketing for Rural Producers. Revised 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
845-9 | Management Considerations in Agricultural Contracting. Ag Strategies. 2002. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-10 | Managing Risk for Farm Direct and Ag Tourism Ventures. Revised 2018. -UPDATE- |  | html | pdf |  |
845-11 | Business Basics for Alberta Food Processors. Revised 2012. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-12 | Organic Agriculture: Getting Started. Revised 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
845-13 | Direct Marketing Meats...Getting Started. 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-14 | Value Chains for New Markets. 2010. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-15 | Farmers' Market Decision Making Tool. 2012. |  |  | pdf | ebook |
845-16 | Organizing Local Food Events in Alberta. Revised 2017. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-17 | Selling Local Food Directly to Foodservice and Hospitality. 2012. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
CD 845-18 | Agri-food Value Chains - Global Links. 2006. |  |  |  |  |
845-19 | Value Chain Guidebook. 2004. |  |  | pdf |  |
845-20 | Selling Local Food Directly to Institutions and Schools. 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
845-21 | Starting an Alberta Approved Farmers' Market. 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
845-22 | Promoting Your Alberta Approved Farmers' Market. 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
845-23 | Evaluating Your Alberta Approved Farmers' Market. 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
845-24 | Pricing: Moving from Farmers' Market to Retail Sales. Revised 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-25 | Pricing Meat Products: An Introduction. 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-26 | Distribution Partners: Working with Regional Carriers. 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-27 | Distribution Logistics: Getting Your Products to Market. 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-28 | Distribution DIY: Building a Solid Foundation. 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-29 | Distribution Consolidation: Working Together Along the Value Chain. 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-30 | Commercial Kitchen Business Tool Kit: Opportunities for the Commercial Kitchen. 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-31 | Commercial Kitchen Business Tool Kit: Kitchen Logistics. 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-32 | Commercial Kitchen Business Tool Kit: Managing Risk. 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-33 | Commercial Kitchen Business Tool Kit: Identifying Your Target Audience. 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
845-34 | Commercial Kitchen Business Tool Kit: Marketing Your Commercial Kitchen. 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
846-1 | Developing a Promotional Plan. Revised 2008. |  | html | pdf |  |
846-2 | Social Media Marketing Guide. 2015. |  | html | pdf |  |
846-3 | Your Sell Sheet. 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
848-6 | Market Research. Revised 2016. |  | html | pdf |  |
DVD 089/845-1 | Safe Food Practices for Small Processors. DVD Format. $40.00 |  | purchase info |
089 / 845-2 | Farm Direct Marketing Eggs: What You Need to Know. 2012. |  | html | pdf |  |
400 / 845-1 | Direct Marketing Meats...Selling Meat at Alberta Approved Farmers' Markets. 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 843-1 | Feedlot Movement Requirements. 2010. |  | html | pdf |  |
420 / 843-2 | Traceability and Transporting Alberta Cattle. 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
420 / 845-1 | Direct Marketing Meats...Selling Freezer Beef. 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
430 / 843-1 | Traceability and Transporting Alberta Sheep. 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile version |
430 / 845-1 | Direct Marketing Meats...Selling Freezer Lambs. 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
430 / 845-2 | Direct Marketing Meats...Selling Lambs at Alberta Approved Farmers' Markets. 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
440 / 845-1 | Direct Marketing Meats...Selling Freezer Pork. 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
450 / 845-1 | Direct Marketing Meats...Selling Freezer Chicken. 2005. |  | html | pdf |  |
460 / 843-1 | Traceability and Transporting Alberta Horses. 2013. |  | html | pdf | mobile
version |