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Implementation of programs such as the Environmental Farm Plan and/or Federal-Provincial-Territorial agricultural policy frameworks (i.e., Growing Forward 2) helps producers identify environmental risks associated with their operations and encourages the adoption of beneficial management practices (BMP) to address those risks. Continued extension, education and publication of information (including BMP manuals) increases awareness and provides many resources for private landowners who may be interested in implementing BMPs. Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF) is committed, through Strategy 3.17 in the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan, to developing and facilitating the continued voluntary adoption of Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) that demonstrate the agriculture and agri-food sector’s commitment to environmental stewardship. AF provides support for the adoption of BMPs through extension work and the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Environmental Stewardship Grant Programs, tracking BMP adoption through the Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Tracking Survey. To learn more about AF’s work in support of this strategy, click here.