South Saskatchewan Regional Plan Strategy 3.15 Reporting: Conservation tools | |
| 3.15 Encourage and support the continued stewardship of Alberta’s private lands through the development and piloting of regionally appropriate conservation tools. These tools may include exploring market-based options, voluntary conservation easements and the provision of other government and/or private sector incentives that assist in achieving environmental outcomes. This will be done within the provincial approach for management of ecosystem services.
- Acknowledge the voluntary contributions of private land owners in enhancing ecosystem services. Assess opportunities for achieving greater regional biodiversity on private agricultural lands through the development of new and/or expanded voluntary partnership with private landowners;
- Consider pilot studies with the goal of assisting development of a voluntary, privately operated market-based system for ecosystem services valuation and payment;
- Encourage local authorities or qualified organizations to explore the applicability and use of voluntary stewardship and conservation tools on private lands including conservation easements, conservation offset programs and transfer of development credit schemes;
- Explore innovative funding mechanisms to support stewardship and conservation on private lands; and
- Promote private land voluntary conservation actions on native grasslands that support sustainable grazing activities, biodiversity, lands identified as environmentally sensitive areas and/or on wetlands for protection, restoration and development.
The success of Strategy 3.15 in the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan is measured by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry’s (AF) participation in pilot projects and initiatives related to the development of tools and provision of incentives in achieving environmental stewardship on private land. Under this strategy, AF is supporting continued stewardship of Alberta’s private lands by:
- providing support to Alternative Land Use Services to assist in the development of a conservation prioritization tool with decision support for ecosystem services; and
- completing Life Cycle Assessment for Environmental Sustainability to understand the environmental impacts of various agri-food industries.
To learn more about AF’s work in support of this strategy, click here. |
Other Documents in the Series |
Agriculture and Forestry Land-use Framework Reporting South Saskatchewan Regional Plan Strategy 1.1 Reporting: Fragmentation and conversion of agricultural land South Saskatchewan Regional Plan Strategy 1.2 Reporting: Irrigation Strategy South Saskatchewan Regional Plan Strategy 1.3 Reporting: Value-added agriculture South Saskatchewan Regional Plan Strategy 1.4 Reporting: Enhancing market opportunities South Saskatchewan Regional Plan Strategy 1.5 Reporting: Attracting next generation to agriculture South Saskatchewan Regional Plan Strategy 1.6 Reporting: Ecosystem services South Saskatchewan Regional Plan Strategy 1.9 and 1.10 Reporting: Renewable energy South Saskatchewan Regional Plan Strategy 3.15 Reporting: Conservation tools - Current Document South Saskatchewan Regional Plan Strategy 3.16 Reporting: Southeast Alberta Conservation Offset Pilot South Saskatchewan Regional Plan Strategy 3.17 Reporting: Environmental stewardship South Saskatchewan Regional Plan Strategy 4.10 Reporting: Water Storage Opportunities Study
For more information about the content of this document, contact Rowshon Begam.
This document is maintained by Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on October 28, 2016.
Last Reviewed/Revised on July 17, 2018.