|  | Tank 1 |  |
Fuel type |  |  |  |
Fuel dips
(Fuel depth in centimeters) |  | 97 | This value is determined by dipping your tanks with a measuring rod or tape. The measurement is taken in centimetres. |
Volume in litres
(Converted from chart) |  | 2,054 | This value is determined from the chart supplied by tank manufacturers. For this example, a depth of 97 centimetres converts to a volume of 2,054 litres. |
Opening inventories |  | 1,710 | Obtained from actual inventory figures on your last inventory sheet. |
Deliveries | + | 500 | Fuel delivered since last inventory sheet. |
Sub-total | = | 2,210 | Opening inventory plus deliveries. |
Usage | - | 162 | Fuel removed from the tanks since last inventory sheet. |
Expected inventory | = | 2,048 | The amount of fuel you expect to be in your tank (sub-total minus usage). |
Actual inventory (from dips) |  | 2,054 | Actual fuel in the tank as calculated able from fuel dip. |
Expected inventory | - | 2,048 | This figure is the expected inventory as calculated above. |
Today's variance* | = | +6 | The difference between actual inventory and expected inventory. |
Previous YTD variance* | + | -52 | Cumulative year-to-date variance from the last inventory sheet. |
YTD variance* | = | -46 | Current year to date variance.
(YTD – year to date) |