Application Forms
Fee Schedule
Factsheets and Newsletters
Webinars and Presentations
- EC Labs expands with the help of the Bio Processing Innovation Centre (November 2017)
- Just BioFiber: Super-green home built on Vancouver Island (October 2017)
- Bioeconomy Alberta Prezi (July 2015)
- Video created by BioAlberta linking biotechnology, chemistry + agriculture to create new value chains (July 2015)
- Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) - "Invest in Alberta 2015"
- TerraVerdae BioWorks introduces biodegradable microspheres for cosmetics and personal care products (June 2015)
- Lego Group investing $150M in R&D for sustainable materials (Sustainable Brands, June 2015)
- Liquid composting could help feed humanity in future (Manure Manager, May/June 2015)
- Liquid composting of poultry manure (Canadian Poultry Magazine, May 2015)
- CPK Farms and the Rumbling Stomach (Alberta Venture, April 2015)
- Teddy Bears introduce hemp fabrics for Healthcare (February 2015)
- With a zap, local biotech firm harvests new value from plants - Radient Technologies (Edmonton Journal, June 2014)
- Featured Member Article (Agriculture & Food Council of Alberta, Spring 2014)
- Leading the industry forward (Canadian Biomass Magazine, February 2014)
- Hemp firm eyes Alberta to diversify (The Western Producer, January 2014)
- Unique biocomposites plant in Drayton Valley turns wood waste into auto parts (Edmonton Journal, January 2014)
- College received $200K grant for commercial aquaponics (Lethbridge Herald, July 2013)
- Growing interest in hemp production (Global News, July 2013)
- Bio-chemicals set to surge for consumer products (Edmonton Journal, May 2013)
- Beyond Organics (Growing Technology, June 2011)
- Meet the Hemp Car (Alberta Venture, December 2010)
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Alberta Agriculture & Forestry
Bio-Industrial Opportunities Section
O.S. Longman Building
4th Floor, 6909 - 116 Street
Edmonton Alberta T6H 4P2
Phone: (780) 644-8118