Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - Appendix: Monitoring for Fuel Losses and Fuel Inventory Sheet

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Tank 1
Fuel type
Fuel dips
(Fuel depth in centimeters)
This value is determined by dipping your tanks with a measuring rod or tape. The measurement is taken in centimetres.
Volume in litres
(Converted from chart)
This value is determined from the chart supplied by tank manufacturers. For this example, a depth of 97 centimetres converts to a volume of 2,054 litres.
Opening inventories
Obtained from actual inventory figures on your last inventory sheet.
Fuel delivered since last inventory sheet.
Opening inventory plus deliveries.
Fuel removed from the tanks since last inventory sheet.
Expected inventory
The amount of fuel you expect to be in your tank (sub-total minus usage).
Actual inventory (from dips)
Actual fuel in the tank as calculated able from fuel dip.
Expected inventory
This figure is the expected inventory as calculated above.
Today's variance*
The difference between actual inventory and expected inventory.
Previous YTD variance*
Cumulative year-to-date variance from the last inventory sheet.
YTD variance*
Current year to date variance.
(YTD – year to date)
* A negative variance indicates a fuel shortage.

Figure 24: Sample fuel inventory control sheet

Source: Agdex 769-1. September 2008.

Other Documents in the Series

  Farm Fuel Storage and Handling
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - Why is Farm Fuel Storage and Handling Such an Important Issue?
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - What can You do?
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - What is the Legislation Regarding Farm Fuel Storage?
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - What are the Risks?
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - What are Other Common Issues With on Farm Fuel Storage?
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - What Types of Fuel Storage Systems are Available?
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - Planning Your Fuel Storage Site - What You Need to Know
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - What do You do With the Old Tanks?
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - Emergency Procedures
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - Are There Special Considerations for Storing and Handling Biofuels?
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - Appendix: Frequently asked questions
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - Appendix: Emergency Plan and Spill Kits
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - Appendix: Monitoring for Fuel Losses and Fuel Inventory Sheet - Current Document
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - Appendix: For More Information
Farm Fuel Storage and Handling - Appendix: Glossary and Acronyms
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Melissa Orr-Langner.
This document is maintained by Jennifer Rutter.
This information published to the web on September 26, 2008.