Alberta Food Consumer View | |
| Economics and Competitiveness
Welcome to the Alberta Food Consumer View. This is a place to explore insights about the Alberta consumer, their actions and their motivations behind food purchases.
Agrifood producers and processors, both new and existing, can use this information to:
- identify business opportunities
- capture value added product development prospects
- develop more effective marketing strategies
- reduce some of the risk associated with the product innovations and
- pro-actively respond to consumer needs

, Need to know more about the Alberta retail market?
This feature chart is only a sample of available information. Data can be explored in a
variety of ways by product categories.
Take a look at the value of the Alberta retail grocery sales from 2009 to 2014,
and a comparison of retail sales between Edmonton and Calgary from 2012-2013
through this link to the full dataset Alberta Retail Grocery Sales. |
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Feature Bite |
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The Competitiveness and Market Analysis Section conducts food and consumer studies.
Consumer Corner - highlights topical consumer and food market trend. Selected examples : Canadian Baby Boomers and Their Food Consumption Habits and Attitudes; Local Impact of a Global Crisis-Increasing Food Prices; Healthy Snacking-Opportunities for Alberta Food Processors.
Trends in Retail - highlights emerging and important developments in the retail sector in Alberta and Canada.
Consumer Research Studies
For more information about the content of this document, contact Jeewani Fernando.
This document is maintained by Erminia Guercio.
This information published to the web on April 13, 2012.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 11, 2019.