Economic Indicators | |
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Table 10 - Population of Canada and Provinces on July 1st, 1991-2008
Table 11 - Alberta Urban and Rural Populations, June, 1976-2006 | |
Table 12 - Alberta Employed Labour Force in Agri-Food Industries, 1991-2008 | |
Table 13 - Selected Economic Indicators, Canada and Alberta, 1976-2008 | |
Table 14 - Alberta Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for Agriculture Industries In Chained (2002) Dollars and Nominal Dollars, 1999-2008 | |
Table 15 - Capital Investment Expenditures in Alberta Agri-Food Industries, 1999-2008 | |
Table 16 - Farm Bankruptcies, Canada and Provinces, 1991-2008 | |
Table 17 - Alberta Average Farm Input Prices, 2007 and 2008 | |
Table 18 - Agricultural Real Estate Average Value by C.L.I., 1989-2008 | |
Table 19 - Average Alberta Agricultural Land Values by C.L.I., and Municipality, 2008 | |
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Figure 6 - Employment in Alberta Agriculture Industries, 1998-2008 | |
Figure 7 - Canada - US Exchange Rate (US$ per Canada$), 1988-2008 | |
Figure 8 - Alberta GDP for Agriculture Industries at Basic Prices in Chained (2002) Dollars - Annual Per Cent Change, 1999-2008 | |
Figure 9 - Alberta Capital Investment Expenditures in Agri-Food Industries - Annual Per Cent Change, 2000-2008 | |
Figure 10 - Canada and Alberta Farm Bankruptcies, 1999-2008 | |
Figure 11 - Alberta Average Agricultural Real Estate Values, 1989-2008 | |
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Other Documents in the Series |
Agriculture Statistics Yearbook 2008 Farm Income and Expenses Economic Indicators - Current Document Food and Beverage Industries Livestock Crops Census of Agriculture
For more information about the content of this document, contact Jean Marie Uwizeyimana.
This document is maintained by Rita Splawinski.
This information published to the web on October 27, 2009.
Last Reviewed/Revised on November 3, 2009.