Diseases of Vegetables - Celery | |
| Fusarium Yellows
Fusarium oxysporium (F. apii)
What to look for?
Celery does not grow well in most Alberta soils. Muck soils are most suitable for this semi-aquatic plant where large quantities should be grown.

Photo: Ormrod | Picture description
Wilted infected plants. |

Photo: Ormrod | Picture description
Fusarium susceptible celery on the left and resistant celery on the right. |
Management strategy
Fusarium is a seed-borne disease which is soil persistent. Many acres of muck soils in Canada are now infected with both race 1 and race 2 of this pest making celery production impractical.
Soft Rot
Erwinia carotovora
What to look for?
Under cold or cool conditions celery may be susceptible to common soft rot bacteria.

Photo: Ormrod | Picture description
Rotted stems. |
Management strategy
Cercospora Blight
What to look for?
Cercospora blight (Cercospora apii) or early blight of celery. This disease is seed- and soil-borne. Round chlorotic spots show up on the leaves early in the season and later turning gray. Infected plants are unmarketable.
Management strategy
Fungicides have been used for disease control.
Septoria Blight
What to look for?
Septoria blight (Septoria apii) or late blight. Small flecks appear on the lower leaves which turn brownish black and necrotic. The fungus is seed- and residue-borne.
Management strategy
Foliar fungicides are important in disease control.
Aster Yellows
Aster yellows is generally sporadic but occasionally high infection in excess of 30% may occur in some seasons.
Photographs and information assembled and prepared for ARD by Dr. Ieaun R. Evans Agri-Trend Agrology Ltd. |
Other Documents in the Series |
Diseases of Vegetables Diseases of Vegetables - Carrot Diseases of Vegetables - Celery - Current Document Diseases of Vegetables - Corn Diseases of Vegetables - Cucumber Diseases of Vegetables - Garlic Diseases of Vegetables - Lettuce Diseases of Vegetables - Muskmelon Diseases of Vegetables - Onion Diseases of Vegetables - Parsnip Diseases of Vegetables - Pea Diseases of Vegetables - Zucchini
For more information about the content of this document, contact Robert Spencer.
This information published to the web on November 26, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on March 25, 2009.