Bio-Industrial Opportunities: Agriculture Biomass to Value Added Renewable Chemicals / Fuels | |
Using renewable agriculture biomass and waste/sidestreams, this project will help grow and expand market access, diversify product offerings, increase core business capacity, and mitigate risk for the integrated high value renewable chemicals and fuels areas. Capitalizing on previous work, this project will enable and advance Alberta businesses/organizations that produce high value ingredients, products and platform technologies.
The "Agriculture Biomass to Value Added Renewable Chemicals / Fuels" extension project was funded by Growing Forward 2, a Federal-Provincial-Territorial Initiative.
For more information contact the project leads: Victor Cheng, Donna Fleury, and Kathy Lowther. | | 
Alberta Agriculture & Forestry
Bio-Industrial Opportunities Section
Agri-Food Discovery Place
Building F-83, 6020 – 118 Street
Edmonton Alberta T6G 2E1
Phone: (780) 644-8118
Email: biobranch@gov.ab.ca
For more information about the content of this document, contact Victor Cheng.
This information published to the web on July 29, 2015.
Last Reviewed/Revised on April 12, 2018.