| The purpose of this module is to provide Albertans with a list of agencies and people who can help them with their rural water needs and problems. This is a topical list and each number (1 to 11) represents a separate topic. To use the reference simply skim through the topics until you find the appropriate agency or person who can help you with your specific request.
To access provincial government numbers toll-free, call 310-0000.
1. Information on farm water systems, water treatment, water quality, on-farm water management and programs
website: www.agriculture.alberta.ca
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development
Agricultural Water Specialists 310-FARM (3276)
2. Information on provincial groundwater supplies or specific water well records
GroundWater/ Alberta Environment and Parks
website: aep.alberta.ca/water/programs-and-services/groundwater/default.aspxx
Alberta water well Information Database
website: aep.alberta.ca/water/reports-data/alberta-water-well-information-database/
Groundwater Information Centre
11th Floor, Oxbridge Place
9820 - 106 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2J6
Phone: (780) 427-2770
Fax: (780) 427-1214
Email: gwinfo@gov.ab.ca
Microfiche and computer files of well drillers’ reports, water analysis and groundwater related reports are available. Over 500,000 records are on file.
3. Information on water well management
website: aep.alberta.ca/water/education-guidelines/working-well/default.aspx
Working Well Program
The Working Well Program works to ensure safe and secure groundwater supplies for water well users in Alberta.
Contact: Rob Harris, Working Well Program Manager
Email: AEP.Info-Centre@gov.ab.ca
4. Licensing the diversion and use of groundwater in Alberta
Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
District Approvals Manager, Northern Region
Edmonton | Peace River |
111, 4999 - 98 Avenue
Twin Atria Building
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3
Telephone: (780) 427-7617
Fax: (780) 422-0528 | Bag 900-5
Provincial Building
Peace River, Alberta T8S 1T4
Telephone: (780) 624-6167
Fax: (780) 624-6335 |
District Approvals Manager, Central Region
Spruce Grove | Red Deer |
250 Diamond Avenue
Spruce Grover, Alberta T7X 4C7
Telephone: (780) 960-8600
Fax: (780) 960-8605 | 3rd Floor, 4920 - 51 Street
Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6K8
Telephone: (403) 340-7052
Fax: (403) 340-5022 |
District Approvals Manager, Southern Region
Calgary | Lethbridge |
2938 - 11 Street, NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E 7L7
Telephone: (403) 297-7602
Fax: (403) 297-2749 | 200 - 5 Ave, S Prov Building
Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 4L1
Telephone: (403) 381-5322
Fax: (403) 381-5337 |

5. Problems with well construction or licensed water well contractors
- Contact water well contractor first.
- Contact: Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development’s Environmental Hotline: 1-800-222-6514
6. Complaints about seismic activity, water wells affected by seismic activity, seismic trespass, and damage
- Call seismic company first (if unsure of company, contact Municipal Administrator).
- Problems on private land contact: Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Phone: (780) 427-3932
- Problems on public lands contact: Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Phone: (780) 427-6597
These departments have investigators that will look into the problem and mediate complaints.
7. Complaints about water wells affected by oil and gas well activities (including coal bed methane)
- Contact oil or gas drilling company first.
- Contact: Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development’s Environmental Hotline: 1-800-222-6514
- If not resolved, the “Water Well Restoration or Replacement Program” is available through the Farmers’ Advocate’s office.
Website: www.farmersadvocate.gov.ab.ca
Email: farmers.advocate@gov.ab.ca
Phone: 310-FARM
8. Groundwater contamination
Contact: Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development’s Environmental Hotline: 1-800-222-6514
9. Water Analysis
Water can be tested by a variety of laboratories, depending on the requirements.
- When water is used for human consumption and human health is a concern, a routine chemical analysis and bacteriological analysis can be done. Contact your local health unit. There may be a nominal fee required.
- When water testing is for mortgage approvals, livestock use and other non-health related purposes, you must use a private lab. Check your yellow pages under "Laboratories."
10. Private sewage systems requirements
11. Other Information Sources
- Alberta Water Well Drilling Association
Box 130
Lougheed, Alberta T0B 2V0
Phone: (780) 386-2335
Website: www.awwda.ca |