Hort Snacks - July 2018

  Hort Snacks - July 2018
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 If you weren’t sure summer was here, the arrival of summer storms, hot/dry spells, wet/dry periods, and other weather uncertainty are some of the many clues that you might observe. Another is the arrival of the July (2018) Hort Snacks. It is hard to believe that summer holidays (for the kids) and the full growing season is upon us.

It sounds like dry conditions in some areas (either current or past) are giving a bit of a reduction to some of the fruit crops, but reports are varied. Otherwise, the markets are filling up with the earlier crops and the first fruit crops are starting to be harvested. And moisture is hit and miss, depending on where you are. In my area, we’re dry, but other areas have done well with rain (maybe even going too far the other way).

In this edition, you’ll find lots of little things to get you thinking, whether it is articles about insanely expensive produce, to thoughts on reaching customers, to some archived material on severe weather injury, to a range of pests and diseases. Enjoy. And happy growing!

Rob Spencer, Commercial Horticulture Specialist

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Robert Spencer.
This information published to the web on June 26, 2018.