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Resolution #1
Definition "farming operations"
Be it resolved - That Alberta Agricultural Service Boards urge the Provincial Government to re-draft the proposed "Farming Operations" definition such that it promotes rather than discourages value-added processing and simplifies the interpretation of the definition.
Responses - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. The MLA Farm Property Assessment Review Committee was struck in 1997 because municipal governments and the agricultural industry saw the inequities in property assessment. First, intensive operations like hog, poultry, dairy and beef production were not paying their share compared to grain and forage farms and secondly, commercial, value-added activity such as processing, packaging and retailing were taxed in urban municipalities but exempt in rural locations.
The proposed new definition of farming operations, combined with a "footprint" approach to assessing production value of intensive farming operations will address these inequities. Further consultations with industry will no doubt result in further fine-tuning as these new principals are developed for implementation in 2003 and 2004.
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development continues to promote the value-adding business of processing, packaging and retailing but it is recognized that property assessment must be equitable across rural and urban boundaries.
Alberta Human Resources and Employment. Our Employment Standards Code contains an exemption from most employment standards for employees described as follows:
2(4) | The Divisions and regulations specified in subsection (3) do not apply to employees employed on a farm or ranch whose employment is directly related to |
a. the primary production of eggs, milk, grain, seeds, fruit, vegetables, honey, livestock, game-production animals within the meaning of the Livestock Industry Diversification Act, poultry or bees, or
b. any other primary agricultural operation specified in the regulations, or to their employer while acting in the capacity as employer
The Employment Standards Regulation, through a recent amendment, adds the following employees who are subject to the same exemptions:
1.1 | An operation that produces cultured fish within the meaning of the Fisheries (Alberta) Act is specified as a primary agricultural operation for the purpose of section 2(3)(i) of the Act - now section 2(4)(b). AR 114/2000 s2 |
Not all operations that might be considered as part of "farming operations" are included in this description of employees. For instance, those who are exclusively engaged in the growing of ornamental flowers or shrubs are not included. This description of employees and their exemption from employment standards, such as the minimum wage, vacation and general holiday pay, has been in place for over twenty years.
At this time, there are no plans or initiatives underway to modify these provisions. However, we have identified this as an area for consideration the next time the Employment Standards Code is reviewed.
Alberta Municipal Affairs. The MLA Farm Property Assessment Review Committee has spend the last four years considering the definition of farming operations. The committee issued a discussion paper in 1998, conducted public consultation meetings in eleven Alberta centers, issued a report on the consultation in 1999, and, on two occasions, the proposed definition has been the subject of a regulatory review. The committee's final report on March 2002 reflects the input of this extensive consultation process.
The committee has adhered strongly to the principle that the raising or producing of primary agricultural commodities should receive some tax relief due to its inherent inability to show a market return on investment. However, the committee believes that the grading, packaging, and processing of agricultural commodities are activities that do not require a tax concession. These should be subject to the same assessment and taxation levels whether they are a stand-alone business, or operate as part of a primary production farm unit.
The committee has recommended that an extremely narrow window of seed establishments should remain within the definition of a farming operation. These operations will be subject to the proposed footprint approach to capture the increased value of the seed that is grown and marketed from the farm.
This proposed definition would ensure that businesses conducting the same or similar activities would be subject to the same property provisions. The scale of an operation, and the degree of investment in the property, would form the basis of a market value assessment on this type of activity. The component of a farm operation that produces the primary product would continue to be assessed at its productive value.
Resolution #2
A.F.S.C. crop insurance program
Be it resolved - The crop insurance program policy be amended to allow producers to fence off test strips for AFSC to adjust after the crop has matured to ensure a fair adjustment of the actual crop produced, and to allow use of annual crops for livestock feed without potential coverage loss to the contract holder.
Response - Agriculture Financial Services Corporation. Crop insurance is designed to provide coverage for production losses due to specified perils. As in any insurance policy, there is a specified time when coverage ends. Under Alberta's Crop Insurance Contract, coverage ends the earlier of:
- the time the insurable crop is harvested;
- the time the insurable crop or any part of it is put to another use;
- the 30th day of November
When coverage ends, a loss adjuster must assess the amount of production to determine if any insurable loss has occurred. If the insured crop is harvested in the fall, this is achieved by assessing the stored crop. However, if the farmer wants to harvest his total acres of a particular crop earlier in the season (by using it to feed cattle, plowing it down, or spraying for weeds), an adjuster visits the farm prior to the crop being harvested to assess the production in the field. This is important from an insurance perspective because the assessed value compared to the farmer's coverage under the crop insurance program forms the basis of compensation.
Allowing farmers to use their crop for feed while leaving test strips for assessment after the crop has matured would not provide a true representation of the yield of the crop at the time it was put to another use. In effect, the farmer would have the benefit of the feed value of the crop plus, if the crop deteriorated through the remainder of the growing season, a higher crop insurance payment. This would ultimately lead to higher premiums.
The current policy is for an adjuster to visit the farm within five days of being advised of the farmer's intention to put a crop to another use. Starting in 2002, if a farmer provides this notice and an adjuster is unable to conduct the assessment before the farmer wants to cut the crop, the farmer will be instructed to leave test strips to ensure the feed value of the crop does not erode while waiting for the adjuster. Within five days or as soon as reasonably possible, an adjuster will attend the farm and will use the test strips to determine the yield of the crop. Again, this assessed value will be used to determine compensation under crop insurance.
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) is confident that this approach will effectively balance the needs of farmers with the need to maintain integrity within the crop insurance program.
Resolution #3
Farm water program deadline extension
Be it resolved - That Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development extend the deadline of the Alberta Farm Water Program for at least one year so that it may be fully utilized by drought stricken producers.
Responses - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. On March 27, 2002 the Honourable Shirley McClellan announced the extension of the Alberta Farm Water Program (AFWP). The extended program deadlines are November 30, 2002 for project completion and January 31, 2003 for application submission. The program covers 1/3 of the farmer's costs to a maximum of $5,000.00 to develop projects such as wells, dams and remote watering systems. AFWP has been very popular with Alberta farmers and has helped to secure long term water supplies in many drought stricken areas of the province.
Resolution #4
Farm drought assistance
Be it resolved - That the Federal Government implement changes to current programs to develop long-term solutions which address continuing drought conditions and more closely reflect current agriculture economic conditions.
Responses -
Resolution #5
Richardson ground squirrel control
Be it resolved - That the AAMD&C and Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development urge the Government of Canada to support the continued use of the 2% Strychnine product for the control of the Richardson Ground Squirrel and request that:
1. the program and handling procedures be approved by March 1, 2002;
2. rural municipalities be the only authority to distribute the 2% Strychnine products
Responses - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development applied for and received an emergency registration for 2% liquid strychnine concentrate (LSC) for the 2002 season. LSC will be available only through the local municipality and the Agricultural Fieldmen will be responsible for the mixing and distribution of the bait.
The long-term availability of 2% LSC will only occur through a full registration granted by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency. This will require that the manufacturer apply for this registration and provide all necessary documentation.
Pest Management Regulatory Agency (Health Canada). The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has been working with officials from the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan to find a solution to this serious pest problem. They have also been listening closely to producer concerns. As you are aware, Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food requested and received an emergency registration of 2% liquid strychnine concentrate for last season under a controlled access program administered by the province. This emergency registration recognized not only the seriousness of the gopher problem, but also the significance of the health and environment issues, which resulted in the withdrawal of the concentrate in 1992 in favor of a safer, ready-to-use strychnine bait product.
At a meeting in Edmonton in November 2001, PMRA officials discussed, with Alberta and Saskatchewan officials and other stakeholders in attendance, last season's pest management program, logistical problems that occurred, and potential solutions. Strychnine will be re- evaluated sometime over the next several years as part of PMRA's re-evaluation program, which assesses older pesticides against current standards to determine whether, and under what conditions, the continued registration of a pesticide would be acceptable. Therefore, discussion also took place on the availability of strychnine in the future, and the need for research into effective alternatives, including products currently registered in Canada for this use.
Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food and Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development have applied for, and received, an emergency registration of 2% liquid strychnine concentrate for the 2002 use season (until June 30, 2002). This will allow for the product to be made available to producers early in the year. Also, the bait can be mixed in larger quantities than was permitted last year. However, because the provinces realize that the future availability of strychnine is contingent upon the registrants of strychnine products providing support for this active ingredient during the re-evaluation process, they have agreed, as a condition of this year's emergency registration, to co-ordinate field research on the performance of other registered rodenticides for ground squirrel control, and to explore alternative management and control strategies.
I wish to assure you that he PMRA is committed to continuing to work with the provinces and producers in western Canada to find a solution to the problem of gopher control.
Resolution #6
Grasshopper control research
Be it resolved - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development apply additional human resources to conduct research on an integrated pest management strategy for control of grasshoppers.
Response - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AAFRD) has a significant presence in providing practical integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for agricultural pests in Alberta. In addition Alberta Agriculture has partnerships with an extensive network of research entomologists working for a number of organizations within the province including the Alberta Research Council, Agriculture Canada, and the University of Alberta.
AAFRD's commitment to research in support of agriculture goes even further as is evidenced by the considerable research funding provided through the Alberta Agriculture Research Institute. This funding is available to various research programs, including the grasshopper projects at the Agriculture Canada Research Centre in Lethbridge. Evaluation of biological controls for grasshoppers is a component of this research. Efforts to improve grasshopper IPM would be more effective if directed at encouraging existing grasshopper researchers to apply for more research funding for IPM projects rather than hiring new grasshopper researchers.
Resolution #7
Wild boars
Be it resolved - That the Minister of Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development request the Minister of Environment/Sustainable Resource Development to appoint Conservation Officers, Fish and Wildlife Division, as inspectors to be responsible for the capture and removal of these dangerous animals under the authority of the Stray Animals Act.
Responses - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. This issue is under review and meetings with the wild boar industry and other stakeholders are ongoing. This will look at a longer term approach to dealing with the problem and where responsibility should lie. In the short term, RCMP officers can give authority to brand inspectors or any one else to kill problem animals. The animal has to be captured for an inspector to be able to respond.
New legislation would be needed for enforcement of identification and better control, such as confinement and fencing requirements. An active and effective wild boar association would help.
Stray animals on crown land can be killed without further legislation.
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. Wild boards are domestic animals and therefore their management does not all within Sustainable Resource Development's mandate. The department supports the ongoing initiative led by Agriculture, Food and Rural Development to develop policy and regulations to address concerns with the wild board industry. The department does not have the resources to become involved in the capture and removal of wild boards and therefore does not support the notion of having conservation officers appointed under the Stray Animals Act.
Resolution #8
Diseased bison eradication
Be it resolved - The Governments of Canada and Alberta continue to aggressively work towards the eradication of tuberculosis and brucellosis, particularly in the diseased bison of Alberta.
Responses - Parks Canada. A task force, comprising federal departments and agencies concerned with this issue, is being established, as discussed at a meeting attended by Mr. Tom Lee (Chief Executive Officer of Parks Canada) in Edmonton, Alberta on March 15, 2002. This task force will co-ordinate federal efforts to address the matter and ensure the full participation of the Alberta and Northwest Territories governments, Aboriginal communities and other stakeholders. Discussions have begun with Alberta and Northwest Territories.
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. The Government of Alberta is keenly aware of the issue of tuberculosis (TB) and brucellosis in Alberta, North West Territories and Wood Buffalo National Park (WBNP) and has been striving for a resolution of this problem. The Board indicates an excellent awareness of the complexity of any resolution which will involve many jurisdictions and multiple industry and public interests.
Resolution #9
Seed cleaning plant licensing
Be it resolved - That Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development continue to allow it's staff members to be involved as members of the scoring team that licenses the Seed Cleaning Plants across the province.
Responses - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. The Industry Development Sector of AAFRD has refocused its efforts in regard to meeting the future needs of Alberta's agricultural sector. Because of this change in focus, the municipal plant inspections will now be composed of a two-member inspection team. The team will include a representative from the regional directors of the Alberta Municipal Seed Cleaning Plants and the local Agricultural Fieldman. Historically, it has been the local Agricultural Fieldman who have the regulatory responsibility to inspect plants (under the Alberta Weed Control Act). The removal of the crop specialist from the inspection team will not compromise the validity of the inspection. Of course, AAFRD will be available to provide training to ensure that all representatives have the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct the inspections.
Resolution #10
Infrastructure assistance
Be it resolved - The Government of Alberta expand infrastructure support programs for municipalities being forced to expand their livestock industries.
Responses - Alberta Infrastructure. Alberta Infrastructure does not have any existing programs to support the development of infrastructure for livestock operations. In addition, the current three-year business plan does not include any funding for such a program. The Ministry's mandate focuses on the provision of funding schools, post-secondary facilities, health facilities, senior lodges and government operations.
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. This issue does not fall within the department's mandate.
Alberta Economic Development. Alberta's value added agricultural exports have doubled during the period 1996 to 2001, totaling almost $2.9 billion in 2001. Beef and pork exports are a significant component on this increase. Livestock production is fundamental to increasing Alberta's export capacity for value added agricultural products. Furthermore, there is potential for Alberta to increase its market share in key international markets for meat and meat products. Resolution No. 10, proposed at the Agricultural Service Board Provincial Conference, will help foster the development of intensive livestock operations in sparsely populated areas or municipalities.
Over the past few years, Alberta Economic Development (AED) has provided support to Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AAFRD) initiatives to aid in the development of intensive livestock operations. Most recently, AED supported AAFRD in their development of the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) for the siting of new and expanding confined feeding operations (CFOs). AED is supportive of the development of Alberta's livestock production industry within the boundaries of sustainable growth. The new regulations from AAFRD and enforced by the Natural Resources Conservation Board are a significant advancement towards the development of CFOs under consistent rules while protecting environmental sustainability and minimizing issues around waste management.
While AED is supportive of the development of CFOs, AED is reliant on other Ministries like AAFRD, Alberta Transportation, and Alberta Infrastructure for their expertise and priority assessment of projects regarding agricultural industry development or infrastructure projects. AAFRD can best address the question of whether CFOs can be adequately developed in municipalities with existing infrastructure under the new framework of the AOPA. AED would be supportive of this resolution to assist in the development of infrastructure to support CFOs, assuming that other departments will also be participating.
Alberta Transportation. Resolution No. 10 called on the Alberta Government to expand infrastructure support programs for municipalities forced to expand their livestock industries. The background material indicates that the primary infrastructure concerns relate to natural gas, electric power, water and wastewater.
Alberta Transportation does not provide support for electrical power or natural gas distribution systems at this time.
The department does have a program to support municipal water and wastewater treatment facilities. This program is directed primarily at the smaller urbanized towns and villages; it does not support general regional water systems in rural areas. The program has a large backlog of project applications at this time.
Alberta Transportation administers the Infrastructure Canada-Alberta Program (ICAP) which is providing $90 million targeted at municipal water and wastewater projects. ICAP requires matching dollars from the federal, provincial and municipal governments; however, the deadline for applications is July 5, 2002.
Alberta Transportation has a number of Municipal Partnership Programs that support rural transportation infrastructure. These include the Rural Transportation Grants, the Streets Improvement Program and the Local Road Bridge Program.
At this time, the department has no plans to adjust the existing programs nor initiate new programs to support the expansion of the livestock industry in Alberta.
Resolution #11
Agricultural products recycling program
Be it resolved - That the Alberta Government encourages manufacturers and other interest groups to find resolutions for proper disposal or recycling of agricultural products used in production.
Responses - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Starting in 2001 the AESA Council asked Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development to focus on four priority management issues:
1. Nutrient Management
2. Integrated Cropping Management (includes responsible pesticide use)
3. Sustainable Grazing and Riparian management
4. Greenhouse Gas Awareness
This has decreased from the previous twelve management issues, which included Agricultural Waste management.
In 1999 the AESA program supported three projects for a total of $3,550. In 2000 the AESA program supported four projects in Agricultural Waste Management for a total of $1,763.00. Most of the support came from industry and municipalities to implement recycling programs and construct disposal sites. AESA's involvement was primarily on the awareness component.
The AESA Farm Based Survey has shown that producers are very aware (99%) of agricultural waste management practices:
- Recycle oil, rubber, plastics
- Disposal of oil, solvents etc. at proper disposal sites
- Recycle of pesticide containers at proper disposal sites
The survey also shows that producers are using proper agricultural waste management practices (92%+).
Alberta Environment. Alberta Environment is undertaking a number of initiatives to address the waste stream that includes silage bags, fertilizer and feed bags, and baler twine. Negotiations are currently underway with private sector companies to look at constructing a plant that can recycle bulk agricultural bags such as the silage bags. A collection system is also being planned that will establish collection points for he material.
With regard to baler twine, a number of attempts have been made to develop a collection and recycling system, unfortunately with little success. As a result, Merlin Plastics will be conducting a feasibility study for recycling this material.
We are hopeful that these initiatives will lead to a resolution of these problem areas. If you have any questions, please contact Dean Bell at (780) 422-2045. He is with our Action on Waste office and is the key contact for these initiatives
Resolution #12
Notice of appeal period
Be it resolved - The appeal period within the Weed Control Act be reviewed and shortened to five business days to accommodate weeds with shorter growth periods to provide more effective control of problem weeds.
Responses - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Section 28.7 of the Weed Control Act states than an appeal has to be heard by the local appeal committee "within 15 days from the day of receipt of the notice of appeal".
This period allows the time requested by the resolution. The five business days suggested in the resolution is already within the 15 days allocated in the Act. There is no need for any regulatory changes to accommodate this resolution.
Resolution #13
Veterinary medicine
Be it resolved - The Minister of Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development urge additional funding to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in order to not lose future accreditation and to provide sufficient veterinary graduates to meet Alberta's needs.
Responses - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. The Municipal District of Big Lakes is to be commended for providing bursary funding for veterinary students in return for a commitment by the student to return to the area upon graduation.
The need for rural veterinarians in Alberta has fluctuated over the years, but in the past five to ten years, the shortage of rural veterinarians appears to be increasing. There are many reasons for the current shortage, but lifestyle and remuneration appear to be important factors. As well, there is a critical shortage of veterinarians with advanced specialty training, such as pathology, microbiology and epidemiology. The shortage of veterinarians in rural areas or with specialized postgraduate training is not unique to Alberta or Canada. Australia and many European countries are also experiencing similar shortages of qualified veterinary expertise.
Last year, the Alberta Government contributed $1.5 million to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) to fund a Professorship in Beef Health and Herd Management. Agreement in principle has been reached between the four western provinces regarding a new Interprovincial Funding Agreement for the WCVM. The signing of a new agreement is pending budget approvals by the four provincial legislatures. Alberta Learning's contribution to WCVM will increase substantially using a new formula based on the direct costs of training Alberta students attending WCVM. For 2001-2002, Alberta has 86 students enrolled at WCVM, 30.3 percent of the undergraduate enrollment.
AAFRD staff continue to work with the Alberta Veterinary Medical Association and the administration at WCVM to investigate potential changes to the selection process for new students, as well as to the undergraduate and graduate curriculum in an effort to encourage more graduate veterinarians to enter rural practice or obtain advanced specialized training in veterinary medicine.
Alberta Learning. In the new agreement on the Western College of Veterinary Medicine involving Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Alberta Learning will be paying over $4,300,000 (about $54,000 per undergraduate student) to the college for the instructional services based on the number of Alberta students engaged in Doctor of Veterinary Medicine studies. This is a significant increase over the $2,000,000 that Alberta paid in 2001-2002 under the old agreement. In return, the college is expected to provide a broad array of instructional services including undergraduate studies, graduate studies, professional development opportunities for practicing veterinarians, and related research and clinical services with an emphasis within these services on food safety, disease surveillance, and epidemiology in the food animal industry. The provinces expect the agreement to be signed this spring to take effect in the 2002-2003 academic year.
As for upgrading the college, Alberta Learning does not have any plans to provide capital funding to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine to improve or add to the college's physical plant and infrastructure. The Western College of Veterinary Medicine has joined with its three sister veterinary colleges in seeking such investment from the federal government.
Resolution #14
AAFRD commitment to rural Alberta
Be it resolved - That the Provincial Government consult and work with rural municipalities and agricultural producers in an attempt to maintain the existing number of agricultural specialists and support staff throughout rural Alberta, keeping this industry viable, healthy and strong today and in the future.
Responses - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. The restructuring of Industry Development Sector of Alberta, Agriculture, Food and Rural Development is a result of industry wide consultations culminating in the Ag Summit in June of 2000. Many municipal government members were represented at that conference. We must respond to a changing and dynamic industry. We must also deal with the fiscal restraint by reducing administrative and management costs while keeping as many specialists as possible. Industry Development will inform rural municipalities about the upcoming changes and will consult and work with them as partners on ways of providing programs, information and services to rural Albertans.
Resolution #15
Weed control in southeast British Columbia
Be it resolved - The Honourable Shirley McClellan, Minister of Agriculture, contact the appropriate Government Ministers and/or officials in British Columbia to discuss establishing a weed control zone in Southeast British Columbia, from Fernie and Elkford to the Alberta border along all the transportation corridors in the area leading to the Crowsnest Pass.
Responses - Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. The role of the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries continues to be administration of the Weed Control Act and financial support to local governments who choose to adopt the weed control function. In that regard, the Regional District of East Kootenay does undertake this function and we have just confirmed a Grant-in-Aid towards their 2002 weed control program. The Act empowers local governments to enforce the Act and Regulations within their boundaries.
From the background documents, I see that the appropriate agencies responsible for financing and carrying out noxious weed control within British Columbia are also being contacted. Despite declining resources for government services in British Columbia, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries is encouraging the responsible ministries to address their weed control responsibility, with particular reference to the south-east sector and Crowsnest Pass.
We will also contact Canadian Pacific Rail to solicit co-operation in undertaking noxious weed control in co-ordination with all other land occupiers in the subject area.
Resolution #16
Pasture sage (artemisia frigida) control
Be it resolved - That Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development commit adequate research dollars for a program to develop an economically viable and effective control option for pasture sage (Artemisia frigida).
Responses - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Pasture sage can be a serious weed problem in pastures, especially under dry conditions and overgrazing. Proper grazing and pasture management can be very effective. Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Chinook Applied Research Association have conducted a number of research trials on this weed. The findings have been published and available in fact sheets and pasture management publications. 2 4-D ester, together with fertilization, has shown to be very effective.
Resolution #17
Permits to destroy coyotes using dogs
Be it resolved - That Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development consult with all parties involved and make the changes that are required to make this a workable piece of legislation for all Albertans.
And furthermore be it resolved - That these required changes include the following:
1. changing the word "predation" and/or harassment in Section (14) and subsection (16) (a) (b) (c) and form 9 of the "Pest and Nuisance Control Regulations".
2. allowing residents that live along Provincial borders to utilize dog handlers from other Provinces.
3. allowing the use of dogs on property adjacent to problem areas with written permission of that landowner
Responses - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. As requested, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development will conduct a review of the Pest and Nuisance Control Regulations related to permits for using dogs to destroy coyotes. Predation control will continue to be a requirement for permits as that is the purpose of the policies.
Other changes to improve the effectiveness of the regulation will be considered. For example, the ability to use dogs on adjacent property with that owner's written permission will be considered.
Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. The department does not object to the recommendations contained in the resolution. Amendments to the Wildlife Regulations would be required to enable non-residents to hunt coyotes in Alberta.
We are committed to working co-operatively with Agriculture, Food and Rural Development to resolve the issues identified in these resolutions.
Resolution #18
Malignant catarrhal fever in livestock
Be it resolved - The Governments of Canada and Alberta fund and promote research for the control and cure of Malignant Catarrhal Fever.
Responses - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF) is a disease of cattle that has existed in Canada for many years, and more recently has been identified in bison. Farmed cervids in New Zealand have also been severely affected. MCF is caused by Ovine Herpes Virus-2 (OHV-2). Sheep and goats can be infected by OHV-2, but are not affected by the virus. Most outbreaks of MCF in cattle and bison are associated with contact with sheep, but the method of spread is unknown. Stress, such as handling or severe weather, appears to be an important factor in outbreaks of MCF, especially in bison. Some studies indicate that up to 90 percent of adult sheep tested have antibodies for OHV-2. MCF has also been reported in cattle or bison which have not had direct contact with sheep, but rather have been separated from sheep by a considerable distance. Some researchers in the United States (US) claim that once infected, bison can infect other contact bison. However, the pattern in other outbreaks indicates that bison-to-bison spread has not occurred.
Research on MCF is being conducted in several institutions in the US and Scotland. To date, no one has been able to successfully cultivate OHV-2, and this difficulty precludes the development of an effective vaccine for use in susceptible ruminants. Research projects into MCF in Alberta would be eligible for funding through Alberta Agricultural Research Institute (AARI), subject to the AARI criteria of peer review for projects applying for funding. Research projects seeking funding from AARI will have more success if they are accompanied by a funding commitment from the private sector, including livestock commodity groups.
Resolution #19
Fusarium head blight (f. graminareum)
Be it resolved - That all grain imported into Alberta be tested and certified Fusarium graminareum free prior to entry; and that all seed grain growth in (or offered for sale in) Alberta be tested and certified Fusarium graminareum free.
Responses - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development is concerned about the spread of Fusarium Head Blight in Alberta. The Fusarium Action Committee, in which there is Agricultural Fieldmen representation, will be developing a zero tolerance policy for Fusarium graminareum. All seed and feed grain coming into the province will have to be tested and certified free of Fusarium graminareum before allowed for use in the province. The policy should be in force by the end of May, 2002.
Resolution #20
Confined feeding operations - minimum distance separations
Be it resolved - That the Alberta Government clarifies this provision so that any set backs required by the new legislation is restricted to the applicants lands only.
Responses - Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. The Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) requirements are specified in Schedule 1 of the Standards and Administration Regulation. The MDS is measured from the outside walls of neighboring residences (not property line) to the point closest to the applicant's livestock facility, manure storage facility, catch basin, feeding pen or barn, milking facility or compost area. According to the regulations, the MDS is based on the date the Natural Resources Conservation Board receives the application or provides a preliminary determination on an expansion or technology factor.
During the three years of open discussions on the legislation and standards for confined feeding operations there was discussion and debate about requiring producers to own or control all the land they would require for the MDS. However, since there was no consensus on the issue amongst all the stakeholders it was decided that the separation distance requirements and calculations should remain consistent with the previous Code of Practice For the Safe and Economic Handling of Animal Manures. The province is committed to monitoring the impact of the new legislation and standards and will make required amendments as required.
Resolution #21
Beaver flood control
Be it resolved - That the Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans relax requirements for municipalities to obtain "Authorization for works or undertakings affecting fish habitat", or develop an acceptable protocol for responding to cases of flooding, thereby enabling speedy and economical response to beaver caused flooding problems.
Responses - Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Fisheries and Oceans Canada reviews proposals that have a potential to impact fish or fish habitat. Specifically, the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat is prohibited unless authorized by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. In some cases, the removal of beaver dams can have an impact on fish and fish habitat, particularly if the dams are very large or have been in place for numerous years.
We do recognize the need for expeditious review of these types of projects. We have formed a committee in the Prairie provinces to explore tools, methods and protocols that could be developed to streamline the review process around beaver dam removal. This committee includes representatives from the provincial governments, including the Office of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development.
Through this committee, we are developing a fact sheet that will outline the measures needed to avoid harmful impact to fish habitat during removal of beaver dams. If the measures listed in the fact sheet are followed, no further review will be required. We are confident that this will streamline the review process for beaver dam removal.
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. We concur with your efforts to have Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans provide municipalities with a more effective way of administering beaver control programs.
This information is provided by:
Pam Retzloff, Program Assistant
Agricultural Service Board Program
Room 201, 7000 - 113 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
T6H 5T6
Phone: 780- 427-4213 Fax: 780-422-7755 |