| 1.1 Industry resources | 1.2 Water and soil resources | 1.3 Licensed wholesale propagators | 1.4 Equipment | 1.5 Bees | 1.6 Organics | 1.7 Food processing | 1.8 Food safety | 1.9 Marketing information | 1.10. Print and web resources | 1.11 Saskatoon berry bud/bloom staging/pests/pesticides | 1.12 Herbicides currently registered for fruit crops in western Canada | 1.13 Plastic Mulch for Berry Orchards
1.1 Industry Resources
1.1.1 Provincial Grower Association Contact Information
Alberta Farm Fresh Producers Association
Box 20, Site 3, RR1
Okotoks, AB T1S 1A1
Tel: (403) 964-3276
Website: www.albertafarmfresh.com
Saskatchewan Fruit Growers Association
Box 21038
Saskatoon, SK S7H 5N9
Tel: (306) 975-6881
Fax: (306) 975-6850
Email: saskfruit@agcouncil.ca
Website: www.saskfruit.com
Prairie Fruit Growers Association
Box 2430
Altona, MB R0G 0B0
Tel: (204) 324-5058
Fax: (204) 324-5058
Website: www.pfga.com
1.1.2 Provincial Government Contacts
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
Alberta Ag-Info Centre
Postal Bag 600
4705-49th Ave
Stettler, AB T0C 2L0
Tel: 310-FARM (3276) (Toll-free AB)
Tel: (403) 742-7901
Fax: (403) 742-7527
Alberta Agriculture General Contacts
E-mail: duke@gov.ab.ca
Website: www.agriculture.alberta.ca
Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture
Provincial Specialist, Fruit Crops
Crops Branch
Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture
Room 125, 3085 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4S 0B1
Tel: (306) 787-4666
Fax: (306) 787-0428
E-mail: forrest.scharf@gov.sk.ca
Saskatchewan Agriculture Knowledge Centre
45 Thatcher Drive East
Moose Jaw, SK, Canada S6J 1L8
Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday
Toll-free: 1-866-457-2377
Fax: (306) 694-3938
Toll-free fax: 1-800-775-5358
Out-of-province: (306) 694-3727
E-mail: aginfo@gov.sk.ca
Ask Saskatchewan Agriculture form page
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
Provincial Fruit Crops Specialist
Crops Knowledge Centre
Box 1149
Carman, MB R0G 0J0
Tel: (204) 745-5675
Fax: (204) 745-5690
E-mail: Anthony.Mintenko@gov.mb.ca
1.1.3 Federal Government Resources
Pest Management Regulatory Agency
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
1.1.4 Fruit Research Programs (Prairie)
Domestic Fruit Breeding Program
Dr. R. H. (Bob) Bors, Project Leader
Department of Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture
University of Saskatchewan
51 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A8
Tel: (306) 966-8583
Fax: (306) 966-5015
E-mail: bob.bors@usask.ca
Website: www.fruit.usask.ca/index.html
University of Manitoba – Plant Pathology Research
Dr. Fouad Daayf
Dept. of Plant Sciences
222, Agriculture Building
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2
Tel: (204) 474-6096
Fax: (204) 474-7528
E-mail: daayff@cc.umanitoba.ca
Website: www.umanitoba.ca/afs/plant_science/
Food Development Centre – Processing research
Alphonsus Utioh, Manager Product & Process Development
(See Food Development Centres)
Canada/Manitoba Crop Diversification Centre
Main Site:
P.O. Box 309
Carberry, MB R0K 0H0
Tel: (204) 834-6000
Fax: (204) 834-3777
Portage la Prairie Site – PFGA fruit research orchard
1.1.5 Irrigation
Agri-Environment Services Branch
Canada-Saskatchewan Irrigation Diversification Centre
901 McKenzie Street, South
P.O. Box 700
Outlook, SK S0L 2N0
Tel: (306) 867-5400
Fax: (306) 857-9656
E-mail: csidc@agr.gc.ca
Website: www4.agr.gc.ca/AAFC-AAC/display-afficher.do?id=1186153747182
1.2 Water and Soil Resources
1.2.1 Soil / Water Testing Laboratories
ALS Laboratory Group
9936-67th Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6E 0P5
Tel: (780) 413-5227
Toll-Free: 1-800-668-9878
Bay 2, 1313-44th Avenue NE
Calgary, AB T2E 6L5
Tel: (403) 291-9897
Toll-Free: 1-800-668-9878
9505-111 Street
Grand Prairie, AB T8V 5W1
Tel: (780) 539-5196
Toll-Free: 1-800-668-9878
Bay 1 - 235 MacDonald Crescent
Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4B5
Tel: (780) 791-1524
Toll-Free: 1-800-668-9878
819-58 Street East
Saskatoon, SK S7K 6X5
Tel: (306) 668-8370
Toll-Free: 1-800-668-9878
1329 Niakwa Road East, Unit 12
Winnipeg, MB R2J 3T4
Tel: (204) 255-9720
Toll-Free: 1-800-668-9878
7217 Roper Road
Edmonton, AB T6B 3J4
Toll-Free: 1-888-263-9268
E-mail: sales@exova.com
7407 Twp Rd 485
Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1S8
Toll-Free: 1-888-263-9268
E-mail: exova@exova.com
#5 - 2712-37 Avenue N.E.
Calgary, AB T1Y 5L3
Toll-Free: 1-888-263-9268
E-mail: sales@exova.com
144 Swanson Dr.,
Hinton, AB T7V 1H1
Toll-Free: 1-888-263-9268
E-mail: sales@exova.com
2916-7 Avenue North
Lethbridge, AB T1J 4H1
Toll-Free: 1-888-263-9268
E-mail: sales@exova.com
11301-96 Avenue
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 5M3
Toll-Free: 1-888-263-9268
E-mail: sales@exova.com
508-12 Avenue
Estevan, SK S4A 1E6
Toll-Free: 1-888-263-9268
E-mail: sales@exova.com
Agvise Laboratories
P.O. Box 510
Northwood, ND 58267
Tel: (701) 587-6010
Fax: (701) 587-6013
P.O. Box 187
Benson, MN 56215
Tel: (320) 843-4109
Fax: (320) 843-2074
A & L Canada Laboratories Inc.
2136 JetStream Rd.
London, ON N5V 3P5
Tel: (519) 457-2575
Fax: (519) 457-2664
E-mail: alcanadalabs@alcanada.com
Midwest Laboratories Canada
#8, 4001B - 19th Street N.E.
Calgary, AB T2E 6X8
1-877-245-TEST (8378)
Tel: (403) 250-3317
Fax: (403) 250-5249
E-mail: mwl@midwestlabscanada.
Western Ag Labs
#3-411 Downey Road
Saskatoon, SK S7N 4L8
Tel: (306) 978-0373
Fax: (306) 978-4140
1.2.2 Water Licensing Resources
Alberta Environment and Parks
Environmental Hotline Tel: 1-800-222-6514 (toll-free)
Water Security Agency (Head Office)
400-111 Fairford St. E.
Moose Jaw, SK S6H 7X9
Tel: (306) 694-3900
Fax: (306) 694-3105
E-mail: comm@wsask.ca
Irrigation Branch (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture)
Room 226, 3085 Albert Street
Regina, SK S4S 0B1
Tel: (306) 787-7474
Fax: (306) 787-9623
Manitoba Water Stewardship (Water Licensing Office)
Box 16 - 200 Saulteaux Crescent
Winnipeg, MB R3J 3W3
Tel: 1-800-214-6497 (toll-free)
Tel: (204) 945-3983 (Water Licensing Office)
E-mail: mws@gov.mb.ca
1.3 Licensed Wholesale Propagators
PrairieTech Propagation
5510-55 Ave
Bonnyville, AB T9N 2M9
Tel: 1-866-977-8733 or (780) 826-6654
Fax: (780) 826-4790
E-mail: ptpropagation@telus.net
Website: www.prairietechpropagation.com
The Saskatoon Farm
RR 1
DeWinton, AB T0L 0X0
Tel: 1-800-463-2113 or (403) 938-6243
E-mail: saskfarm@telusplanet.net
Website: www.saskatoonfarm.com
Glenlea Greenhouses
2717 HWY 75
c/o Box 2
Glenlea, MB R0G 0S0
Tel: (204) 882-2626
Fax: (204) 487-7554
E-mail: info@glenleagreenhouses.com
Internet: www.glenleagreenhouses.com
Jeffries Nursery
P.O. Box 402
Portage La Prairie, MB R1N 3B7
Tel: (204) 857-5288
Fax: (204) 877-2877
E-mail : jeffnurs@mts.net
Internet: www.jeffriesnurseries.com
T&T Seeds
Box 1710
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3P6
Tel: (204) 895-9962
Fax: (204) 895-9967
E-mail: garden@ttseeds.com
Website: www.ttseeds.com
Prairie Plant Systems Inc.
Box 19A, RR 5
1 Plant Technology Road
Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J8
Tel: (306) 975-1207
Fax: (306) 975-0440
E-mail: pps@prairieplant.com
Internet: www.prairieplant.com
Select Seedling Nursery
Box 1A RR#3
Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J6
Tel: (306) 978-1940; Toll Free: 1-800-806-7577
Fax: (306) 384-1747
E-mail: info@selectseedlingnursery.com
Website: www.selectseedlingnursery.com/
Zosel Tree Farm
Box 179
Pleasantdale, SK S0K 3H0
Tel: (306) 874-5729
British Columbia
AgriForest Bio-Technologies Ltd
4290 Wallace Hill Road
Kelowna, BC V1W 4B6
Tel: (250) 764-2224
Fax: (250) 764-2224
E-mail: info@agriforestbiotech.com
Website: www.agriforestbiotech.com
Végétolab Inc.
6502 Ave du Pont Nord
Alma, QC G8E 1X7
Tel: (418) 347 1737
Fax: (418) 347 1737
E-mail: vegetolab@vegetolab.com
Website: www.vegetolab.com/
1.4 Equipment
1.4.1 General Horticultural Suppliers (fertilizer, pesticides, mulch, etc.)
Direct Solutions a division of Agrium Advanced Technologies
Tel: 1-800-661-2991
Professional Gardener Co Ltd
915-23 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 1P1
Tel: (403) 263-4200
Early’s Farm and Garden Centre
2615 Lorne Ave
Saskatoon, SK S7J 0S5
Tel: 1-800-667-1159 (toll-free) or (306) 931-1982
Fax: (306) 931-7110
Website: www.earlysgarden.com/
1.4.2 Picking / Cooling Trays
Thunderbird Plastics
6969 Shirley Avenue
Burnaby, BC V5J 4R4
Tel: (604) 433-5624 or Toll-free: 1-888-77T-BIRD (888-778-2473)
Fax: (604) 433-6231
E-mail: info@thunderbirdplastics.com
Website: www.thunderbirdplastics.com/
Intercrate Containers Corp
Suite 105 - 657 Marine Drive
West Vancouver, BC V7T 1A4
Tel: (604) 922-4446
Website: www.intercratecontainer.com
Macro Plastics (Corporate)
2250 Huntington Drive
Fairfield, CA, USA 94533-9732
Tel: 1-800-845-6555 (Toll Free within the United States)
Tel: (707) 437-1200
Fax: (707) 437-1201
Website: www.macroplastics.com
1.4.3 Harvesters
BEI Incorporated
1375 Kalamazoo Street
South Haven, MI, USA 49009
Tel: (269) 637-8541; 1-800-364-7425
Fax: (269) 637-4233
E-mail: sales@beiintl.com
Proditel Marketing Corp
North American distributor for
- Joanna berry harvesters
- Victor berry harvesters
E-mail: info@proditel.com
Website: www.proditel.com/the_firm_002.htm
Littau Harvester
855 Rogue Avenue
Stayton, OR, USA 97383
Tel: (503) 769-5953; 1-866-262-2495
Fax: (503) 769-4562
6881 East 5th Place
Lynden, WA, USA 98264
Tel: (360) 398-9845
E-mail: info@littauharvester.com
Website: www.littauharvester.com/
Korvan Division (OXBO International Corp.)
270 Birch Bay Lynden Road
Lynden, WA, USA 98264
Tel: (360) 354-1500
Fax: (360) 354-1300
Website: www.oxbocorp.com
1.4.4 Other Equipment Suppliers
Northern Horticulture Equipment
Box 752
Calmar, AB, Canada T0C 0V0
Tel: (780) 987-3217
Fax: (780) 987-4364
Willsie Equipment Sales Inc.
R.R. # 1
9516 Northville Road
Thedford, ON N0M 2N0
Toll-free: 1-800-561-3025 (toll free Canada or USA)
1.5 Bees
Alberta Beekeepers Commission
#102, 11434-168 Street
Edmonton, AB T5M 3T9
Tel: (780) 489-6949
Fax: (780) 487-8640
E-mail: gertie.adair@AlbertaBeekeepers.org
Website: www.albertabeekeepers.org
Saskatchewan Beekeepers Association (SBA)
Box 55 RR3
Yorkton, SK S3N 2X5
Tel: (306) 783-7046
Fax: (306) 786-6001
Website: www.saskbeekeepers.com
Manitoba Beekeepers Association
Website: www.manitobabee.org
1.6 Organics
1.6.1 Provincial Associations
Alberta Organics
Unit #1, 10329 - 61 Ave
Edmonton, AB T6H 1K9
Toll-free: 1-855-521-2400
Tel: (587) 521-2400
Fax: (780) 989-2488
Website: www.organicalberta.org
Saskatchewan Organic Directorate
PO Box 32066
RPO Victoria Square
Regina, SK S4N 7L2
Tel: (306) 569–1418
Website: www.saskorganic.com
Manitoba Organic Alliance
P.O. Box 310
Plumas, MB R0J 1P0
Tel: (204) 386-2371
1.6.2 Organic Production
Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada
Dalhousie University
Faculty of Agriculture
P.O. Box 550
Truro, NS B2N 5E3
Tel: (902) 893-7256
Fax: (902) 896-7095
Website: www.organicagcentre.ca
1.7 Food Processing
1.7.1 Food Processing / Development Centres
Food Processing Development Centre
6309-45 Street
Leduc, AB T9E 7C5
Tel: (780) 986-4793
Fax: (780) 986-5138
Food Centre
117-105 North Road
Saskatoon, SK S7N 4L5
Tel: (306) 933-7555
Fax: (306) 933-7208
E-mail: info@foodcentre.sk.ca
Website: www.foodcentre.sk.ca
Food Development Centre
Box 1240
810 Philips Street
Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3J9
Tel: 1-800-870-1044 (Toll-free)
Tel: (204) 239-3150
Fax: (204) 239-3180
Website: www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/food-and-ag-processing/food-commercialization/food-development-centre
1.7.2 Food Processor Associations
Alberta Food Processors Association
Suite 100W 4760-72 Ave SE
Calgary, AB T2C 3Z2
Tel: (403) 201-3657
Fax: (403) 201-2513
E-mail: info@afpa.com
Website: www.afpa.com
Saskatchewan Food and Ingredient Processors Association
8B - 3110 8th Street East, #389
Saskatoon, SK S75 0W2
E-Mail: info@sfipa.ca
Website: www.sfpa.sk.ca
Food and Beverage Manitoba
Unit 12 - 59 Scurfield Blvd.
Winnipeg, MB T3Y 1V2
Tel: (204) 982-6372
E-mail: info@foodbeveragemb.ca
Website: www.foodbeveragemb.ca
1.8 Food Safety
Canadian Horticultural Council
On-farm Food Safety Guidelines for Fresh Fruit
and Vegetables
9 Corvus Court
Ottawa, ON K2E 7Z4
Tel: (613) 226-4187
Fax: (613) 226-2984
Website: www.hortcouncil.ca
Website: www.canadagap.ca
1.9 Marketing Information
1.9.1 Some Exporting Resources
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada
TCS Enquiries Service (BCI)
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa ON K1A 0G2
Tel: 1-888-306-9991
Fax: (613) 996-9709
E-mail: enqserv@international.gc.ca
Website: www.tradecommissioner.gc.ca/contact-us-contactez-nous.aspx?lang=eng
Agri-Food Trade Service
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Public Information Request Services
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Sir John Carling Building
930 Carling Ave
Ottawa, ON K1A 0C7
Tel: (613) 759-1000
Fax: (613) 759-7977
E-mail: info@agr.gc.ca
Website: www.ats.agr.gc.ca/info/europe-e.htm
Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership (STEP)
Regina Office
P.O. Box 1787
320-1801 Hamilton St.
Regina, SK S4P 3C6
Tel: (306) 787-9210
Fax: (306) 787-6666
E-mail: Go to Contact Us on website
Website: www.sasktrade.sk.ca
Saskatoon Office
500-402 21st Street E.
Saskatoon, SK S7K 0C3
Tel: (306) 933-6551
Fax: (306) 933-6556
E-mail: Go to Contact Us on website
Website: www.sasktrade.sk.ca
1.9.2 Foreign Labour
Hiring Agricultural Foreign Workers in Canada
1.10. Print and Web Resources
1.10.1 Saskatoon Berry Cost of Production Resources
1.10.2 Business Planning Resources
Business Planning
Developing a business plan
Alberta Agriculture's Biz Info resource
1.10.3 Other Production-related guides
Growing Saskatoons – A Manual for Orchardists (Out of print – available on-line)
Out-of-print comprehensive Saskatoon berry production manual – Dr. Richard St-Pierre
Manitoba Fruit-related Guides
Manitoba Fruit Crop Guide 2010 (updated periodically)
Manitoba Fruit Crop Protection Guide (updated biannually)
Manitoba Fruit Crop Insect Guide
MAFRD Crops Knowledge Centre
Box 1149
Carman, MB R0G 0J0
Tel: (204) 745-5660
1.11 Saskatoon Berry Bud/Bloom Staging/Pests/Pesticides
Every year, Saskatoon berry producers are faced with the challenge of preventing and managing pests in their orchards. These pests (whether disease or insect pest) occur naturally in wild stands and, at this point, are essentially present in most orchards on the Prairies. Many of these pests can be tough to recognize or locate in an orchard, as they lurk in hard to reach areas. Management can be challenging, as the most sensitive or most effectively controlled stages are only active for short times. Most controls are protective or preventative, rather than curative.
Most chemical controls are recommended to be applied at specific botanical stages of the Saskatoon berry, which coincide with specific points within pest life cycles or are timed to provide a window of protection for sensitive plant parts. These stages are somewhat generic, but can be used as a guide for effective chemical control application.
The following is a general outline of the different stages of leaf and flower bud development, from bud break through to fruiting, with associated pests and registered chemicals.
It should be noted that the rate of development through these stages can vary, depending on seasonal weather conditions and regional climatic influences, and as such, pictures and information should only be used as a general guide. While specific products may be applied at a number of different stages, pesticide labels should be carefully consulted for appropriate application rates and the number of applications allowed per season. Application costs should also be considered as well as whether the control product is actually required.
In the following table:
• PHI = pre-harvest interval
• REI = re-entry interval
Saskatoon Berry Bud/Bloom Staging/Pests/Pesticides - FAQ
Saskatoon Berry Bud/Bloom Staging/Pests/Pesticides |
. |
 | Pests
controlled | Chemicals registered | Other comments |
Dormant Bud Stage |
 |  | Saskatoon Bud Moth (egg stage), leaf rollers | Bartlett Superior 70 Oil (Dormant Oil)
• general cleanup spray | Apply before or after bud break
(this stage or silver tip stage)
• max 1x application/year |
& Berry Spot | Kumulus DF (80% sulphur)
Microthiol Disperss (80% sulphur) | Apply at bud break & at 10 - 14 day intervals
May be necessary if moderate to severe infection in previous year
• may be applied at bud break and
at 10 - 14 day intervals (1 day PHI)
• do not apply within 30 days of mineral oil application
• max 8x applications/year |
Bacterial Blight (Pseudomonas syringae) - suppression | Serenade MAX / ASO / OPTI (Biofungicide - Bacillus subtilis) | Apply before fall rains & again
during dormancy |
. |
Silver Tip Bud Stage |
 |  | Saskatoon Bud Moth (egg stage), leaf rollers | Bartlett Superior 70 Oil (Dormant Oil) | Spray before bud break (apply at dormant or silver tip stage)
• Check bud axils for eggs
• Max 1x application/year |
EntomosporiumLeaf & Berry Spot | Kumulus DF (80% sulphur)
Microthiol Disperss (80% sulphur) | May be necessary if moderate to severe infection in previous year
• May be applied at bud break and at
10 - 14 day intervals (1 day PHI)
• Do not apply within 30 days of mineral oil application
• Max 8x applications/year |
. |
Green Tip Bud Stage |
 |  | Saskatoon Bud Moth (SBM laying eggs; hatching larvae) | Decis 5.0EC (deltamethrin 50g/L) | 1st Decis application
• may be effective as late as
tight cluster stage
• 21 day PHI |
Tarnished Plant Bug (wintering TPB adults feeding on fruit buds) |
Other Plant Bugs |
Saskatoon Bud Moth | Matador 120EC / Warrior (lambda-cyhalothrin 120g/L / 122g/L) | 1st of 2 possible applications
• max 2 applications
• 21 day PHI
• 10 - 15 days between applications |
EntomosporiumLeaf & Berry Spot | Kumulus DF (80% sulphur)
Microthiol Disperss (80% sulphur) | May be necessary if moderate to severe infection in previous year
• may be applied at bud break and at 10 - 14 day intervals (1 day PHI)
• do not apply within 30 days of mineral oil application
• max 8x applications/year |
. |
Full Green Stage |
 |  | Saskatoon Bud Moth | Decis 5.0EC (deltamethrin 50g/L)
• Delayed timing for SBM control (see Green Tip Stage) | Green tip stage is the preferred stage for application
• 21 day PHI |
& Berry Spot | Kumulus DF
(80% sulphur)
Microthiol Disperss (80% sulphur) | May be necessary if moderate to severe infection in previous year
• may be applied at bud break
and at 10 - 14 day intervals
(1 day PHI)
• do not apply within 30 days of mineral oil application
• max 8x applications/year |
. |
Tight Cluster Stage |
 |  | Saskatoon Bud Moth | Decis 5.0EC (deltamethrin 50g/L)
• Delayed timing for SBM control (see Green Tip Stage) | Green tip stage is the preferred stage for application
• 21 day PHI |
& Berry Spot | Kumulus DF (80% sulphur)
Microthiol Disperss (80% sulphur) | May be necessary if moderate to severe infection in previous year
• May be applied at bud break and at10 - 14 day intervals (1 day PHI)
• Do not apply within 30 days of mineral oil application
• Max 8x applications/year |
. |
White Tip Stage |
 |  | EntomosporiumLeaf & Berry Spot | Kumulus DF
(80% sulphur)
Microthiol Disperss (80% sulphur) | May be necessary if moderate to severe infection in previous year
• may be applied at bud break and at 10 - 14 day intervals (1 day PHI)
• do not apply within 30 days of mineral oil application
• max 8x applications/year |
EntomosporiumLeaf & Berry Spot – suppression | Switch 62.5WG (cyprodinil 37.5% / fludioxinil 25.0%)
Cyproflu (cyprodinil 37.5% / fludioxinil 25.0%) | Apply during early bloom – can be
applied when petals start to show or earlier (if disease is present)
• max 3x applications/year |
EntomosporiumLeaf & Berry Spot
Saskatoon Berry / Juniper Rust
Coincidental control of Brown rot | Jade / Topas / Mission 418 EC (propiconizole 250, 250 or 418g/L) | Persistent cool, wet weather
• 1st of max 3 applications
• apply to point of runoff
• 38 day PHI |
Funginex DC (triforine 190g/L) | Spray to point of drip
• 60 day PHI |
Pristine WG (boscalid 25.2% / pyraclostrobin 12.8%) | Apply prior to disease development
• 7 - 14 day interval
• max 4x applications/year
(2 recommended)
• 29 day REI / 0 day PHI |
Oblique-banded leafroller; spanworm; winter moth | Success 480SC / Entrust 80W Naturalyte (spinosad 480g/L / 80%) | Apply at time of egg hatch or to
small larvae
• 7 - 10 day intervals
• max 3x applications/year
• 3 day PHI
• apply higher rate for larger larvae
• larvae may become more exposed as buds flush |
Balloon or Tube Stage |
 |  | Saskatoon Bud Moth
Tarnished Plant Bug
Other Plant Bugs
Saskatoon Sawfly
Hawthorn Weevil
Apple Curculio | Decis 5.0EC (deltamethrin 50g/L)
• Toxic to most pollinators | 2nd of 3 allowed applications
• apply to both sides of orchard rows
• apply prior to 25% bloom
• 21 day PHI |
Fireblight – suppression | Bloomtime Biological FD Biopesticide (Pantoea agglomerans)
Kasumin 2L (Kasugamycin 2.00%) | Make 1st of maximum 2
applications at 15 - 20% bloom
• 0 day PHI
Begin applications at bloom and continue every 3-7 days |
Entomosporium Leaf & Berry Spot | Kumulus DF
(80% sulphur)
Microthiol Disperss (80% sulphur) | May be necessary if moderate to severe infection in previous year
• may be applied at bud break and
at 10 - 14 day intervals (1 day PHI)
• do not apply within 30 days of mineral oil application
• max 8x applications/year |
EntomosporiumLeaf & Berry Spot – suppression | Switch 62.5WG (cyprodinil 37.5%/fludioxinil 25.0%)
Cyproflu (cyprodinil 37.5% / fludioxinil 25.0%) | Apply during early bloom – repeat after 7 - 10 days
• max 3x applications
• 10 day REI |
Entomosporium Leaf & Berry Spot
Saskatoon Berry/ Juniper Rust | Jade / Topas / Mission 418EC (propiconizole 250, 250 or 418g/L) | May be applied as a late 1st application if weather conditions are favourable for disease development |
Pristine WG (boscalid 25.2%/pyraclostrobin 12.8%) | Apply prior to disease development
• 7 - 14 day intervals
• max 4x applications/year
(2 recommended)
• 29 day REI/0 day PHI |
Powdery Mildew | Nova 40W (myclobutanil 40%) | Spray until drip
- 1st of max 3 applications /year
- 14 day PHI
Powdery Mildew
Botrytis Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea) | Luna Privilege (fluopyram 500g/L) / Luna Tranquility (fluopyram 125g/L / pyrimethanil 375g/L) | Begin applications preventatively
- 7-14d intervals
- 1 day PHI
Phytophthora Root Rot (suppression) | Phostrol (mono & dibasic sodium, potassium & ammonium phosphites 53.6%) | Begin applications as flower petals begin to emerge
Early Flowering Stage |
 |  | Saskatoon Bud Moth
Tarnished Plant Bug
Other Plant Bugs
Saskatoon Sawfly
Hawthorn Weevil
Apple Curculio | Decis 5.0EC (deltamethrin 50g/L)
• Toxic to most pollinators | 2nd of max 3 allowed applications
• Apply prior to 25% bloom
• Apply to both sides of orchard rows
• 21 day PHI |
 | Fireblight - suppression | Bloomtime Biological FD Biopesticide (Pantoea agglomerans)
Kasumin 2L (Kasugamycin 2.00%) | Make 1st of maximum 2
applications at 15 - 20% bloom
• 0 day PHI
Begin applications at bloom and continue every 3-7 days |
Full Flower Stage |
 |  | Insect pollination is considered beneficial for fruit set - pesticide application during flowering can significantly injure pollinators | No pesticides or fungicides should be applied during full bloom | • insecticides are toxic to pollinators
• some fungicides (e.g. sulphur) can have a repellent effect |
Petal Fall Stage |
 |  | Fireblight - suppression | Bloomtime Biological FD Biopesticide (Pantoea agglomerans)
Kasumin 2L (Kasugamycin 2.00%) | Make 1st of maximum 2
applications at 15 - 20% bloom
• 0 day PHI
Begin applications at bloom and continue every 3-7 days |
EntomosporiumLeaf & Berry Spot - suppression | Switch 62.5WG (cyprodinil 37.5% / fludioxinil 25.0%)
Cyproflu (cyprodinil 37.5% / fludioxinil 25.0%) | • apply 7 - 10 day intervals
• max 3x applications
• 10 day REI |
& Berry Spot | Kumulus DF
(80% sulphur)
Microthiol Disperss (80% sulphur) | May be necessary if moderate to severe infection in previous year
• may be applied at bud break and at 10 - 14 day intervals (1 day PHI)
• do not apply within 30 days of mineral oil application
• max 8x applications/year |
& Berry Spot
Saskatoon Berry / Juniper Rust
Some coincidental control of Brown rot may be expected | Jade / Topas / Mission 418EC
(propiconizole 250, 250 or 418g/L) | Persistent cool, wet weather
• 2nd of max 3 applications
• apply to point of runoff
• 38 day PHI |
Pristine WG (boscalid 25.2% / pyraclostrobin 12.8%) | Apply prior to disease development
• 7 - 14 day intervals
• max 4x applications/year
(2 recommended)
• 29 day REI / 0 day PHI |
Botrytis grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) | Serenada MAX / ASO / OPTI (Biofungicide - Bacillus subtilis)
Luna Privilege (fluopyram 500g/L) / Luna Tranquility (fluopyram 125g/L / pyrimethanil 375g/L) | Begin applications prior to first sign of disease
• 7-10 day intervals |
Early Green Fruit Stage |
 |  | Hawthorn Weevil
Apple Curculio
• adult weevils and ovipositing curculio | Decis 5.0EC (deltamethrin 50g/L) | 3rd of max 3 allowed applications
• apply 5 - 10 days after petal fall
• apply to both sides of orchard rows
• 21 day PHI |
Saskatoon Bud Moth | Matador 120EC / Warrior (lambda-cyhalothrin 120g/l / 122g/L) | 2nd possible application (after petal fall)
• max 2 applications
• 21 day PHI
• 10 - 15 days between applications |
Powdery Mildew | Nova 40W (myclobutanil 40%) | Spray until drip
• 2nd of max 3 applications/year
• 14 day PHI |
Powdery Mildew | Luna Privilege (fluopyram 500g/L) / Luna Tranquility (fluopyram 125g/L / pyrimethanil 375g/L) | Begin applications preventatively
- 7-14d intervals
- 1 day PHI
& Berry Spot | Kumulus DF
(80% sulphur)
Microthiol Disperss (80% sulphur) | May be necessary if moderate to severe infection in previous year
• may be applied at bud break and at 10 - 14 day intervals (1 day PHI)
• do not apply within 30 days of mineral oil application
• max 8x applications/year |
& Berry Spot
Saskatoon Berry/Juniper Rust
Some coincidental control of Brown rot may be expected | Jade/Topas/Mission 418EC (propiconizole 250, 250 or 418g/L) | Persistent cool, wet weather
• 3rd of max 3 applications
• apply to point of runoff
• 38 day PHI |
Pristine WG (boscalid 25.2% / pyraclostrobin 12.8%) | Apply prior to disease development
• 7 - 14 day intervals
• max 4x applications/year
(2 recommended)
• 29 day REI / 0 day PHI |
Botrytis grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) | Serenada MAX / ASO / OPTI (Biofungicide - Bacillus subtilis)
Luna Privilege (fluopyram 500g/L) / Luna Tranquility (fluopyram 125g/L / pyrimethanil 375g/L) | Begin applications prior to first sign of disease
• 7-10 day intervals |
Late Green Fruit Stage |
 |  | Powdery Mildew | Nova 40W (myclobutanil 40%) | Spray until drip
• 3rd of max 3 applications/year
• 14 day PHI |
EntomosporiumLeaf & Berry Spot | Kumulus DF (80% sulphur)
Microthiol Disperss (80% sulphur) | May be necessary if moderate to severe infection in previous year
• may be applied at bud break and at 10 - 14 day intervals (1 day PHI)
• do not apply within 30 days of mineral oil application
• max 8x applications/year |
EntomosporiumLeaf & Berry Spot
Saskatoon Berry/Juniper Rust
Coincidental control of Brown rot may be expected | Pristine WG (boscalid 25.2% / pyraclostrobin 12.8%) | • may be applied at this stage rather than early green fruit
stage - disease pressure related
• 29 day REI / 0 day PHI |
Botrytis grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) | Serenada MAX / ASO / OPTI (Biofungicide - Bacillus subtilis)
Luna Privilege (fluopyram 500g/L) / Luna Tranquility (fluopyram 125g/L / pyrimethanil 375g/L) | Begin applications prior to first sign of disease
• 7-10 day intervals |
Red Fruit Stage |
 |  | EntomosporiumLeaf & Berry Spot | Kumulus DF (80% sulphur)
Microthiol Disperss (80% sulphur) | May be necessary if moderate to severe infection in previous year
• may be applied at bud break and at 10 - 14 day intervals (1 day PHI)
• not recommended at late stages due to strong sulphur odours
• do not apply within 30 days of mineral oil application
• max 8x applications/year |
 | Botrytis grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) | Serenada MAX / ASO / OPTI (Biofungicide - Bacillus subtilis)
Luna Privilege (fluopyram 500g/L) / Luna Tranquility (fluopyram 125g/L / pyrimethanil 375g/L) | Begin applications prior to first sign of disease
• 7-10 day intervals |
Mature Fruit Stage (approx. mid July) * |
 |  | EntomosporiumLeaf & Berry Spot | Kumulus DF
(80% sulphur)
Microthiol Disperss (80% sulphur) | May be necessary if moderate to severe infection in previous year
• may be applied at bud break and at 10 - 14 day intervals (1 day PHI)
• not recommended at late stages due to strong sulphur odours
• do not apply within 30 days of mineral oil application
• max 8x applications/year |
Woolly Elm Aphid - suppression
Woolly Apple Aphid - suppression | Admire 240F (imidacloprid 240g/L)
(systemic insecticide)
Alias 240SC (imidacloprid 240g/L)
(systemic insecticide) | Apply as a soil drench when
75 - 100% of aphid migration is completed (typically early to
• 14 day PHI |
Botrytis grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) | Serenada MAX / ASO / OPTI (Biofungicide - Bacillus subtilis)
Luna Privilege (fluopyram 500g/L) / Luna Tranquility (fluopyram 125g/L / pyrimethanil 375g/L) | Begin applications prior to first sign of disease
• 7-10 day intervals |
* Depending on season and location |
Post-Harvest Stage (Late July – Early August) * |
 |  | Woolly Elm Aphid
Woolly Apple Aphid | Orthene 75% SP (acephate)
(systemic insecticide) | Inject with a probe 15cm (6 inch) from plant at 4 locations around each plant
• apply 1x per season (mid-July
to early August)
• 11 month PHI |
* Depending on season and location |
NOTE – Listed pesticides are registered for application at the various times indicated; however, producers should consider all relevant factors when making application decisions. Not all applications will be required each season. |
1.12 Herbicides currently registered for fruit crops in western Canada |
Active Ingredient | Trade Name* | Pre-Harvest Interval | Vegetation Control** |
Dichlobenil | Casoron G4 / G2 | Apply in fall but not before freeze-up.
Do not apply within
9 months of harvest.
Soil temperatures should be less than 10°C
Some moisture is necessary to incorporate and stabilize product in the soil | • Broadleaf & grasses: annual bluegrass, chickweed, crabgrass, foxtail, groundsel, knotweed, kochia, lamb’s quarters, mustard, plantain, purslane, pigweed, shepherd’s purse, smartweed, spurge, wild buckwheat
• Perennial weeds: artemesia, bindweed, blue aster, dandelion, horsetail, loosestrife, nutsedge, quackgrass, sheep sorrel, Canada thistle, sow thistle, vetch |
Glyphosate | Factor
Roundup Dry
Roundup Original
Roundup Transorb
Touchdown 480, 600, XP
Vantage Plus | Apply pre-planting or to non-crop areas | • Non-selective: refer to product label for a complete list of specific vegetation controlled |
Linuron | Linuron 480 / 400L
Lorox DF / L | Spring (Pre-budbreak - 50 day PHI) or Fall (dormant plants) for established orchards - 1 year | • Broadleaf: chickweed, corn spurry, goosefoot, groundsel, knotweed, lamb’s quarters, purslane, ragweed, redroot pigweed, shepherd’s purse, smartweed, stinkweed, wild buckwheat, wormseed mustard; seedlings of dandelion, plantain, sow thistle
• Grasses: suppression of barnyard grass and green foxtail |
*Trade names change from time to time. If the product is not available choose a registered product with the appropriate active ingredient for your weed problem. Consult product labels for complete application information.
** Consult product label for complete list of weed species that may be controlled by each product
Adapted and updated (2008) from (Peters, 2003). |
Metribuzin | Sencor 480F
Sencor 500F
Sencor 75DF Sprayule
Sencor Solupak 75DF
Tricor 75DF | For use in Saskatoon berry shelterbelts
Pre-plant incorporated and pre-emergent | • Broadleaf: chickweed, cocklebur, dandelion seedling, lady’s thumb, lamb’s quarters, prostrate and redroot pigweed, ragweed, Russian thistle, shepherd’s purse, stinkweed, wild buckwheat, wild mustard
• Suppresses: corn spurry, hemp nettle
• Grasses: barnyard grass, green and yellow foxtail, down brome grass (cheatgrass) |
Paraquat | Gramoxone | N/A | • Non-selective: Controls most annual and perennial weeds germinating from seed; controls suckers |
Sethoxydim | Poast Ultra | For use in Nurseries -
For use in bearing
orchards - 15 day PHI | • Annual grasses: barnyard grass, green and yellow foxtail, Persian darnel, volunteer cereals, wild millet, wild oats
• Suppresses / Controls (depending on rate): witchgrass, quack grass, foxtail barley |
Trifluralin | Bonanza 400 / 480L
Treflan EC | Pre-plant incorporated | • Broadleaf & grasses: annual brome species, barnyard grass, chickweed, cow cockle, green foxtail, knotweed, lamb’s quarters, Persian darnel, pigweed, purslane, wild buckwheat, wild oats, yellow foxtail |
*Trade names change from time to time. If the product is not available choose a registered product with the appropriate active ingredient for your weed problem. Consult product labels for complete application information.
** Consult product label for complete list of weed species that may be controlled by each product
Adapted and updated (2008) from (Peters, 2003). |
1.13 Plastic Mulch for Berry Orchards
Reprinted with permission from PFRA Shelterbelt Centre, Indian Head, SK.
