The Growth Potential of Triticale in Western Canada: References

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 General references | Food related references | Cropping systems references | Feed uses | Forage, silage and greenfeed references | Use for ethanol references

General References

Anon, 1989. Triticale: A promising addition to the world’s cereal grains. National Academy Press, Washington D.C.

Forsberg, R. A. (Ed.), 1985. Triticale. CSSA Pub. No. 9:1-82. Pub. CSSA, Wisc., USA

Larter, E.N. 1995. Pages 122-129 in A.E.Slinkard, and D.R. Knott (eds), Harvest of Gold: the history of field crop breeding in Canada, University Extension Press, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon

Lemerle, D., and K. Cooper.1996. Comparative weed suppression by triticale, cereal rye and wheat. In H. Guedes-Pinto et al (eds) Triticale: Today and tomorrow, p749-750. Pub Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands

McLelland, M. 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001. Varietal performance data. Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.

McLeod, J.G., Townley-Smith, R.M., DePauw, R.M., Lendrum, C.W.B., McCrystal, G.E., and Payne, J.F. 1990. Frank spring triticale. Cultivar description. Can. J. Plant Sci.70: 1155-1157

McLeod, J.G., Townley-Smith, R.M., DePauw, R.M., and Clarke, J.M. 1994. AC Copia spring triticale. Cultivar description. Can. J. Plant Sci.74:811-813

McLeod, J.G., Townley-Smith, R.M., DePauw, R.M., and Clarke, J.M. 1996a. AC Alta spring triticale. Cultivar description. Can. J. Plant Sci.76:139-141

McLeod, J.G., Pfeiffer, W.H.., DePauw, R.M., and Clarke, J.M. 1996b. AC Copia spring triticale. Cultivar description. Can. J. Plant Sci.76:333-335

McLeod, J.G., DePauw, R.M., and Clarke, J.M. 1998a. Report on the Western Spring Triticale Cooperative test, 1997. In Minutes, 9th Annual Meeting, Prairie Registration Recommending Committee for Grain, Saskatoon

McLeod, J.G., Gan, Y.T., Salmon, D.F., and Baron, V.S. 1998b. Triticale - Biomass potential and quality on the Canadian prairies. Pages 264-267 in Proc. 4th Int. Triticale Symp. Volume 2: Poster presentations. Int. Triticale Assoc., Red Deer and Lacombe, Canada

McLeod, J.G., DePauw, R.M., and Clarke, J.M. 1999 Report on the Western Spring Triticale Cooperative test, 1998. In Minutes, 10th Annual Meeting, Prairie Registration Recommending Committee for Grain, Saskatoon

Muntzing, A. 1979. Triticale – results and problems. P1-103. Pub. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin / Hamburg

National Research Council. 1989. Triticale: A promising addition to the world’s cereal grains. National Academy Press, Washington D.C.

Oettler, G. 1998. Creating genetic variability in triticale and its potential for breeding: 1. Agronomic traits. Proc. 4th Int. Triticale Symp., July 26-31,1998, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada Vol 1: 1-12

Pfeiffer, W.H., K.D. Sayre, and M. Mergoum. 1998. Heterosis in spring triticale hybrids. Proc. 4th Int. Triticale Symp., July 26-31,1998, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada Vol 1: 86-91

Scarth, R., Brule-Babel, A., and Larter, E. 1992. Banjo spring triticale. Cultivar description. Can. J. Plant Sci.72: 841-842

Skovmand, B.P., Fox, P.N., and Villareal, L.R. 1984. Triticale in commercial agriculture: progress and promise. Adv. Agron. 37:37-45

Simmonds, N. W. (Ed). 1976. Evolution of crop plants. p118. Pub.Longman

Statistics Canada (all years):

Varughese, G., Pfeiffer, W.H., and Pena, R.J. 1996. Triticale: a successful alternative crop. Cereal Foods World 41: (6): 474-482

Williams, J.T. (ed) 1995.Cereals and Pseudocereals. First edition, Chapman and Hall, London

Food Related References

Anderson, R.A., A.C. Stringfellow, and J.S. Wall. 1976. Compositional and functional properties of milled fractions of triticale. Ed. S.P. Young. Int Triticale Symp. Sep.18-19, 1973. ICASALS Pub. No. 76-1, Lubbock, Texas, 1976

Bakhshi, A. K., Bakhshi, R., Saxena, A. K., and Dhindsa, G. S. 1998. Suitability of amber colored triticales for Indian ethnic food items. Proc. 4th Int. Triticale Symp., July 26-31,1998, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada Vol 1: 92-101

Briggs, K.G. 1990. Triticale for human food – a panel discussion. Proc. 2nd Int. Triticale Symp., Passo Fundo, Brazil. p435-437

Bushuk, W. 1990. Milling and baking characteristics of triticale. Proc. 2nd Int. Triticale Symp., Passo Fundo, Brazil. p470-473

Cooper, K.V., and G.H. McIntosh. 2001. Triticale as a health-promoting grain for human consumption. Triticale topics 17: January 2001, p7 (Pub. Int Triticale Assoc., Armidale, NSW, Australia)

Dodge, B.S. 1989. Food and feed uses. Pages 42-52 in National Research Council: Triticale: A promising addition to the world’s cereal grains. National Academy Press, Washington D.C.

Hill, M.J. 1998. (Not read). Europe. J. Cancer prevention 6:512

Ingram, D. et al. 1997. (Not read). The Lancet, 350:992

Jacobs, d., Slavin, J., and Marquart, L. 1998. (Not read). Nutr. Cancer 30: 85

Khan, A.M., and Eggum, B.O. 1979. The nutritional quality of some Pakistani wheat varieties. J. Sci. Food and Agric. 30: 779-784

Lorenz, K. 1972. Food uses of triticale: Hybrid of wheat and rye can be used in breads, rolls and noodles. Food Technol. 26: 66-72

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Lukaszewski, A.J. 1998. Improvement of breadmaking quality of triticale through chromosome translocation. 4th Int. Triticale Symp., Red Deer, Canada, p102-110

Miller, H.E., F. Rigelhof, L. Marquart, A. Prakash, and M. Kanter. 2000. Whole grain products and anti-oxidants. Cereal Foods World 45: 59-63

Onwulata, C.I., Konstance, P.R..and E.D. Strange, 2000. High fiber snacks extruded from triticale and wheat. Abstract. Nov 5-9, 2000 Am. Assoc. Cereal Sci. Annual Mtg. Kansas City, Missouri.

Pena, R.J. 1996. Factors affecting triticale as a food crop. In H.Guedes-Pinto et al, (eds.) Triticale: Today and Tomorrow. p753-762, Kluwer Academic Pub., Netherlands

Pena, R. J., and Balance, G. M. 1987. Comparison of gluten quality in triticale: fractional reconstitution study. Cereal Chem.64: 128-132

Pena, R.J., M. Mergoum, and W.H. Pfeiffer. 1998. Glutenin subunit composition and breadmaking quality characteristics of recently developed triticale germplasm of CIMMYT. 4th Int. Triticale Symp., Red Deer, Canada, p117-123

Slavin, J., et al; 1999. (Not read). Am. J. Clin. Nutr.70:459

Slavin, J., Marquart, L., and Jacobs, D. 2000. (Not read). Cereal Foods World 45:54

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Thompson, L.U. et al. 1991. (Not read). Nutr. Cancer 16:43

Weipert, D., Fretzdorff, B., and Seiler, K. (1986 ? Title unavailable – copy from S. Spence, AAFRD, seen). Contribution #5391, Fed, Res. Centre for Cereal and Potato processing, Detmold, Fed. Rep. Germany. 6pp.

Wu, Y.V., A.C.Stringfellow, R.A. Anderson, K.R. Saxson, and J.S. Wall. 1978 J. Agric. Food Chem. 26:1039-1048

Cropping Systems References

Baron, V.S., Najda, H.G., Salmon, D.F., and Dick, A.C. 1993 Cropping systems for spring and winter cereals under simulated pasture: yield and yield distribution. Plant Sci. 73: 703-712

Baron, V.S. 1997. Optimizing grazing management for spring-planted spring/winter cereal pastures (Abstract) Alberta Agricultural Research Institute, Lacombe

Feed Uses

Hill, G.M. 1991. Triticale in animal nutrition. In Proc. 2nd Int. Triticale Symp. CIMMYT, Mexico

Hulse, J. H., and E. M. Laing. 1974. Nutritive value of triticale protein. P1-183. Pub. IDRC, Ottawa

Larter, E.D., 1976. Triticale research at the University of Manitoba, Canada. Proc. Int. Triticale. Symp., ed. S.P. Yang, Sept.18—19, 1973, Pub. ICASALS #76-1, Lubbock, Texas 1976. P25-33

Leterme, P., Tahon, F., and Thewis, A. 1990. Le triticale en alimentation animale. 1. Composition chimique. Revue de l’Agriculture 43:617-629

Michela, P., and Lorenz, K. 1976. The vitamins of triticale, wheat and rye. Cereal Chem. 53: 853-861

Swine feed:
Adeola, O., L.G. Young, E..G. McMillen, and E.T.Moran. Jr. 1986. Comparative protein and energy value of OAC Wintri triticale and corn for pigs. J. Anim. Sci.63:1854-1861

Balogun, O.O., L.G. Young, O.Adeola, and E.McMillen. 1988. Evaluation of protein and energy values of OAC Wintri triticale using cannulated pigs. J.Agric. Food Chem. 38: 1233-1235

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Edwards, T. 1998. Triticale: Good for pig rations. (A publication of the S.Australia R & D Inst., Adelaide, p1-3.(

Erickson, J.P., and F.C. Elliott. 1985. Triticale as a replacement for other grains in swine diets. In Triticale: CSSA Special Pub. No.9: 41-50

Gatel, F., Lavorel, O., Fekete, J., Grosjean, F., and J. Castaine.1985. Feeding value of triticale for monogastrics: weaned piglets, growing-finishing pigs and broilers. In: Genetics and breeding of Triticale. Eds. Bernard, M. and S. Bernard. p670

Haydon, K.D., and Hobbs. S.E. 1991. Nutrient digestibilities of soft winter wheat, improved triticale cultivars, and pearl millet for finishing pigs. J.Anim.Sci.69: 719-725

Jaikaran, S., Robertson, W.M., Salmon, D.F., Aherne, F.X., and Hichling, D. 1998. Comparison of live performance of market pigs fed triticale, maize or hulless barley based diets. Pages 185-195 In Proc. 4th Int. Triticale Symp. Vol.1: Oral presentations. Int. Triticale Assoc., Red Deer and Lacombe, Canada

Leterne, P., A.Thewis, and F. Tahon. 1990. Nutritive value of triticale in pigs as a function of the chemical composition. Proc. 2nd Int. Triticale Symp., Passo Fundo, Brazil. p442-444

Myer, R.O. 1998. Evaluation of triticale in nursery diets for early weaned pigs. p196-200 In Proc. 4th Int. Triticale Symp. Vol.1: Oral presentations. Int. Triticale Assoc., Red Deer and Lacombe, Canada

Myer, R.O., J.H.Brendemuehl, and R.D.Barnett. 1996a. Synthetic amino acid supplementation of triticale and wheat based diets for growing-finishing pigs. In H.Guedes-Pinto et al, (eds.) Triticale: Today and Tomorrow. p813-817, Kluwer Academic Pub., Netherlands

Myer, R.O., J.H. Brendemuehl, and R.D. Barnett. 1996b. Crystalline lysine and threonine supplementation of soft red winter wheat or triticale, low protein diets for growing-finishing swine. J.Anim.Sci.74: 577-583

Myer, R.O., Combs, G.E., and R.D. Barnett. 1990. Evaluation of three triticale cultivars as potential feed grains for swine. Proc. Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. of Florida. The Society. 1990.v49, p155-158 (Article not seen)

Myer, R.O., Combs, G.E., and R.D.Barnett. 1996. Evaluation of triticale cultivars adapted to the Southeastern USA as potential feed grains for swine. Proc. 2nd Int. Triticale Symp., Passo Fundo, Brazil. p554-557

National Research Council (NRC). Nutrient requirements of swine. 1998. 10th Ed., Washington. National Academy Press.

Ohio State University (anon). Tri-State Swine Nutrition Guide, Bulletin 869-98, Feed Ingredients, p1-7. (

Robertson, W.M., Jaikaran, S., L.E. Jeremiah., Salmon, D.F., Aherne, F.X., and S.J. Landry. 1998. Carcass composition and meat quality of pigs fed maize, hulless barley or triticale based diets. p201-207. In Proc. 4th Int. Triticale Symp. Vol.1: Oral presentations. Int. Triticale Assoc., Red Deer and Lacombe, Canada

Salmon, D.F., Aherne, F.X., and Hichling, D. 1998. Comparison of live performance of market pigs fed triticale, maize or hulless barley based diets. p185-195 In Proc. 4th Int. Triticale Symp. Vol.1: Oral presentations. Int. Triticale Assoc., Red Deer and Lacombe, Canada

Taverner, M.R. 1986. The digestibility by pigs of amino acids in triticale, wheat and rye. p507-510 in Proc. Int. Triticale Symp., Sydney. Occasional Publication No.24, Australian Inst. Agric. Sci., Sydney

Poultry feed:
Aw-Young, L.M., J.S.Sim, and D.B.Briagg. 1983. Mineral availability of corn, barley, wheat, and triticale for chick. Poultry Sci.62: 659-664

Belaid, A. 1993. Nutritive and economic value of triticale as a food grain for poultry. Triticale Topics 11: 10-16

Boldaji, F., Goeger, M.P., Nakaue, H.S., Arscott, G.H., and T.F. Savage. 1986 Apparent, true and nitrogen corrected metabolizable energy values of different varieties of triticale, wheat and barley in poultry. Nutr. Rep. Int. 33:499-503

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Ruminant feed:
Goonewardene, L.A., Zobell, D.R., and Basarab, J.A. 1994. Comparison of growth and efficiency of steers fed barley and triticale diets. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 74: 159-161

Hill, G.M. and P.R. Utley. 1985. Comparative nutritional value of Beagle 82 triticale for finishing steers. Nutr. Rep. Int. 34:831

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Forage, Silage and Greenfeed References

Anon, KSU, 1996. Triticale in Kansas.

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McCartney, D.H., and Vaage, A.S. 1994. Comparative yield and feeding value of barley, oat and triticale silages. Can. J. Anim.Sci.74: 91-96

Miller, G.L., L.W. Bunting, R.E. Joost, and T.L. Ward. 1996. Concentrations and ruminal degradabilities of amino acids from wheat and triticale forage and grain. Agron.J.88: 53-55

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Salmon, D.F., V.S. Baron, J.G. McLeod, and J.H. Helm. 1996. Triticale at high latitudes in Alberta, Canada. In H. Guedes-Pinto et al (eds) Triticale: Today and Tomorrow, p693-699. Pub Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.

Sun, Y.S., Y. Xie, Z.Y.Wang, L. Hai, and X.Z. Chen. 1996. Triticale as forage in China. In H. Guedes-Pinto et al (eds) Triticale: Today and Tomorrow, p879-886. Pub Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.

Zobell, D.R., Goonewardene, L.A., and Engstrom, D.F. 1992a. Use of triticale silage in diets for growing steers. Can. J. Anim. Sci.72: 181-184

Use for Ethanol References

McLeod, J. G., Y. T. Gan, and V. S. Baron. 1997. An assessment of the cereal resources of Western Canada for ethanol feedstock. Proc. 1997 Ethanol research and development workshop. Ed. M. A. Stumborg.Pub NRC/AAFC: 5-8

Sosulski, K. and L. Tarasoff. 1997. Evaluation of cereal grains as a feed stock for ethanol production.. Proc. 1997 Ethanol research and development workshop. Ed M. A. Stumborg. Pub. NRC/AAFC: 58-61


Other Documents in the Series

  The Growth Potential of Triticale in Western Canada - Introduction
The Growth Potential of Triticale in Western Canada: Report Summary
The Growth Potential of Triticale in Western Canada: Section A - Scope and Purpose
The Growth Potential of Triticale in Western Canada: Section B - Genetic Basis, Breeding and Varietal Performance of Triticale
The Growth Potential of Triticale in Western Canada: Section C - Experience-based, End-user, Evaluations of Triticale
The Growth Potential of Triticale in Western Canada: Section D - Other Issues for Triticale
The Growth Potential of Triticale in Western Canada: References - Current Document
The Growth Potential of Triticale in Western Canada: Appendix
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This information published to the web on June 4, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on August 23, 2017.