Productivity Improvement Resources, Websites and Videos | |
Productivity Improvement>>Resources
Case Studies
Contact Us | Why Lean Thinking? - for the Farm Operation 
Productivity Related Industry Associations
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 | Websites*
- Gemba Coach Column Lean Enterprise Institute – An extensive archive where questions are posted with responses from a lean expert.
- Lean accounting – an outline of what lean accounting is all about.
- Productivity Alberta - a connection to the latest in productivity improvement tools, resources and services. They are an industry-guided initiative, working collaboratively with organizations across the province. Productivity Alberta's vision is to make sure Alberta becomes known as one of the most productive and innovative regions in the world.
- Lean Enterprise Institute - advancing lean thinking throughout the world
- Inventory Speaks! - excellent article on inventory analysis; additional articles "Why Inventory Matters" and "Inventory Metrics", with examples – manufacturing and distribution
- "Ropin’ the Web" Events Page
Energy Benchmark Site to promote cost savings through energy efficiency, with three industries being benchmarked: livestock operation, greenhouses, and feed mill.
Find Productivity in Energy Efficiency – an interactive video from Productivity Alberta.
Lean Manufacturing*
- Introduction - Introduction to Lean Manufacturing (Gemba Academy, 9:35 minutes)
- Seven Wastes - Seven Wastes Found in Manufacturing (Xtreme Lean Consulting, 4:06 minutes)
- Gemba Walks - A Q&A with Jim Womack following his webinar “Sustaining Lean Gains by Taking a Gemba Walk (23:27 minutes)
- Dealing with the 7 Wastes - (Gemba Academy, 8:05 minutes)
- VM and 5S - Visual Management and 5S (Lean Deployment, 8:52 minutes)
- Clutter goes Lean - Cluttered Cubicles Go Lean with 5S (Wall Street Journal, 3:42 minutes)
- Lean Enterprise Research Centre – outlines lean’s applicability to various industries (5:59 minutes)
Visit the Gemba Academy podcasts page:
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*These links are provided for information purposes only and in no way represent recommendation or endorsement of any products or services offered by these third parties. |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Gerard Bos.
This document is maintained by Rita Splawinski.
This information published to the web on May 26, 2010.
Last Reviewed/Revised on June 7, 2018.