Small-Scale Biomass District Heating Handbook | |
| Purpose
The purpose of this handbook is to support a growing number of small communities across British Columbia and Alberta interested in making a business case for biomass district heating (DH). Small-scale biomass DH systems can be a centerpiece of an integrated strategy on clean energy, energy independence and a transition to a green economy. Primary benefits include:
- potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
- local economic development through attracting investment, clean energy job creation, infrastructure development and keeping energy dollars circulating locally, and
- increased energy security.
The scale of DH being considered in this handbook is approximately 150kW to 3MW of heat output.
This handbook is written primarily for local governments and First Nations elected officials and staff to support an active local government and band role in developing clean energy and a green economy. It is a companion piece to the “Small- Scale Biomass District Heating Guide,” which provides a high level overview of DH project elements according to developmental STAGES, from DH project conception through to utility development.

This handbook provides a more detailed focus on considerations associated with each project ELEMENT.
The Small-Scale Biomass District Heating Handbook is available as a downloadable 2,961K PDF. |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Toso Bozic.
This document is maintained by Brenda McLellan.
This information published to the web on April 29, 2014.
Last Reviewed/Revised on June 11, 2018.