Livestock Research: Dairy Research Group Publications

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Book chapters | Peer-reviewed articles | Conference papers | Meeting abstracts

Book Chapters Peer-Reviewed Articles
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Conference papers
  • Colazo MG and Mapletoft RJ. Programas de IA a tiempo fijo en ganado de carne y lechero en Canada. XII Simposio Internacional de Reproduccion Animal, Cordoba, Argentina, August 2017, pp 119-138.
  • Ambrose D, Colazo MG, Salehi R. (2016) Can feeding fats improve reproductive performance in dairy cows? WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology Volume 28: 177-193.
  • Colazo MG, Behrouzi A, López-Helguera I. (2015) Manejos nutricionales que afectan la fertilidad del ganado. I Simposio Internacional en Avances en Reproducción Bovina. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, July 2015.
  • López-Helguera I and Colazo MG. (2015) Problemas uterinos posparto: definición, prevalencia, impacto y tratamiento. I Simposio Internacional en Avances en Reproducción Bovina. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, July 2015.
  • Colazo MG, López-Helguera I, Behrouzi A. (2015) Como lograr altos índices de preñez en los hatos lecheros. I Simposio Internacional en Avances en Reproducción Bovina. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, July 2015.
2014 2009
  • M.G. Colazo and D.J. Ambrose (2009) Synchronization of estrus and ovulation in lactating dairy cows. Tratamientos de sincronización de celos y la ovulación para vacas en lactancia. VIII Simposio Internacional de Reproducción Animal, Córdoba, Argentina.
  • M.G. Colazo, R.J. Mapletoft, M.F. Martinez and J.P. Kastelic (2009) Current timed-AI protocols for beef heifers. Selección de los tratamientos hormonales disponibles en el Mercado para la sincronización de celos en vaquillonas de carne. VIII Simposio Internacional de Reproducción Animal, Córdoba, Argentina.
  • J.P. Kastelic, R.J. Mapletoft, M.G. Colazo and M.F. Martinez (2008) Ovarian follicular development and synchronization of estrus and ovulation in cattle. World Buiatrics Congress in Budapest, Hungary.
  • M.G. Colazo, R.J. Mapletoft, M.F. Martinez and J.P. Kastelic (2008) The use of hormonal treatments to synchronize estrus and ovulation in heifers. El uso de tratamientos hormonales para sincronizar el celo y la ovulación en vaquillas. Proceedings of II Xornada de Reproducción Bovina, Lalin, Spain; Pag. 37-45.
  • M.G. Colazo and R.J. Mapletoft (2008) State of art of the embryo transfer technology in cattle. Estado actual y aplicaciones de la transferencia de embriones en bovinos. Proceedings of II Xornada de Reproducción Bovina, Lalin, Spain; Pag. 46-56
Meeting abstracts
  • Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Ambrose DJ. Monitoring in-line milk progesterone profiles prior to first breeding to predict reproductive performance in Holstein cows. CSAS/ASAS joint meeting, Vancouver, July 2018.
  • Colazo MG, Macmillan K, Mapletoft R. Modifications of a 5-d GnRH-based timed-AI protocol to optimize fertility in Holstein heifers inseminated with sex-selected semen. IRRS, Brazil, September 2018.
  • Carrier A, Bastien A, Régnier MH, Gilbert I, Colazo MG, Robert C. Amélioration des caractères de santé et fertilité chez la vache laitière par une approche génomique alternative. Novalait Symposium, Quebec City, Canada, May 2018.
  • Gobikrushanth M, Colazo MG, Wang Z, Butler ST, and Ambrose DJ. Could circulating concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) be used as a fertility trait in dairy cows? WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:363.
  • Gobikrushanth M, Colazo MG, Wang Z, Butler ST, and Ambrose DJ. Could anti-Müllerian hormone be used as a novel Fertility trait in dairy cows?. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:362.
  • Gobikrushanth M, Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Butler ST, Miglior F, and Ambrose DJ. Ano-genital distance as a novel reproductive phenotype – an update. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:361.
  • Macmillan K, Cook NJ, Colazo MG. Is Rectal Temperature an Effective Tool to Decide When to Treat Early Lactation Dairy Cows? WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:358.
  • Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, Hipkin D, and Hoff. B. Is predicted transmitting ability for productive life associated to prevalence of early postpartum disorders in Alberta Holstein cows? WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:357.
  • Gobikrushanth M, Behrouzi A, Macmillan K, and Colazo MG. Relationships among postpartum body condition score change and productive and reproductive performance in Alberta dairy cows. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:356.
  • Gobikrushanth M, Macmillan K, Hipkin D, and Colazo MG. Associations among available fertility indexes and reproductive performance in Alberta dairy cows. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:355.
  • Macmillan K and Colazo MG. Evaluation of a novel estrus detection device (Flashmate™) in Holstein heifers. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:354.
  • Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, Ambrose DJ. Monitoring in-line milk progesterone profiles to benchmark ovarian dysfunction associated with reduced fertility in Holstein herds. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:352.
  • Behrouzi A, Ruiz-Sanchez A, Colazo MG, Ambrose DJ Expression of TGF-â superfamily genes in bovine embryos developed in vivo from oocytes exposed to endogenous (bovine) or exogenous (porcine) luteinizing hormone. ADSA Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, July 2017.
  • Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, Ambrose DJ Using in-line milk progesterone data to characterize luteal activity parameters associated with reduced fertility in dairy herds. ADSA Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, July 2017.
  • Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, Ambrose DJ. Milk Progesterone Profiles Before and After AI and Their Association with Pregnancy and Pregnancy Loss in Alberta Dairy Farms. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2017) Volume 29:162.
  • Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Ambrose DJ. Evaluation of reproductive performance in Alberta dairy herds using in-line milk progesterone analysis. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2017) Volume 29:362.
  • Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, López-Helguera I, Behrouzi A, Hoff B. Benchmarking Early Postpartum Disorders in Alberta Dairy Herds. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2017) Volume 29:363.
  • Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, López-Helguera I, Behrouzi A, Hoff B. Trace minerals in the dry period associated to postpartum metabolic and reproductive disorders in Dairy Cattle. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2017) Volume 29:364.
  • Fitzsimmons C, Devos J, Straathof C, Paradis F, Li C, Block H, Colazo M, Bruce H. Methylation of CpG within IGF2R DMR2 are associated with prenatal nutrition and genetic potential for residual feed intake from birth to slaughter in purebred Angus cattle. 36th International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG), Dublin, Ireland, August 2017.
  • Gobikrushanth M, Behrouzi A, López-Helguera I, Colazo MG. Association between Age at Calving and Overall Health, Reproductive Performance and Milk Yield in Holstein heifers. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2017) Volume 29:366.
  • Gobikrushanth M, Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Ambrose DJ. Relationship between ano-genital distance and fertility in Holstein cows. ADSA Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, July 2017.
  • Colazo MG, Whittaker P R, Bignell D J, Mapletoft R J. Evaluation of a modified GnRH-based timed artificial insemination protocol associated with estrus detection in cyclic beef heifers inseminated with sex-selected semen. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 2016; 29:112.
2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
  • M.G. Colazo, A. Hayirli, B.L. Dyck, L. Doepel and D.J. Ambrose (2010) Prepartum and postpartum dietary management to improve reproductive function in postpartum dairy cows. Proceedings of DRTC Dairy Day, University of Alberta.
  • M.G. Colazo and D.J. Ambrose (2010) Modifications of a Co-synch protocol to achieve acceptable pregnancy per AI in dairy heifers. Proceedings of DRTC Dairy Day, University of Alberta.
  • B.N. Ametaj, Q. Zebeli, S. Iqbal, M. Gänzle, Y. Wang, D.J. Ambrose,and S.M. Dunn (2010) Peripartal intravaginal probiotics lowered uterine infections and improved reproductive performance of Holstein dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 93 (Suppl 1): 851.
  • A. Dourey, P. Ponce Barajas, M.G. Colazo, T. Caldwell, Z. Wang, S.P. Miller and D.J. Ambrose (2010) Morphology assessment in spermatozoa of bulls selected for residual feed intake. Alberta Bovine Genomics Annual General Meeting, May 11-13, Calgary, AB.
  • P. Ponce Barajas, A. Dourey, M.G. Colazo, T. Caldwell, Z. Wang, S.P. Miller and D.J. Ambrose (2010) Assessment of plasma- and acrosome-membrane integrity, and mitochondrial function in frozen-thawed spermatozoa of bulls selected for residual feed intake. Alberta Bovine Genomics Annual General Meeting, May 11-13, Calgary, AB.
  • J.A. Basarab, Z. Wang, J.L. Aalhus, G. Plastow, S.S. Moore, E. Marques, D.J. Ambrose, M.G. Colazo, J. Stewart-Smith and E.K. Okine (2010) Phenomic Gap Update: Impact of residual feed intake on other economic traits. Alberta Bovine Genomics Annual General Meeting, May 11-13, Calgary, AB.
  • Z. Wang, E. Marques, J. Basarab, M.G. Colazo, D.J. Ambrose, G. Plastow, S. Moore and J. Stewart-Smith (2010) Impact of residual feed intake selection on bull fertility. Alberta Bovine Genomics Annual General Meeting, May 11-13, Calgary, AB.
2009 2008
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Miranda Smit.
This information published to the web on June 23, 2015.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 29, 2019.