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Book Chapters
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Barkhori-Mehni S, Karami-Shabankareh H, Masoumi R, Kazemi- Bonchenari M, Pezeshki A, Dirandeh E, Colazo MG. Effect of Exogenous Progesterone or Flunixin Meglumine After AI on Serum Progesterone Concentration and Pregnancy Per AI in Lactating Dairy Cows. Animal Reproduction 2018; 15:140-147.
- Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Ribeiro ES, Gobikrushanth M, Ambrose DJ. Using in-line milk progesterone data to characterize parameters of luteal activity and their association with fertility in Holstein cows. J Dairy Science 2018; 102:780–798.
- Colazo MG, Whittaker P, Macmillan K, Bignell D, Boender G, de Carvalho Guimaraes R, Mapletoft RJ. Evaluation of a modified GnRH-based timed-AI protocol associated with estrus detection in beef heifers inseminated with sex-selected or conventional semen. Theriogenology 2018; 118:90-95.
- Dirandeh E, Masoumi R, Didarkhah M, Samadian F, Dadashpour Davachi N, and Colazo MG. Effect of presynchronization prior to Ovsynch on ovulatory response to first GnRH, ovulatory follicle diameter and pregnancy per AI in multiparous Holstein cows during summer in Iran. Annals of Animal Science 2018; 18:713-722.
- Gobikrushanth M, Purfield DC, Colazo MG, Butler ST, Wang Z, Ambrose DJ. The relationship between serum insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentration and reproductive performance, and genome-wide associations for serum IGF-1 in Holstein cows. J Dairy Science 2018; 101:9154-9167.
- Gobikrushanth M, Purfield DC, Kennelly J, Doyle R, Holden S, Martinez PM, Canadas ER, Colazo MG, Ambrose DJ, Butler ST. The relationship between ano-genital distance (AGD) and fertility, and genome-wide associations for AGD in Irish Holsteins managed under pasture-based seasonal calving system. J Dairy Science 2018 (In press).
- Gobikrushanth M, Purfield DC, Colazo MG, Butler ST, Wang Z, Ambrose DJ. The relationship between serum anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) concentrations and fertility, and genome wide associations for AMH in Holstein dairy cows. J Dairy Science 2018; 101:7563-7574.
- Jiang Y, Colazo MG, Serpe MJ. Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) microgel-based etalons for the label-free quantitation of estradiol-17beta in aqueous solutions and milk samples. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2018.
- López-Helguera I, Whittaker P, Behrouzi A, Mapletoft RJ, Colazo MG. (2018). Effect of initial GnRH and time of insemination on reproductive performance in cyclic and acyclic beef heifers subjected to a 5-d Co-synch plus progesterone protocol. Theriogenology 2018; 106:39-45.
- Macmillan K, Hayirli A, Doepel L, Dyck BL, Subramaniam E, Ambrose DJ, Colazo MG. Interrelationships among plasma metabolites, production, and ovarian follicular function in dairy cows. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 2018; 98:631-641.
- Macmillan K, Kastelic J, Colazo MG. Update on Multiple Ovulations in Dairy Cattle. Animals 2018; 8, 62.
- Nasiri AH, Towhidi A, Shakeri M, Zhandi M, Dehghan-Banadaky M, Colazo MG. Effects of live yeast dietary supplementation on hormonal profile, ovarian follicular dynamics, and reproductive performance in dairy cows exposed to high ambient temperature. Theriogenology 2018; 122:41-46.
- Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, Ambrose DJ. Relationships among early postpartum luteal activity, parity, and insemination outcomes based on in-line milk progesterone profiles in Canadian Holstein cows. Theriogenology 2017; 100:32-41.
- Bruinjé TC, Gobikrushanth M, Colazo MG, Ambrose DJ. Dynamics of pre- and post-insemination progesterone profiles and insemination outcomes determined by an in-line milk analysis system in primiparous and multiparous Canadian Holstein cows. Theriogenology 2017; 102:147-152.
- Colazo MG and Mapletoft RJ. (2017). Pregnancy per AI in Holstein heifers inseminated with sex-selected or conventional semen after estrus detection or timed-AI. Canadian Veterinary Journal 2017; 58:365-370.
- Colazo MG, López Helguera I, Behrouzi A, Divakar A, Mapletoft RJ. (2017). Relationship between circulating progesterone at timed-AI and fertility in dairy cows subjected to GnRH-based protocols. Theriogenology 94: 15-20.
- Gobikrushanth M, Dutra PA, Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Butler ST, Ambrose DJ. Characterization of anogenital distance and its relationship to fertility in lactating Holstein cow. J Dairy Science 2017; 100: 9815-9823
- Gobikrushanth M, Dutra PA, Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Butler ST, Ambrose DJ. Characterization of the variability and repeatability of gonadotropin releasing hormone-induced luteinizing hormone responses in dairy cows within a synchronized ovulation protocol. J Dairy Science 2017; 100:6753-6762.
- Gobikrushanth M, Dutra PA, Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Butler ST, Ambrose DJ. (2017). Repeatability of antral follicle counts and anti-Müllerian hormone and their associations determined at an unknown stage of follicular growth and an expected day of follicular wave emergence in dairy cows. Theriogenology 92:90-94.
- Heidari F, Dirandeh E, Ansari Pirsaraei, Z, Colazo MG. (2017). Modifications of the G6G timed-AI protocol improved pregnancy per AI and reduced pregnancy loss in lactating dairy cows. Animal 11: 2002-2009.
- López Helguera I, López-Gatius F, Garcia-Ispierto I, Serrano B, Colazo MG. (2017). Effect of PRID-Delta devices associated with shortened estrus synchronization protocols on estrous response and fertility in dairy cows. Annals of Animal Science. Annals of Animal Science 17: 757-770.
- Macmillan K, López Helguera I, Behrouzi A, Gobikrushanth M, Hoff B, Colazo MG. (2017). Accuracy of a cow-side test for the diagnosis of hyperketonemia and hypoglycemia in lactating dairy cows. Research in Veterinary Science; 115:327-331.
- Macmillan K, Loree K, Mapletoft RJ, Colazo MG. (2017). Optimization of a timed-AI program for reproductive management of heifers in Canadian dairy herds. J Dairy Science 100: 4134-4138.
- Masoumi R., Badiei A., Shahneh AZ, Kohram H., Dirandeh E., Colazo MG. (2017). A short presynchronization with PGF2α and GnRH improves ovarian response and fertility in lactating Holstein cows subjected to a Heatsynch protocol. Ann. Anim. Sci. 17:169-177.
- Motavalli T, Dirandeh E, Deldar H, Colazo MG. (2017). Evaluation of shortened timed-AI protocols for resynchronization of ovulation in multiparous Holstein dairy cows. Theriogenology 95:187-192.
- Salehi R, Tsoi SCM , Colazo MG, Ambrose DJ, Robert C, Dyck MK (2017). Transcriptome profiling of in vivo-produced bovine pre-implantation embryos using two-color microarray platform. J Vis Exp. 119. doi: 10.3791/53754.
- Behrouzi A, Colazo MG, Ambrose DJ. (2016). Alterations in Bone Morphogenetic Protein 15, Growth Differentiation Factor 9 and gene expression in granulosa cells in preovulatory follicles of dairy cows given porcine luteinizing hormone. Theriogenology; 85:1249-1257.
- Gobikrushanth M, Salehi R, Ambrose DJ, Colazo MG (2016). Categorization of endometritis and its association with ovarian follicular growth and ovulation, reproductive performance, feed intake and milk yield in dairy cattle. Theriogenology 86: 1842-1849.
- Jiang Y., Colazo MG, Serpe MJ (2016). Poly (N-isoprpylacrylamide) microgel-based sensor for progesterone in aqueous samples. Colloid and Polymer Science 294:1733-1741.
- López-Helguera I, Berhouzi A, Kastelic JP, Colazo MG (2016). Risk factors associated with dystocia in a tie stall dairy herd. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 96:1-8.
- López-Helguera I, Colazo MG, Garcia Ispierto Irina, Lopez-Gatius F. (2016). Factors associated with ovarian structures and intrauterine fluid in the postpartum period in dairy cows. J Dairy Science, 99:3925-3933.
- Roodbari AR, Towhidi A, Zhandi M, Rezayazdi K, Mianji GR, Dirandeh E, Colazo MG (2016). Effect of conjugated linoleic acip supplementation during the transition period on plasma metabolites and productive and reproductive performances in dairy cows. Anim Feed Sci Technol. 219: 294-303.
- Salehi R, Colazo MG, Tsoi S, Tsang BK, Behrouzi A, Dyck MK, Oba M, Ambrose DJ (2016). Morphologic and transcriptomic assessment of bovine embryos exposed to long chain fatty acids. Reproduction, 2016; 152:715-726
- Salehi R, Ambrose DJ., Oba M (2016), Sort communication: Effects of prepartum diets supplemented with rolled oilseeds on Brix values and fatty acid profile of colostrum. J Dairy Science, 2016; 99:3598-3601.
- Salehi R, Colazo MG, M. Oba M, Ambrose DJ. (2016). Effects of prepartum diets supplemented with rolled oilseeds on calf birth weight, postpartum health, feed intake, milk yield and reproductive performance of dairy cows. J Dairy Science, 99:3584-3597.
- Salehi R, Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M., Basu U, Ambrose DJ. (2016). Effects of prepartum oilseed supplements on subclinical endometritis, pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine transcripts in endometrial cells and postpartum ovarian function in dairy cows. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, doi:10.1071/RD15334.
- Subramaniam E, Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, Sun YQ, Ruiz-Sanchez AL, Ponce-Barajas P, Oba M, Ambrose DJ. (2016). Partial replacement of dietary grain with wheat dry distiller’s grains with solubles (DDGS) in dairy cow rations reduced the incidence of multiple ovulations without altering the interval from calving to first ovulation. Journal of Dairy Science, 99:2762-2774.
- R. Salehi, M. G. Colazo, M. Oba, M.K. Dyck, D.J. Ambrose (2015) A prepartum diet supplemented with oilseeds high in oleic or linoleic acid reduced GnRH-induced LH release in dairy cows during second week postpartum. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 13:69-78.
- R. C. Zapata, R. Salehi, D. J. Ambrose, P. K. Chelikani (2015) Effects of Prepartum Fat Supplementation on Plasma Concentrations of Glucagon-like peptide-1, Peptide YY, Adropin, Insulin and Leptin in Periparturient Dairy Cows. Journal of Dairy Science (Published on line, http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2014-9283).
- R Thangavelu, Gobikrushanth M, Colazo MC, Ambrose DJ (2015) Pregnancy per AI and pregnancy loss in lactating dairy cows of a single herd following timed artificial insemination or insemination at detected estrus. Canadian Journal of Animal Science (Published on line 10.4141/CJAS-2014-122)
- D.J. Ambrose, M. Gobikrushanth,S. Zuidhof, J.P. Kastelic (2015) Low-dose natural prostaglandin F2a (dinoprost) at timed insemination improves conception rate in dairy cattle. Theriogenology 83: 529-534
- Colazo MG, Behrouzi A, Ambrose DJ, Mapletoft RJ (2015). Diameter of the ovulatory follicle at timed-AI as a predictor of pregnancy status in lactating dairy cows subjected to GnRH-based protocols. Theriogenology 84:377-383.
- Colazo MG and Ambrose DJ (2015). Effect of initial GnRH and duration of progesterone insert treatment on the fertility of lactating dairy cows. Reproduction Domestic Animals 50:497-504.
- Dirandeh E., A. Rezaei Roodbari, M.G. Colazo, 2015. Double-Ovsynch, compared to Presynch with or without GnRH improves fertility in heat-stressed lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology 83: 438-443.
- Dirandeh E, Rezaei Roodbari A, Gholizadeh M, Deldar H, Masoumi R, Kazemifard M, Colazo MG (2015). Administration of prostaglandin F2α 14 d before initiating a G6G or a G7G timed artificial insemination protocol increased circulating progesterone prior to artificial insemination and reduced pregnancy loss in multiparous Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci. 98:1-8.
- M.G. Colazo, P. Ponce-Barajas and D.J. Ambrose (2013) Pregnancy per artificial insemination in lactating dairy cows subjected to 2 different intervals from presynchronization to initiation of Ovsynch protocol. Journal of Dairy Science 96(12):7640-7648
- C.A. Felton, M.G. Colazo, C.J. Bench and D.J. Ambrose (2013) Large variations exist in prepartum activity among dairy cows continuously housed in a tie-stall barn. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93(4): 435-444
- M.G. Colazo, A. Dourey, R. Rajamahendran and D.J. Ambrose (2013) Progesterone supplementation before timed AI increased ovulation synchrony and pregnancy per AI, and supplementation after timed AI reduced pregnancy losses in lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology 79: 833-841
- M. Oba, S. Miyashita, R. Nishii, M. Koiwa, H. Koyama, D.J. Ambrose, and O. Dochi (2013) Effects of Serum Collected from Dairy Cows with Low and High Body Condition Score on In Vitro Embryonic Development. Journal of Dairy Science 96:1668-1671.
- Y. Wang, B.N. Ametaj, D.J. Ambrose and M.G. Ganzle (2013) Characterization of the bacterial microbiota of the vagina of dairy cows and isolation of pediocin-producing Pedococcus acidilactici. BMC Microbiology 13:19
- J.A. Bartolomé, M. Blanco Sereno, R. Picco, L. Zapata,J.P. Piccini, G. Cledou, N. Massara and M.G. Colazo (2013) Tasas de concepción en vaquillonas utilizando un protocolo de 5 días con o sin GnRH en su inicio y diferentes dispositivos de progesterona y prostaglandinas. Taurus 2013; 57: 26-33.
- C.A. Felton, M.G. Colazo, P. Ponce-Barajas, C.J. Bench, and D.J. Ambrose (2012) Dairy cows continuously-housed in tie-stalls failed to manifest activity changes during estrus. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 92: 189–196.
- Z. Wang, J.A. Basarab, L.A. Goonewardene, M.G. Colazo, D.J. Ambrose, E. Marques, G. Plastow, S.P. Miller and S.S. Moore (2012) Impact of selection for residual feed intake on breeding soundness and reproductive performance of bulls on pasture-based multi-sire mating. Journal of Animal Science 90:2963-2969.
- O.N. Durunna, M.G. Colazo, D.J. Ambrose, D. McCartney, V.S. Baron and J.A. Basarab (2012) Evidence of residual feed intake reranking in crossbred replacement heifers. Journal of Animal Science 90:734-741.
- M.E. Silva, M.G. Colazo and M.H. Ratto (2012) GnRH dose reduction decreases pituitary LH secretion and ovulatory response but does not affect CL development and function in llamas. Theriogenology 2012; 77:1802-1810.
- F.C.F. Dias, R.J. Mapletoft, J.P. Kastelic, G.P. Adams, M.G. Colazo, B.C. Stover, O. Dochi and J.Singh (2012). Effect of length of progesterone exposure during ovulatory wave development on pregnancy rate. Theriogenology 2012; 77:437-444.
- A. Dourey, M.G. Colazo, P.Ponce-Barajas and D.J. Ambrose (2010) Relationships between endometrial cytology and interval to first ovulation, and pregnancy in postpartum dairy cows in a single herd. Research in Veterinary Science 91(3): e149–e153
- F.C.F. Dias, M.G. Colazo , J.P. Kastelic, R.J. Mapletoft, G.P. Adams and J.Singh (2010) Progesterone concentration, estradiol pre-treatment, and dose of GnRH affect GnRH-mediated LH release in beef heifers. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2010; 39:155-162.
- J.A. Small, M.G. Colazo, J.P. Kastelic, N.E. Erickson and R.J. Mapletoft (2010) Effects of presynchronization and eCG on pregnancy rates to GnRH-based, fixed-time artificial insemination in beef heifers. Can J of Anim Sci 2010; 90:23-34.
- M.G. Colazo, M.B. Gordon, R. Rajamahendran, R.J. Mapletoft and D.J. Ambrose (2009) Pregnancy rates to timed-AI in dairy cows treated with gonadotropin releasing hormone or porcine luteinizing hormone. Theriogenology 72:262-270
- T.O. Ree, M.G. Colazo, A.G.A. Lamont, J.P. Kastelic, M.K. Dyck, R.J. Mapletoft, B.N. Ametaj and D.J. Ambrose (2009) The effect of porcine luteinizing hormone on synchronization of ovulation and corpus luteum development in beef and dairy cattle. Theriogenology 72:120-128.
- M.G. Colazo, A. Hayirli, L. Doepel and D.J. Ambrose (2009) Reproductive performance of dairy cows is influenced by prepartum feed restriction and dietary fatty acid source. Journal of Dairy Science 92:2562–2571
- A.T. Peter, P.L.A.M. Vos and D.J. Ambrose (2009). Postpartum anestrus in dairy cattle. Theriogenology 71:1333-1342. [Review paper]
- P.K. Chelikani, D.J. Ambrose, D.H. Keisler and J.J. Kennelly (2009). Effects of dietary energy and protein density on plasma concentrations of leptin and metabolic hormones in dairy heifers. Journal of Dairy Science 92: 1430-1441.
- M.G. Colazo, T.O. Ree, D.G.V. Emmanuel and D.J. Ambrose (2009). Plasma luteinizing hormone concentrations in cows given repeated treatments or three different doses of gonadotropin releasing hormone. Theriogenology 71:984-992.
- M.Oba, G. Thangavelu, M.Dehghan-banadaky and D.J. Ambrose (2009) Unprocessed whole flaxseed is as effective as dry rolled flaxseed at increasing α-linolenic acid concentration in milk of dairy cows. Livestock Science 122:73-76.
- L.M. Pfeifer, L.G.B. Siqueira, R.J. Mapletoft, J.P. Kastelic, G.P. Adams, M.G. Colazo and J. Singh (2009) Effects of exogenous progesterone and cloprostenol on ovarian follicular development and first ovulation in prepubertal heifers. Theriogenology 2009; 72: 1054-1064.
- J.A. Small, M.G. Colazo, J.P. Kastelic and R.J. Mapletoft (2009) Effects of progesterone presynchronization and eCG on pregnancy rates to GnRH-based, timed-AI in beef cattle. Theriogenology 2009; 71:698-706.
- G. Thangavelu, M.G. Colazo, M.K. Dyck, M. Oba, E.K. Okine and D.J. Ambrose (2008) Fecal and urinary lignans, intrafollicular estradiol, and endometrial receptors in lactating dairy cows fed diets supplemented with hydrogenated animal fat, flax or sunflower seed. Journal of Reproduction and Development 54:439-446.
- K.L. Degenstein, R.O. Donoghue, J. Patterson, E. Beltranena, D.J. Ambrose, G.R. Foxcroft and M.K. Dyck (2008) Synchronization of ovulation in cyclic gilts with porcine luteinizing hormone (pLH) and its effects on reproductive function. Theriogenology 70:1075-1085.
- D.J. Ambrose and D.G.V. Emmanuel (2008) Precocious mammary development in an 8-month old Holstein heifer. Canadian Veterinary Journal 49:803-805.
- D.J. Ambrose, D.G.V. Emmanuel, M.G. Colazo and J.P. Kastelic (2008) Pregnancy rates to timed AI in Holstein heifers given prostaglandin F2 concurrent with, or 24 h prior to, removal of an intravaginal progesterone-releasing insert. Journal of Dairy Science 91:2678-2683.
- J.A. Small, D.J. Ambrose, R. Rajamahendran and J.P. Kastelic (2008) Mixed-breed twin production by contralateral direct transfer of male embryos to beef cow recipients bred to GnRH-based, fixed-time AI. Livestock Science 118:272-281.
- M.G. Colazo, D.J. Ambrose, J.P. Kastelic and J.A. Small (2008) A comparison of two enzyme immunoassays to a radioimmunoassay for measurement of progesterone concentrations in bovine plasma, whole milk, and skim milk. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research 72:32-36.
- M.G. Colazo, H. Davis, M.D. Rutledge, J.P. Kastelic, M.F. Martinez, J.A. Small and R.J. Mapletoft (2008) Effects of plasma progesterone concentrations on LH release and ovulation in beef cattle given GnRH. Domest Anim Endocrinol 2008; 34:109-117.
Conference papers
- Colazo MG and Mapletoft RJ. Programas de IA a tiempo fijo en ganado de carne y lechero en Canada. XII Simposio Internacional de Reproduccion Animal, Cordoba, Argentina, August 2017, pp 119-138.
- Ambrose D, Colazo MG, Salehi R. (2016) Can feeding fats improve reproductive performance in dairy cows? WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology Volume 28: 177-193.
- Colazo MG, Behrouzi A, López-Helguera I. (2015) Manejos nutricionales que afectan la fertilidad del ganado. I Simposio Internacional en Avances en Reproducción Bovina. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, July 2015.
- López-Helguera I and Colazo MG. (2015) Problemas uterinos posparto: definición, prevalencia, impacto y tratamiento. I Simposio Internacional en Avances en Reproducción Bovina. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, July 2015.
- Colazo MG, López-Helguera I, Behrouzi A. (2015) Como lograr altos índices de preñez en los hatos lecheros. I Simposio Internacional en Avances en Reproducción Bovina. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, July 2015.
- M.G. Colazo (2014) The bovine estrous cycle. Fisiologia del ciclo estral bovino. I Seminario Internacional “Nuevas Biotécnicas reproductivas en la producción del Ganado bovino”. ESPE, Santo Domingo, Ecuador.
- M.G. Colazo and R.J. Mapletoft (2014) Protocols for timed-AI in Bos Taurus cattle. Protocolos de inseminación artificial a tiempo fijo (IATF) in Bos Taurus. I Seminario Internacional “Nuevas Biotécnicas reproductivas en la producción del Ganado bovino”. ESPE, Santo Domingo, Ecuador.
- M.G. Colazo and J.P. Kastelic (2014) Practical applications of transrectal ultrasonography in bovine reproductive management. Aspectos básicos y aplicados del uso de la ultrasonografia en el manejo reproductivo del ganado bovino. I Seminario Internacional “Nuevas Biotécnicas reproductivas en la producción del Ganado bovino”. ESPE, Santo Domingo, Ecuador.
- 2013
- M.G. Colazo and D.J. Ambrose (2013). New research in controlled breeding programs for dairy cattle. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology: Volume 25: 75-95.
- 2010
- M.G. Colazo, D.J. Ambrose and J.P. Kastelic (2010) Practical uses for transrectal ultrasonography in reproductive management of cattle. XXVI World Buiatrics Congress, Santiago, Chile, Nov 14-18. Updates on ruminant production and medicine (eds) Wittwer et al. p 146-156.
- D.J. Ambrose, M.G. Colazo, and J.P Kastelic (2010) The applications of timed artificial insemination and timed embryo transfer in reproductive management of dairy cattle. R. Bras. Zootec 39:383-392.
- M.G. Colazo and D.J. Ambrose (2009) Synchronization of estrus and ovulation in lactating dairy cows. Tratamientos de sincronización de celos y la ovulación para vacas en lactancia. VIII Simposio Internacional de Reproducción Animal, Córdoba, Argentina.
- M.G. Colazo, R.J. Mapletoft, M.F. Martinez and J.P. Kastelic (2009) Current timed-AI protocols for beef heifers. Selección de los tratamientos hormonales disponibles en el Mercado para la sincronización de celos en vaquillonas de carne. VIII Simposio Internacional de Reproducción Animal, Córdoba, Argentina.
- J.P. Kastelic, R.J. Mapletoft, M.G. Colazo and M.F. Martinez (2008) Ovarian follicular development and synchronization of estrus and ovulation in cattle. World Buiatrics Congress in Budapest, Hungary.
- M.G. Colazo, R.J. Mapletoft, M.F. Martinez and J.P. Kastelic (2008) The use of hormonal treatments to synchronize estrus and ovulation in heifers. El uso de tratamientos hormonales para sincronizar el celo y la ovulación en vaquillas. Proceedings of II Xornada de Reproducción Bovina, Lalin, Spain; Pag. 37-45.
- M.G. Colazo and R.J. Mapletoft (2008) State of art of the embryo transfer technology in cattle. Estado actual y aplicaciones de la transferencia de embriones en bovinos. Proceedings of II Xornada de Reproducción Bovina, Lalin, Spain; Pag. 46-56
Meeting abstracts
- Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Ambrose DJ. Monitoring in-line milk progesterone profiles prior to first breeding to predict reproductive performance in Holstein cows. CSAS/ASAS joint meeting, Vancouver, July 2018.
- Colazo MG, Macmillan K, Mapletoft R. Modifications of a 5-d GnRH-based timed-AI protocol to optimize fertility in Holstein heifers inseminated with sex-selected semen. IRRS, Brazil, September 2018.
- Carrier A, Bastien A, Régnier MH, Gilbert I, Colazo MG, Robert C. Amélioration des caractères de santé et fertilité chez la vache laitière par une approche génomique alternative. Novalait Symposium, Quebec City, Canada, May 2018.
- Gobikrushanth M, Colazo MG, Wang Z, Butler ST, and Ambrose DJ. Could circulating concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) be used as a fertility trait in dairy cows? WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:363.
- Gobikrushanth M, Colazo MG, Wang Z, Butler ST, and Ambrose DJ. Could anti-Müllerian hormone be used as a novel Fertility trait in dairy cows?. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:362.
- Gobikrushanth M, Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Butler ST, Miglior F, and Ambrose DJ. Ano-genital distance as a novel reproductive phenotype – an update. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:361.
- Macmillan K, Cook NJ, Colazo MG. Is Rectal Temperature an Effective Tool to Decide When to Treat Early Lactation Dairy Cows? WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:358.
- Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, Hipkin D, and Hoff. B. Is predicted transmitting ability for productive life associated to prevalence of early postpartum disorders in Alberta Holstein cows? WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:357.
- Gobikrushanth M, Behrouzi A, Macmillan K, and Colazo MG. Relationships among postpartum body condition score change and productive and reproductive performance in Alberta dairy cows. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:356.
- Gobikrushanth M, Macmillan K, Hipkin D, and Colazo MG. Associations among available fertility indexes and reproductive performance in Alberta dairy cows. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:355.
- Macmillan K and Colazo MG. Evaluation of a novel estrus detection device (Flashmate™) in Holstein heifers. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:354.
- Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, Ambrose DJ. Monitoring in-line milk progesterone profiles to benchmark ovarian dysfunction associated with reduced fertility in Holstein herds. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2018) Volume 30:352.
- Behrouzi A, Ruiz-Sanchez A, Colazo MG, Ambrose DJ Expression of TGF-â superfamily genes in bovine embryos developed in vivo from oocytes exposed to endogenous (bovine) or exogenous (porcine) luteinizing hormone. ADSA Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, July 2017.
- Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, Ambrose DJ Using in-line milk progesterone data to characterize luteal activity parameters associated with reduced fertility in dairy herds. ADSA Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, July 2017.
- Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, Ambrose DJ. Milk Progesterone Profiles Before and After AI and Their Association with Pregnancy and Pregnancy Loss in Alberta Dairy Farms. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2017) Volume 29:162.
- Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Ambrose DJ. Evaluation of reproductive performance in Alberta dairy herds using in-line milk progesterone analysis. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2017) Volume 29:362.
- Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, López-Helguera I, Behrouzi A, Hoff B. Benchmarking Early Postpartum Disorders in Alberta Dairy Herds. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2017) Volume 29:363.
- Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, López-Helguera I, Behrouzi A, Hoff B. Trace minerals in the dry period associated to postpartum metabolic and reproductive disorders in Dairy Cattle. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2017) Volume 29:364.
- Fitzsimmons C, Devos J, Straathof C, Paradis F, Li C, Block H, Colazo M, Bruce H. Methylation of CpG within IGF2R DMR2 are associated with prenatal nutrition and genetic potential for residual feed intake from birth to slaughter in purebred Angus cattle. 36th International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG), Dublin, Ireland, August 2017.
- Gobikrushanth M, Behrouzi A, López-Helguera I, Colazo MG. Association between Age at Calving and Overall Health, Reproductive Performance and Milk Yield in Holstein heifers. WCDS - Advances in Dairy Technology (2017) Volume 29:366.
- Gobikrushanth M, Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Ambrose DJ. Relationship between ano-genital distance and fertility in Holstein cows. ADSA Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, July 2017.
- Colazo MG, Whittaker P R, Bignell D J, Mapletoft R J. Evaluation of a modified GnRH-based timed artificial insemination protocol associated with estrus detection in cyclic beef heifers inseminated with sex-selected semen. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 2016; 29:112.
- Bruinjé TC, Colazo MG, Gobikrushanth M, Ambrose DJ. Assessment of progesterone profiles pre- and post-breeding and insemination outcomes in Holstein cows based on an automated in-line milk analysis system. Conference: Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31859.94241.
- Bruinje TC, Gobikrushanth M., Guimaraes RC, Ambrose DJ. Dynamics of progesterone concentrations and insemination outcomes in dairy cows. ADSA Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, 2016.
- Gobikrushanth M., P.A. Dutra , C.A. Felton, T.C. Bruinjé, M.G. Colazo, S.T. Butler and D.J. Ambrose. The repeatability of gonadotropin releasing hormone-induced release of luteinizing hormone and its association with fertility in dairy cattle. ADSA Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, 2016.
- Gobikrushanth M., P.A. Dutra , C.A. Felton, A. Ruiz-Sanchez, T.C. Bruinjé, M.G. Colazo, S.T. Butler and D.J. Ambrose. The characterization of estradiol concentration prior to insemination and its effect on fertility in dairy cattle. ADSA Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, 2016.
- Gobikrushanth M., P.A. Dutra , C.A. Felton, A. Ruiz-Sanchez, T.C. Bruinjé, M.G. Colazo, S.T. Butler and D.J. Ambrose. The association between Anti-Müllerian Hormone concentrations, antral follicle count and fertility measures in dairy cows. ADSA Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, 2016.
- Gobikrushanth M., Ambrose DJ. Natural patterns of early postpartum luteal activity and their association with insemination outcomes in dairy cows. ADSA Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, 2016.
- Gobikrushanth M., Ambrose DJ. Comparing two ultrasound devices to determine antral follicle counts in dairy cows. ADSA Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, 2016.
- Gobikrushanth M., P.A. Dutra , C.A. Felton, A. Ruiz-Sanchez, T.C. Bruinjé, M.G. Colazo, S.T. Butler and D.J. Ambrose. The repeatability of antral follicle count and anti-Müllerian hormone concentration at two different postpartum stages in dairy cattle. ADSA Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA, 2016.
- Gobikrushanth M., T.C. Bruinje, M.G. Colazo and D.J. Ambrose. Dairy cows with shorter ano-genital distance may be more fertile than those with longer ano-genital distance. ADSA Meeting 2016, Salt Lake City, USA, 2016.
- Haisan J., Oba M., Ambrose DJ, Steele M. The effects of a high- or low-plane of nutrition pre-weaning on growth and starter intake of group-housed calves. ADSA Meeting 2016, Salt Lake City, USA, 2016.
- Colazo MG, López-Helguera I, Behrouzi A, Gobikrushanth M, Hoff B, Mapletoft RJ. Relationship between nutritional andmetabolic profiles and pregnancy status after first AI in lactating dairy cows. ICAR Meeting 2016, Tours, France.
- López-Helguera I, Behrouzi A, Kastelic JP, Colazo MG. Maternal age but not parity affected daughter's fertility during first lactation. ICAR meeting 2016, Tours, France.
- Behrouzi A, López-Helguera I, Mapletoft RJ, Ambrose DJ, Colazo MG. Plasma progesterone concentration at TAI in dairy cows: What is low enough? ICAR meeting 2016, Tours, France.
- López-Helguera I, Hayirli A, Doepel L, Ambrose DJ, Colazo MG. Relationship between metabolic profiles and ovarian follicular function in dairy cows. XXV Congreso Internacional ANEMBE de Medicina Bovina (2016), Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- Bruinje TC, Gobikrushanth M, Felton C, Ambrose DJ (2016). Ovarian activity preceding first insemination affects fertility in postpartum dairy cows. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2016) Volume 28: 317.
- Colazo MG and Whittaker PR. Modifications of the Heatsynch Protocol for Natural-service Breeding in Dairy Cows. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2016) Volume 28: 320.
- Colazo MG, Giordano JO, Cabrera VE. Economic Evaluation of two Reproductive Management Strategies in Alberta Dairy Herds. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2016) Volume 28: 321.
- López Helguera I, Behrouzi A, Gobikrushanth M, Hoff B, Colazo MG. Accuracy of a Cow-side Test for Quantification of Blood BHB and Glucose in Lactating Dairy Cows. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2016) Volume 28: 331.
- López Helguera I, Behrouzi A, Ambrose, DJ, Colazo MG. (2016). Risk factors associated with dystocia in a tie stall dairy herd. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2016) Volume 28: 371.
- Jiang Y, Colazo MG, Serpe MJ. Novel sensor technology for progesterone and estradiol detection in milk samples. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2016) Volume 28: 332.
- Gobikrushanth M, Salehi R, Ambrose DJ, Colazo MG. Endometritis Affected Fertility but not Dry Matter Intake or Milk Yield in Dairy Cows. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2016) Volume 28: 328.
- Gobikrushanth M, Bruinje TC, Colazo MG, Ambrose DJ. Can the Measurement of “Ano-Genital Distance” Predict Fertility of Dairy Cows? WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2016) Volume 28: 326.
- Gobikrushanth M, Dutra PA, Felton CJ, Srivastava S, Bruinje TC, Ruiz A, Colazo MG, Ambrose DJ. Can Anti-Müllerian hormone concentration be used as a fertility marker in dairy cows? WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2016) Volume 28: 327.
- Salehi R, Colazo MG, Oba M, Ambrose DJ. Multiparous cows delivering a male calf had lower dry matter intake during transition period. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2016) Volume 28: 348.
- Salehi R, Colazo MG, Tsoi S, Behrouzi A, Dyck MK, Oba M, Ambrose DJ. Feeding a diet supplemented with flaxseed reduced degenerated embryos and activated genes involved in embryonic cell survival and viability. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2016) Volume 28: 349.
- Srivastava S, Felton CA, Bruinje TC, Gobikrushanth M, Ambrose DJ (2016). Evaluation and validation of estrus activity using visual observations, a heat-mount detector and an electronic activity monitor in dairy heifers. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2016) Volume 28: 353.
- López-Helguera I, Whittaker P, Behrouzi A, Colazo MG. Initial Gonadotropin-releasing hormone treatment increased pregnancy per timed insemination only in acyclic beef heifers subjected to a 5-day Co-synch protocol. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 28(2) 135-136
- R. Salehi, M.G. Colazo, A. Ruiz-Sanchez, A. Behrouzi, M.K. Dyck, D. J. Ambrose. A diet enriched in linoleic acid enhanced endometrial expression of genes associated with embryo-maternal cross-talk on Day 14 post-insemination. (Presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction 2015, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA), abstract # 175.
- R. Salehi, M. G. Colazo, M. Oba, D. J. Ambrose. Effects of prepartum diets supplemented with oilseeds on reproductive performance in dairy cows. (Presented at the 2015 ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA). J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2: 83-84. (M214)
- R. Salehi, M. G. Colazo, U. Basu, A. Ruiz-Sanchez, D. J. Ambrose. Including sunflower seed in prepartum diet positively influenced postpartum ovarian function without affecting uterine health. (Submitted to the 2015 ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA) J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2: 289.
- R. Salehi, M. G. Colazo, M. Oba, D. J. Ambrose. The effect of prepartum diets supplemented with oilseeds on maternal and newborn calf plasma fatty acid profile. (Submitted to the 2015 ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA) J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2:709-710 (W259).
- P. A. Dutra, M.Gobikrushanth, R. Salehi2, M.G. Colazo, D.J. Ambrose. Fatty acid profile in follicular fluid and serum of dairy cows fed diets supplemented with rolled canola, sunflower or flax seed. (Submitted to the 2015 ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA) J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2: 84 (M216).
- P. A. Dutra, M. Gobikrushanth, R. Salehi, M.G. Colazo, D. J. Distribution of fatty acids in reproductive tissues of cows fed flax, canola or sunflower seed based rations. (Submitted to the 2015 ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA). J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2: 84 (M215).
- P. A. Dutra, M. Gobikrushanth, R. Salehi, A. Ruiz-Sanchez, M.G. Colazo, D.J. Ambrose. A direct method is not as effective as an indirect method for determination of fatty acids from bovine placental tissue. (Submitted to the 2015 ADSA- ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA). J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2: 709 (W258)
- A.Behrouzi, M.G. Colazo, A. Ruiz-Sanchez, D.J. Ambrose. Cumulus-oocyte complex gene expression in bovine preovulatory follicles after administration of porcine luteinizing hormone. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. s3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 98, Suppl. 2: 595-596.
- R. C. Zapata, R. Salehi, D. J. Ambrose, P. K. Chelikani. Gut hormone concentrations are increased post-calving in dairy cows. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2015) 27:401.
- Dutra P.A., Gobikrushanth M., Salehi R., Colazo M.G., Ambrose D.J., 2015. Fatty acids in reproductive tissues of dairy cows fed diets supplemented with rolled canola, sunflower or flaxseed. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2015) Volume 27:374.
- Salehi R., Colazo MG, Oba M, Ambrose DJ. Effects of prepartum diets supplemented with rolled oilseeds on milk production and reproductive performance in dairy cows. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2015) Volume 27:373.
- Salehi R., Colazo MG, Oba M, Ambrose DJ. Feeding Oilseeds During Late Pregnancy in Holstein Cows Increased Gestation Length, Dystocia, Calf Birth Weight, and Colostrum Immunoglobulin content. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2015) Volume 27:372.
- López Helguera I, Behrouzi A, MG Colazo. Risk factors associated with dystocia in a tie stall dairy herd. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2015) Volume 27:371.
- Colazo MG, Behrouzi A, Hipkin D, Loree K, Mapletoft RJ. Reproductive Management of Dairy Heifers using timed-AI. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2015) Volume 27:370.
- Behrouzi A, and M.G. Colazo. Colostrum Quality: Effect of parity, volume and collection time. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2015) Volume 27:369.
- P.A. Dutra, M. Gobikrushanth, C.J. Felton, D. J. Ambrose. Evaluation of iVET electronic birth alert device as a calving management tool for dairy cows. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology (2015) 27:365.
- Dirandeh E, Rezaei Roodbari A, Colazo MG. A novel ovulation synchronization protocol (Estradoublesynch) improves fertility in heat-stressed lactating Holstein cows. 3rd International Congress of Large Animal Practitioners, February 2015, Tehran, Iran.
- Dirandeh E and Colazo MG. Prostaglandin F2á administration before G6G increased synchronization rate in Holstein dairy cows. 3rd International Congress of Large Animal Practitioners, February 2015, Tehran, Iran.
- M.G. Colazo and D.J. Ambrose (2014) Twin pregnancies: An observational study from two Alberta dairy herds. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology 26:376.
- A. Behrouzi, M.G. Colazo and D.J. Ambrose (2014) How does porcine luteinizing hormone increase pregnancy rates in dairy cows? WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology 26:375.
- R. Salehi, A. Ruiz-Sanchez, M.G. Colazo, M. Oba, M.K. Dyck and D. J. Ambrose (2014) Serum from Cows Fed Flaxseed Advanced Embryo Development from Lower Quality Oocytes In Vitro. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology 26:379.
- R. Salehi, M. G. Colazo, M. Oba and D. J. Ambrose (2014) A prepartum diet supplemented with rolled canola seed reduced pituitary sensitivity to GnRH in dairy cows during second week postpartum. ADSA/CSAS/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting. Kansas City, MO, USA.
- R. Salehi, M. G. Colazo, M. Oba and D. J. Ambrose (2014) A prepartum diet supplemented with rolled sunflower seed increased calf weight, the incidence of dystocia and colostrum immunoglobulin content in Holstein cows. ADSA/CSAS/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting. Kansas City, MO, USA.
- R. Salehi, A. Ruiz-Sanchez, M.G. Colazo, M. Oba, M.K. Dyck and D. J. Ambrose (2014) Adding sera enriched in PUFA with different n-6/n-3 ratio advanced bovine in vitro embryo development from both high- and inferior-quality oocytes. ADSA/CSAS/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting. Kansas City, MO, USA.
- A. Behrouzi, A. Fakheri, R. Salehi, M.G. Colazo and D.J. Ambrose (2014) Luteinizing hormone (LH) profiles after either porcine LH or GnRH treatment in Holstein cows with or without FSH-stimulation.
- ADSA/CSAS/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting. Kansas City, MO, USA.
- R. Salehi, M. G. Colazo, A. Behrouzi, A. Ruiz-Sanchez, M. Oba, M.K. Dyck and D. J. Ambrose (2014) Superovulatory response and embryo production in Holstein cows fed diets enriched in oleic, linoleic or α-linolenic acid. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 5 December 2013.
- C. Fitzsimmons,G. Muhire, C. Straathof, F. Paradis, H. Block, M. Colazo, B. Yaremcio, C. Li C and H. Bruce (2014) Pregnant beef heifers of low and high residual feed intake measured in adolescence exhibit differential intakes and feeding behaviors when fed a restricted diet. ADSA/CSAS/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting. Kansas City, MO, USA.
- R. Salehi, A. Ruiz-Sanchez, A. Behrouzi, M.G. Colazo, M. Oba, M.K. Dyck and D. J. Ambrose (2013) Adding flaxseed-fed-cow-serum to culture medium advanced in vitro bovine embryo development. Western Nutrition Conference, Saskatoon, SK
- A. Behrouzi, A. Ruiz-Sanchez, M. G. Colazo and D.J. Ambrose (2013) Gene Expression of Epidermal Growth Factor Family Members in Granulosa Cells of Bovine Preovulatory Follicle Exposed to Bovine or Porcine Luteinizing Hormone. Livestock Gentec Conference
- M.G. Colazo and D.J. Ambrose (2013) Pregnancy per AI in Holstein heifers inseminated with sexed semen after detected estrus or timed-AI. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology 25:
- C. Straathof, F. Paradis, H. Block, M. Colazo, B. Yaremcio, L. Changxi, H. Bruce and C. Fitzsimmons (2013) Investigating RFI interactions upon pregnancy diagnosis in Angus heifers. Livestock Gentec Conference, Edmonton, AB.
- C. Straathof, F. Paradis, H. Block, M. Colazo, B. Yaremcio, L. Changxi, H. Bruce and C. Fitzsimmons (2013) Investigating RFI and diet interactions on ADG, body weight, rib and back fat thickness in pregnant Angus heifers. Proceedings of CSAS, Banff, AB.
- D.J. Ambrose and M.G. Colazo (2011) Strategies to improve fertility in the lactating dairy cow. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Animal Science, Halifax, May 4-5.
- C.A. Felton, M.G. Colazo, P. Ponce-Barajas, C.J. Bench and D.J. Ambrose (2011) Evaluation of the Afimilk Pedometer Plus Tag system for predicting estrus in dairy cows housed in tie-stalls. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Animal Science, Halifax, May 4-5.
- C.A. Felton, M.G. Colazo, C.J. Bench and D.J. Ambrose (2011) Evaluation of the Afimilk Pedometer Plus Tag system for predicting parturition in dairy cows housed in tie-stalls. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Animal Science, Halifax, May 4-5.
- C.A. Felton and D.J. Ambrose (2011) Does flooring surface affect estrous behaviour in lactating dairy cows? Advances in Dairy Technology 23: 365.
- C.A. Felton, M.G. Colazo, C.J. Bench and D.J. Ambrose (2011) Does age or lactation affect the expression of mounting behaviour in dairy cattle? Advances in Dairy Technology 23: 366.
- M.G. Colazo, A. Dourey, D.J. Ambrose (2011) Pregnancy establishment in dairy cows supplemented with progesterone before and after timed-AI. Advances in Dairy Technology 23: 368.
- M. Blanco Sereno, L. Zapata,G. Cledou, M.G. Colazo and J.A. Bartolome (2011) Comparacion de dos protocolos para inseminacion artificial a tiempo fijo (IATF) en vaquillonas Holstein utilizando estradiol o factor liberador de gonadotrofinas. I Simposio Latinoamericano de Reproduccion Animal, Viña del Mar, Chile.
- E. Subramaniam, M.G. Colazo, M. Oba and D.J. Ambrose (2011) Reproductive parameters in postpartum dairy cows fed a ration supplemented with wheat dried distiller’s grain with solubles (wDDGS). Proceedings of CSAS, Halifax.
- M.G. Colazo, A. Dourey, P. Ponce-Barajas and D.J. Ambrose (2011) Association between endometrial cytology and uterine ultrasound findings in postpartum dairy cows. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology.
- C.A. Felton, M.G. Colazo, C.J. Bench and D.J. Ambrose (2011) Does age or lactation affect the expression of mounting behaviour in dairy cattle? WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology.
- M.G. Colazo, A. Hayirli, B.L. Dyck, L. Doepel and D.J. Ambrose (2010) Prepartum and postpartum dietary management to improve reproductive function in postpartum dairy cows. Proceedings of DRTC Dairy Day, University of Alberta.
- M.G. Colazo and D.J. Ambrose (2010) Modifications of a Co-synch protocol to achieve acceptable pregnancy per AI in dairy heifers. Proceedings of DRTC Dairy Day, University of Alberta.
- B.N. Ametaj, Q. Zebeli, S. Iqbal, M. Gänzle, Y. Wang, D.J. Ambrose,and S.M. Dunn (2010) Peripartal intravaginal probiotics lowered uterine infections and improved reproductive performance of Holstein dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 93 (Suppl 1): 851.
- A. Dourey, P. Ponce Barajas, M.G. Colazo, T. Caldwell, Z. Wang, S.P. Miller and D.J. Ambrose (2010) Morphology assessment in spermatozoa of bulls selected for residual feed intake. Alberta Bovine Genomics Annual General Meeting, May 11-13, Calgary, AB.
- P. Ponce Barajas, A. Dourey, M.G. Colazo, T. Caldwell, Z. Wang, S.P. Miller and D.J. Ambrose (2010) Assessment of plasma- and acrosome-membrane integrity, and mitochondrial function in frozen-thawed spermatozoa of bulls selected for residual feed intake. Alberta Bovine Genomics Annual General Meeting, May 11-13, Calgary, AB.
- J.A. Basarab, Z. Wang, J.L. Aalhus, G. Plastow, S.S. Moore, E. Marques, D.J. Ambrose, M.G. Colazo, J. Stewart-Smith and E.K. Okine (2010) Phenomic Gap Update: Impact of residual feed intake on other economic traits. Alberta Bovine Genomics Annual General Meeting, May 11-13, Calgary, AB.
- Z. Wang, E. Marques, J. Basarab, M.G. Colazo, D.J. Ambrose, G. Plastow, S. Moore and J. Stewart-Smith (2010) Impact of residual feed intake selection on bull fertility. Alberta Bovine Genomics Annual General Meeting, May 11-13, Calgary, AB.
- P. Ponce Barajas, M.G. Colazo, J.P. Kastelic, M.K. Dyck, D.J. Ambrose (2009) Real time PCR quantification of mRNA expression in the corpus luteum of cows induced to ovulate following different hormonal treatments. Journal of Dairy Science 92 (Suppl 1):271.
- D.J. Ambrose, M.G. Colazo, T.O. Ree, J.P. Kastelic, M.K. Dyck, P. Ponce Barajas and A.G.A. Lamont (2009) In vitro assessment of corpus luteum function in cows induced to ovulate with porcine LH, GnRH or estradiol benzoate. Journal of Dairy Science 92 (Suppl 1):266.
- M.G. Colazo, T.O. Ree, A.G.A. Lamont, J.P. Kastelic, R.J. Mapletoft and D.J. Ambrose (2009)
- Plasma LH concentrations and CL function in Holstein cows given porcine LH, GnRH, or estradiol benzoate. Journal of Dairy Science 92 (Suppl 1):443.
- B.L. Dyck, M.G. Colazo, D.J. Ambrose, M.K. Dyck and L. Doepel (2009) Supplemental dietary starch in postpartum dairy cow diets: 2. Effects on reproduction. Journal of Dairy Science 92 (Suppl 1):137.
- M.B. Gordon, R. Rajamahendran, M.G. Colazo and D. J. Ambrose (2009) A modified ovsynch protocol using pLH or hCG in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 92 (Suppl 1):39.
- J. Zapata, F. Fernandez, M.A. Berland, M.G. Colazo, O. Peralta, R. Felmer and M.H. Ratto (2009) Effect of synthetic oviduct fluid medium (SOF) versus optimized simple potassium medium (KSOM) on embryo development of in vitro-fertilized bovine oocytes. Reprod Fert Dev; 21:308.
- B.L. Dyck, L. Doepel and M.G. Colazo (2009) Supplemental dietary starch in postpartum dairy cows diets. 1. Effects on productivity. J Dairy Sci: 92 (1):98.
- J.A. Basarab, M.G. Colazo, D.J. Ambrose, S. Novak, K. Robertson, D. McCartney and V.S. Baron (2009) Relationships between residual feed intake and fertility in heifers. Can J Anim Sci ; 89:163.
- B.L. Dyck, L. Doepel, M.G. Colazo, D.J. Ambrose and M.K. Dyck (2009) Effects of supplemental dietary starch on productivity and reproductive performance in postpartum dairy cows. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology Volume 21:373.
- K.L. Degenstein, O’Donoghue R., Patterson J., Beltranena E., Ambrose D.J., Foxcroft G.R and Dyck M.K. (2008) Endocrine response and synchronization of ovulation in cyclic gilts treated with porcine luteinizing hormone (pLH). Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility. June 29-July 1, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- J.A. Basarab, Colazo M.G., Ambrose D.J., Novak S., Robertson K., McCartney D. and Baron V.S. (2008) Relationships between residual feed intake and age at puberty and pregnancy rate in replacement heifers. Bovine Genomics Meeting, May 3-6, Banff, Canada
- Y. Wang Y.B. Ametaj, D.J. Ambrose and M.G. Gänzle (2008) The Characterization of microbiota present in bovine female reproductive tract using culture-dependent and culture-independent methods. FEMS-9th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria - Health, Evolution and Systems Biology. Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, Aug 31 to Sep 4.
- M.G. Colazo, T. Ree, D.G.V. Emmanuel and D.J. Ambrose. Plasma LH and CL development in cows given different doses or repeated treatments of GnRH. 16th Int Congr Anim Reprod, Budapest, Hungary, July 2008. Reprod Dom Anim; 43 (3):35.
- D.J. Ambrose, M.G. Colazo, A. Bhuwanee and A. Lamont (2008) GnRH-induced LH responses in dairy heifers during diestrus and proestrus. 16th Int Congr Anim Reprod, Budapest, Hungary, July 2008. Reprod Dom Anim; 43 (3):29.
- M.G. Colazo, D.J. Ambrose, M.B. Gordon, R. Rajamahendran and R.J. Mapletoft (2008) Increased pregnancy rates in dairy cows following a modified Ovsynch/TAI protocol. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology : Volume 20 :361.
- M.G. Colazo, D.J. Ambrose, A. Hayirli and L. Doepel (2008) Dry period diets affect postpartum reproductive performance of dairy cows. WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology: Volume 20 :360.
- J. Small, F. Dias, L. Pfeifer, K. Lightfoot, M. Colazo,J. Kastelic and R. Mapletoft (2008) Administration of FSH at CIDR removal does not affect the pregnancy rate in a CIDR-based, Cosynch protocol in lactating beef cows. Reprod Fert Dev; 20:90.