Jevne, Jacqueline - 1987 Hall of Fame Inductee

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Jacqueline Jevne contributed much to adult education in Alberta. The late Mrs. Jevne was dedicated to developing the potential of rural people and addressing the needs of farm women. Initially a teacher in the Wetaskiwin school system for 10 years, she launched a career in 1972 as a consultant for program design and project management. One of her first projects was the design of pre-retirement planning programs. She resourced about 75 workshops across the province, many of which were directed at farmers. She developed "Operation Land Use", a program which gave rural Albertans the opportunity to express their views on land use, and she managed "Agrileader", a rural leadership development program. She was campaign coordinator for Goldeye Center at Nordegg and later became a board member of its foundation.

Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame main page

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Susan Lacombe.
This information published to the web on October 19, 2001.
Last Reviewed/Revised on March 4, 2011.