Helmer, Lawrence -1978 Hall of Fame Inductee | |
| Lawrence Helmer's accomplishments were so many, so diverse, that a single compliment would hardly do him justice. Certainly he spent the better part of his life helping others before himself. Though never really a farmer, Mr. Helmer was an outstanding agriculturalist. And not least, he was a successful innovator. Mr. Helmer had an eventful career. Surveyor, land office clerk, homesteader and agri-business entrepreneur, his varied occupations gave him insight into the many problems that beset central and southern Alberta from the early 'teens to the late 50's. A strong supporter of agriculture societies, Mr. Helmer always displayed keen interest in furthering the potential of irrigation schemes. An acknowledged leader, Mr. Helmer always did what he felt must be done -- from administering welfare systems to supplying grain cars to providing water to the Town of Hanna -- he always found a way. An able administrator, unique problem solver, dashing red-tape cutter, Mr. Helmer's achievements over 50 years account in no small way for the current prosperity now seen in the east central district of the province of Alberta.
Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame main page |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Susan Lacombe.
This information published to the web on October 19, 2001.
Last Reviewed/Revised on October 29, 2018.