Daugela, George - 1995 Hall of Fame Inductee | |
 | An agricultural engineer and educator, George Daugela used his talents to design and manufacture high-quality, innovative agricultural equipment that improved growing and harvesting conditions for grain farmers around the world. He taught at Lakeland College before he founded the award-winning agricultural equipment design and manufacturing company, Vertec Industries. Mr. Daugela's grain drier, created specifically for the crops and climate of western Canada, is still marketed internationally. At home and abroad, Mr. Daugela, sometimes called the pioneer of harvest management, promoted good harvest management techniques and worked to create new export opportunities for agricultural manufacturers. Throughout his life, Mr. Daugela generously shared his enthusiasm and expertise. He taught farmers at the Banff School of Management, advised agricultural experts from China and was welcomed as guest speaker by farm organizations across North America. He was a long-time member of the Alberta Institute of Agrologists and one of the founders of the Prairie Implement Manufacturing Association.
Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame main page |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Susan Lacombe.
This information published to the web on October 18, 2001.
Last Reviewed/Revised on May 10, 2017.