Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) Legislation | |
| Below is resources, tools and information on the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA), Alberta's manure management legislation, as well as beneficial management practices.
| Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about manure management legislation and not sure where to start? Click on the link above for answers to these frequently asked questions and more.
AOPA Information and Resources
Click on the link above for forms, factsheets and technical guidelines from Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF) for these AOPA publications and more.
| Extension Information
Interested in extra information related to AOPA? Click on the link above for the following topics and more:
Under AOPA, anyone who handles 500 tonnes or more per year of manure must keep records for a minimum of five years. For record keeping tools, see below:
These calculators will help you to estimate capacity or volume of your storage facility. Note these are not for design purposes.
| Other Resources
Additional information for manure management, facility construction and design and addressing nuisances.
Environmental Programming
The purpose of the Environmental Stewardship and Climate Change - Producer program is to support producers in reducing negative impacts on the environment while enhancing sustainable production, managing climate change and increasing profitability in the agriculture sector.
To learn more about the:
- Manure and Livestock Facility Management category under the CAP Environmental Stewardship and Climate Change Producer Program. Click here to listen. Click to read the Agri-News article.
- Grazing Management category under the CAP Environmental Stewardship and Climate Change Producer Program. Click here to listen.
To be eligible for funding, you must have an Alberta Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) within the last ten years. For more information on how to start or renew your EFP, click here.
Another program is the Environmental Stewardship and Climate Change - Group. The purpose of the Group Program is to support extension delivery, carry out applied research, and strategically manage data (through producer groups and agricultural organizations) that improve producer understanding of key environmental practices that, when implemented, can increase market access for the producer.
. | AOPA Legislation
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF) Staff:
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF) is responsible for developing and updating AOPA. The AF Agri-Environmental Extension Specialists are available to answer any questions you have about the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) and its associated regulations. If you require further help with the tools and information provided on this page or wish to discuss manure related Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs), please call the Ag-Info Centre at 310-FARM (3276) and ask to speak with a regional AF Agri-Environmental Extension Specialists.
Ag-Info Centre
Phone: 310-FARM (3276)
Email: duke@gov.ab.ca
AF Agri-Environmental Extension Specialists
- North/Peace Region: Deanne Madsen
- Central Region: Chris Ullmann
- South Region: Cody Metheral

Farmers' Advocate Office (FAO):
The Farmers’ Advocate Office (FAO) is responsible for administering Part 1 Nuisance of the Act and assists in looking for solutions when disputes arise between the agricultural industry and neighbours over nuisance issues. An appointed panel can review complaints related to nuisances such as agricultural odour, dust, noise, and smoke. Affected parties should contact the Farmers’ Advocate Office (FAO) for more information through the Ag-Info Centre at 310-FARM (3276).
Phone: 310-FARM (3276)
Fax: 780-427-3913
Email: farmers.advocate@gov.ab.ca
Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB):
The Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) is responsible for delivering AOPA Part 2 and its regulations, permitting Confined Feeding Operations (CFOs) and addressing complaints regarding manure management on agricultural operations in Alberta.
If you'd like to see a listing of factsheets, application forms and guides or would like to search for an existing permit or know more about board review hearings, please refer to the NRCB website (cfo.nrcb.ca).
For more information, contact NRCB staff at these regional offices:
Red Deer:403-340-5241
For concerns, call the toll-free, 24 hour response line: 1-866-383-6722
Email: info@nrcb.ca
Click to return to the Environmental Stewardship Page |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Deanne Madsen.
This document is maintained by Laura Thygesen.
This information published to the web on January 21, 2009.
Last Reviewed/Revised on February 5, 2019.