Agronomic Thresholds for Soil Phosphorus in Alberta: References

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Other Documents in the Series

  Agronomic Thresholds for Soil Phosphorus in Alberta: A Review
Agronomic Thresholds for Soil Phosphorus in Alberta: Introduction
Agronomic Thresholds for Soil Phosphorus in Alberta: Basis for Fertilizer Recommendations in Alberta
Agronomic Thresholds for Soil Phosphorus in Alberta: Implications for Management of Organic P Sources
Agronomic Thresholds for Soil Phosphorus in Alberta: Conclusions
Agronomic Thresholds for Soil Phosphorus in Alberta: References - Current Document
Agronomic Thresholds for Soil Phosphorus in Alberta: Appendix - Calculated Crop Response to Add for Alberta Soils
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This information published to the web on June 25, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 16, 2015.