Crop Diversification Centre South | |
| Research, labratories and extension programs
The Crop Diversification Centre South (CDC South) is located in the semi-arid shortgrass prairie region of southeastern Alberta.
Temperatures range from -40 to +39° C. Annual precipitation averages 300 mm, with rainfall averaging 150 mm during the growing season.
The combination of irrigation, an average of 2,400 bright sunshine hours together with a long-term average growing season of 137 days, provide excellent conditions for plant growth. |
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Minister Oneil Carlier talks about diversification, research and development in this Call of the Land interview as he looks forward to 2017, |
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Crop Diversification Centre South
301 Horticultural Station Road East
Brooks, AB, Canada T1R 1E6
50.5541 N, -111.8536 W
For further information about CDCS
Please contact:
Darcy Driedger, Director
Food and Bio-Industrial Crops Section |  |
CDC South operates four farms; Lendrum Farm (Head Quarters site), McLeod Farm, Ponderosa Farm and the Bow Island Sub-station. There is 10,500 square feet. of laboratory space (including growth chambers, seed laboratory, chemistry laboratories, food science laboratories and plant pathology and entomology laboratories). Lendrum, McLeod and the Bow Island Sub-station are equipped with irrigation.
Programs that make CDC South the vibrant facility that it is include:
Special Crop Research | Food Science and Technology Centre | Brooks Greenhouse Section |
Pathology Program | Business Development-Pork | Alberta Insect Pest Monitoring Network |
Weeds Program | Potato Program | Field Office |
Irrigation Management | Alberta Tree Improvement and Seed Centre |  |
Research, laboratories and extension programs
Business Development - Pork |  | |  | |
Alberta Tree Improvement and Seed Centre
Field Office
History and contributions
History of the Crop Diversification Centre South
Agriculture in the County of Newell
For more information about the content of this document, contact Shelley Barkley.
This information published to the web on August 28, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on February 8, 2017.