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The Crop Diversification Centre North (CDC North) is an applied research station within the Industry Development Sector of Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. CDC North has been a part crop research in Alberta for more than 50 years. The Centre boasts researchers and technicians from the Crop Diversification Division, and development officers from the Business & Innovation and Agri-Entreprenuership Divisions.
The location was once the tree nursery for the Alberta Shelterbelt program (now based out of the Saskatchewan PMRA location) and remains beautifully landscaped. The Centre, on the Northeast boundary of the city of Edmonton, is situated on 340 acres of Class 1 (Canada Land Inventory) soils, primarily silt loam. A series of windbreaks divides the site into 76 distinct sections of land for research and demonstration. The Centre also has greenhouses, laboratories, meeting facilities, and extensive irrigation capabilities.
The Site has been the home of numerous programs and projects over the years on special crops, crop varieties and diversified production. The Centre has recently focused primarily on Pulses, Potatoes, Apiculture, and crops for bioindustrial uses and natural health products.