Livestock and Livestock Products Act and Regulations

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 This short Act focuses upon the regulation of the poultry, eggs, and honey industry in Alberta. Inspection, detention, and sale of detained products are dealt with. Inspectors appointed under the Livestock Identification and Commerce Act may also act as inspectors for the purposes of the Livestock and Livestock Products Act.
Regulatory Services Division is responsible for both the administration and enforcement of the Purchase and Sale of Eggs Regulation.

Medhat Nasr is responsible for both the administration of the Honey Grading Regulation.

Chunu Mainali is responsible for the administration of the Hatchery Supply Flock Approval Regulation.


Regulations Orders In Council The Livestock Identification and Commerce Act (LICA) will be proclaimed into force as soon as possible and will replace the Brand Act, the Livestock Identification and Inspection Act and the Livestock and Livestock Products Act.
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on January 28, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on June 15, 2016.