Livestock Identification and Commerce Act and Regulations

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 The goals of the LICA legislation are to: facilitate fair commerce, protect personal property, and promote integrity within the livestock industry. This is achieved through providing an operational framework and rules concerning livestock brands, livestock transactions, transportation, and inspection of livestock, dealing in livestock and livestock products, and recourse against fraudulent or dishonest dealing in livestock

The Act and Regulations are administered by Livestock Identification Services (LIS), a delegated authority under the Livestock Identification and Commerce Act Delegation Regulation. LIS is non-profit organisation that operates “an arm’s length” from ARD, but is nevertheless responsible to the Minister.

There are plans to move the Livestock Market and Livestock Assembling Station Operator's Licence Regulation to the Animal Health Act, where it will be consolidated with the Livestock Market and Livestock Assembling Station Regulation and Livestock disease Control Regulation.
Act Regulations Orders in Council For more information about this act, contact John Brown.
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For more information about the content of this document, contact Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on July 15, 2008.
Last Reviewed/Revised on July 31, 2017.