Managing Business Stress

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Bulletins in this section offer producers insights and information to assist them in their decision making during times of business stress.

Partial Budgets as a Decision Making Tool

A partial budget is a simple, yet powerful tool you can use to evaluate many management choices. It steps through the assessment of the profitability, affordability and desirability of a practice change.

Cash Flow Your Short Term "Break Points"
A host of weather or industry-related events can cause short term cash flow stress in your business. The first step of assessing affordability relates to whether or not you can cash flow an option … if you can't cash flow your way through, profitability and desirability aren't even an issue. This means determining your cash flow "break points".
Match Forage Supplies to Livestock Needs Calculator
This quick “calculator” estimates potential forage shortfalls or surpluses associated with various management options. The “Feed to Need Calculator” very simply estimates the number of head that can be wintered on existing forage supplies. Or conversely, how much extra forage is needed to maintain the breeding herd and/or retained calves..

Grazing Aftermath Straw & Chaff: A Buyer’s Perspective
This bulletin presents a partial budgeting analysis contrasting acquiring straw & chaff grazing vs. feeding extra days when feeds prices are high and/or supplies are short.

Grazing Aftermath Straw & Chaff: A Seller’s Perspective
This bulletin presents a partial budgeting analysis contrasting selling crop aftermath (straw & chaff) to a livestock producer vs. baling and selling straw

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Anatoliy Oginskyy.
This document is maintained by Shukun Guan.
This information published to the web on January 18, 2013.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 25, 2017.