Grazing Aftermath Straw & Chaff - Seller's Perspective

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Lack of moisture affects crop producers primarily on the yield front by reducing per acre revenues. Managing straw and chaff presents challenges from time-to-time, but dry conditions open up options to market the aftermath. Cropped acres will make a greater contribution to cash commitments and retiring overhead if the aftermath re-coups revenue shortfalls.

Budget: Bale or Graze Cereal Aftermath?
The partial budget compares the net advantages of renting the aftermath to a livestock producer to the net disadvantages of forgoing the opportunity to bale and sell the straw.

An example scenario guides producers to incorporate their own specific realities in their own budgets. This approach estimates straw and chaff yield, the cost of baling, and expected revenue. Contrast this to the option of simply renting out the aftermath to a livestock producer for grazing. If the advantages (added revenues and reduced costs) exceed the disadvantages (reduced revenues), then pursue the grazing opportunity.

The grazing portion of the budget (added revenues) assumes:

  • 155 acres of aftermath for 200 cows (1,400 lbs)
  • Available straw and chaff will meet the cows’ nutritional needs
  • Sufficient perimeter fencing and stock water
  • Starting baseline rental rate is $25/acre
  • Dry matter availability and utilization efficiency are estimated for barley straw on black soils.1 Baling and grazing have different "harvestable aftermath yield" efficiencies.

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Anatoliy Oginskyy.
This document is maintained by Shukun Guan.
This information published to the web on September 3, 2012.
Last Reviewed/Revised on October 12, 2018.