Bio-Industrial Opportunities: Convert Vegetable Oil and Forestry Waste into Green Fuel

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    The objective of the project is to maximize the value of agricultural and forestry by-products and waste by:
      1) exploring the by-products as heterogeneous catalysts that are used in chemical and petrochemical industries, and
      2) converting waste vegetable oil, non-food vegetable oil and forestry waste into green fuel.

    Heterogeneous catalysts are widely used to convert a variety of feedstocks into targeted products. Global demand for heterogeneous catalysts in 2013 exceeded 4.9 MT or US $19.2 billion.

    The catalysts developed in the project show high activities towards hydrogenation of olefins and aromatics. With the catalysts vegetable oil was converted to green fuel, a fuel with the same components as fossil fuel.

    The project is also looking to using greenhouse gases as building blocks for chemical synthesis with the aid of the developed catalysts.

    For more information on this project contact the Director Hong Qi, with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Bio-Industrial Opportunities Section.

Alberta Agriculture & Forestry
Bio-Industrial Opportunities Section
O.S. Longman Building
4th Floor, 6909 - 116 Street
Edmonton Alberta T6H 4P2
Phone: (780) 644-8118

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For more information about the content of this document, contact Victor Cheng.
This information published to the web on August 7, 2015.
Last Reviewed/Revised on September 5, 2018.