Cutting Hay within the Highway Right-of-Way Permit

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Alberta Transportation

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Cutting Hay within the Right-of-Way information 514K

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Alberta Transportation reminds everyone that permits are required prior to cutting hay in highway the right-of-way for personal use.

Why do I need a permit?
Permits are required to better co-ordinate highway maintenance activities such as roadside mowing or vegetation
control. Knowing where haying operations are planned will reduce any conflicts with maintenance operations.
Applicants will also find out if planned construction activities could conflict with their request. Depending on the
area, Alberta Transportation or its highway maintenance contract or can issue permits.

What are the Permit Conditions?
Permits are issued each season but haying is to be completed by July 15. Bales in the right-of-way must be stored
as far from the road surface as possible and removed entirely from the right-of-way within two weeks of completing
the operations. Removal of bales and/or equipment in a timely fashion is required because they could be hazardous

to errant vehicles. Due to the potential hazards inherent to working within the highway right-of-way, insurance may
also be required.

How can I obtain a permit?
You can gain information on hay permit applications from any of these Alberta Transportation district offices.

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Last Reviewed/Revised on May 16, 2016.