Explore Local
Explore Local is a program of Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF) to help producers and others build on and capture growth opportunities in the local food market. With the information you provide, Explore Local will be able to ensure you receive information on opportunities related to the local market industry including: industry events, training opportunities, potential sources of funding and expanding your industry networks. Please fill in applicable area below and click submit. Thank you.
Notice of Collection
The information you provide will be used to design programs relevant to your business, as well as inform you about upcoming Explore Local extension programming opportunities. If indicated below, your information will also be used to promote your business or organization on-line. This personal information is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the information provided is subject to the Act. If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, please contact Explore Local, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF); 301, 7000 113 St NW, Edmonton, AB, T6H 5T6; 780-427-4611; or explorelocal@gov.ab.ca.
= Required Field |
Business Contact Information |
| |
Business Type: |
Business/Farm/Organization Name:Business/Farm Name:Organization Name: |
Primary First Name: |
Primary Last Name: |
(Stakeholder only) Position/Title:Position/Title: |
Secondary First Name: |
Secondary Last Name: |
Mailing Address: |
Town: |
Province: |
Latitude: | |
| Longitude: | |
Postal Code: |
Region: |
(auto-filled during save, based on Town latitude/longitude) |
Phone Number: |
Toll Free: |
Cell Number: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Website: |
Legal Land Description: e.g. SW 24-38-20-W5 |
(Stakeholder only) Organization Mandate/Focus:Organization Mandate/Focus: |
(Stakeholder only) Industry Sector:Industry Sector: |
^ Only applicable (but required) if Stakeholder selected for Business Type
List areas of province served: e.g. Calgary, Edmonton, Fairview, Grande Prairie, Lethbridge, Red Deer, Vermilion, etc. |
Delivery Available: |
If yes, contracted with: (if blank, auto-fills `self` during save) |
Additional comments on delivery: |
Local Market Sales Outlets (Marketing Channels) |
| |