| Find out what's happening with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF) by signing up for Agri-News: This Week in Agriculture. Each issue of the e-newsletter is between 55 KB and 65 KB.
Every Monday we will send you an email with the week's top stories and latest updates from AF's website. Along with finding out what's new on the web site, you'll get links to information that has been revised by AF's specialists.
The e-newsletter categorizes the information by subject area, and includes a features section, business, livestock, crops, rural living, extension and learning, jobs in agriculture, coming events, and more. During the growing season we also feature pest information.
To sign up, fill out the subscription form or contact the Agri-News editor at agrinews@gov.ab.ca
To unsubscribe or change your contact information, contact the Agri-News editor at agrinews@gov.ab.ca.