Alberta Crop Report - June 4, 2009 | |
| This information has been made available by Agriculture Financial Services Corporation.
The June 4, 2009 Crop Report is also available as a PDF file on the AFSC website.
Prepared by:
James Wright
Project Manager
Actuarial & Program Readiness
Telephone (403)782-8336
Dry weather conditions with cold night temperatures and frost occurred in all areas of the province affecting crop development. Since May 1, most areas of the province have received less than 50% of average precipitation. In some areas, the frosts have caused enough damage to the canola to initiate reseeds.
Sub soil moisture ratings have declined significantly with only 20% of the province currently rated in the good/excellent categories.

Seeding is close to complete with crops to be used for feed or reseeds remaining outstanding. 65% has emerged. The continuing cool, dry conditions have delayed crop development by 7 – 17 days.
Hay and pastures have been seriously affected by the conditions with many livestock producers being required to continue to supplement with feed due to poor growth. 50% or more of hay and pasture crops are rated poor.

Southern Alberta
All areas of the region are reporting extremely dry conditions. Most areas have reported frost over the past 2 weeks. Seeding is virtually completed with 65% of the crops emerged. Sub soil moisture ratings have declined significantly since the start of the season.

Spring seeded crops are reported in fair condition with fall seeded crops in dire need of precipitation as they approach the critical heading stage. 20% of the region has completed spraying and insect pests have not been a concern to date. Hay and pasture conditions have undergone significant declines over the past 2 week period.

Central Alberta
The cool, dry weather persists with no precipitation reported in the past 2 week period. All areas are extremely dry with multiple frosts reported which has caused damage to canola resulting in some reseeding though that is a limited option due to the dry soils. Seeding is approximately 95% complete with the remainder being feed crops or reseeds. 65% of crops have emerged.

10% of the region has completed spraying and insect pests do not appear to be a problem at this time. Forage crop ratings are extremely poor with 76% of the region rated poor.

North East Alberta
Conditions are extremely dry in all areas with no precipitation reported in the past 2 week period. Cool days and cold nights have prevailed with significant frost damage reported requiring reseeding. Seeding is approximately 93% completed with the outstanding being feed crops or reseeds. 65% of crops have emerged.

10% of the region has completed spraying. Flea beetles are approaching infestation levels which could result in economic damage. Forage crop ratings have undergone a major decline with over 70% of the region rated poor.

North West Alberta
The region endured cool, dry conditions which included cold nights with frost. No precipitation was reported over the past two week period. Seeding is over 95% completed with mainly feed crops outstanding. Emergence is rated at 70%.

15% of the region has completed spraying. Flea beetle populations are building and could become a problem in the future. Forage crop ratings have declined with 50% rated as poor.

Peace River District
Seeding is approximately 96% complete with 80% emerged. Soil moisture is generally fair with wet conditions being reported in the extreme north. Cold nights with frost and flea beetles are having a significant effect upon the condition of crops throughout the region.

15% of the region has completed spraying. Flea beetle and lygus bug populations are at levels sufficient to cause economic damage.

Prepared by Agriculture Financial Services Corporation in cooperation with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. For more information, please contact the writer, James Wright. |
For more information about the content of this document, contact Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on June 9, 2009.