Crop Conditions as of September 25, 2018 (Abbreviated Report)
The wet cold front experienced over the last couple of weeks seems to have stationed itself in the province bringing rain, hail, sleet, and snow with it. Much snow has melted on initial contact, while a few grassy areas saw small amounts of accumulation. Optimistically, the early September snowfall experienced in parts of the province will be followed by a period of warm autumn days that are needed to finish what has been a taxing start to this years’ harvest. This week’s abbreviated report shows the progress for major crops only whereas last week’s report was for all crops. When comparing harvest numbers for major crops, progress is up almost 5 points as compared to the September 11th abbreviated report. (See Table 1). At this point, 33 per cent of crops are combined and 24 per cent have been swathed. The Peace region received less precipitation over the past week and made some harvest headway moving from 6 to 13 per cent. The Central region advanced 7 points this week over last and other regions remain stalled due to the elements (See Map). Although, combining numbers are behind, swathing across the province has advanced.
Surface soil moisture rated as good moved from 46 to 51 per cent and excellent moved from 19 to 21 per cent. Sub Surface moisture rated as good moved from 36 to 39 per cent and excellent ratings moved 16 to 17 per cent (See Table 2.) Even slight increases will help support fall seeded crops and moisture reserves heading into winter. Between frost and sodden conditions producers have grade concerns with unharvested crops. Areas that saw heavier snow fall resulted in some crops laying down and apprehensions over lodging have surfaced.

The 2018 Alberta Crop Report Series continues to provide summaries for the following five regions:
Region One: Southern (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
- Cool, damp weather, heavy dew and light mist has delayed harvest once again this week.
- Major crop harvest average is 69.2 per cent combined and 11.8 per cent in the swath. Sugar Beets are estimated at 9 per cent complete.
- Surface soil moisture rated 23.7 per cent Poor, 40.2 per cent Fair, 35.2 per cent Good, 0.8 per cent Excellent and 0.1 per cent Excessive.
- Fall seeded crops have seen a benefit from recent conditions and are rated 3.9 per cent Poor, 28.3 per cent Fair, 58.9 per cent Good, and 8.9 per cent Excellent.
- Pasture rated 36.9 per cent Poor, 39.1 per cent Fair, 20.9 per cent Good, and 3.1 per cent Excellent.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
- Snow in varied amounts across region, along with off and on rainfall, slowed harvest advancement. Some combines were actually moving the last couple of weeks.
- Major crop harvest average is now reported at 41.0 per cent combined and 23.1 per cent in the swath. The September 11th report shows that the average on combined major crops was 32.3 per cent for an increase of 8.7 points. The wet snow flattened some standing crops.
- Surface soil moisture rated 0.7 per cent Poor, 21.2 per cent Fair, 53.7 per cent Good, 23.7 per cent Excellent and 0.7 per cent Excessive.
- Fall seeded crops rated 4.2 per cent Poor, 42.9 per cent Fair, 52.9 per cent Good.
- Pasture rated 27.0 per cent Poor, 43.0 per cent Fair, and 30.0 per cent Good.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
- Small amounts of swathing done as producers are still waiting on improved conditions.
- Major crop harvest average is 12.8 per cent combined for the third report in a row and 28.3 per cent of crops are now in the swath over last weeks reported 26.5 per cent.
- Surface soil moisture rated 0.4 per cent Fair, 56.7 per cent Good, 39.5 per cent Excellent and 3.4 per cent Excessive.
- Fall seeded crops rated 40.0 per cent Fair and 60.0 per cent Good.
- Pasture rated 20.8 per cent Poor, 41.5 per cent Fair, and 37.7 per cent Good. Snow covered pasture led to some cattle being fed.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
- The region experienced similar wet conditions as last week limiting combining once more. Producers did manage to swath canola increasing the stats from 66 up to 72 per cent.
- Major crop harvest average is 12.3 per cent combined and 33.4 percent in the swath.
- Surface soil moisture rated 15.4 per cent Fair, 62.1 per cent Good, 22.4 per cent Excellent, and 0.1 per cent Excessive.
- Pasture rated 50.7 per cent Poor, 21.1 per cent Fair, and 28.2 per cent Good.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- Although harvest is delayed province wide, this region showed the highest jump in average for major crops harvested with peas moving from 34 to 49 per cent. Dry windy conditions in some areas and minimal rainfall helped to lower moisture levels in crops.
- Major crop harvest average is 12.9 per cent combined and 33.0 per cent in the swath. The September 11th reports shows that the average on major crops was only at 4.8 per cent.
- Surface soil moisture rated 63.3 per cent Good, 26.4 per cent Excellent and 10.3 per cent Excessive.
- Pasture rated 20.0 per cent Fair, 70.8 per cent Good, and 9.2 per cent Excellent.
Z. Sangster & J. Sanden Product Coordinators
email: zsuzsanna.sangster@afsc.ca
email: jackie.sanden@afsc.ca
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation
Business Risk Management Products Unit
Lacombe, Alberta
September 28, 2018
Note to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section.
The 2018 Alberta crop reporting series is available on the Internet at: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sdd4191