Crop Conditions as of June 19, 2018 (Abbreviated Report)
Over the past week, there were some welcome rain showers in the western parts of the province, bringing sufficient moisture to support the active growth of both annual and perennial crops. While many areas in the west of the Southern and Central Regions received at least 30 mm of rain, rainfall for the west parts of the Peace and the North West Regions ranged between 5 to 20 mm. For the North East and eastern parts of the Southern Regions precipitation was less than 1 mm.
Provincially, crop growing conditions improved by two per cent from a week ago and are now rated as 81 per cent good to excellent, compared with the 5-year average (2013-2017) of 73 per cent (see Table 1). About 84 per cent of spring wheat, 80 per cent of barley, 87 per cent of oats, 78 per cent of canola and 82 per cent of dry peas are in good to excellent condition.
Across the province, soil moisture reserves are variable, from dry conditions in a large part of the Southern and Central Regions to areas in the North West and Peace Regions reporting sufficient soil moisture (see the map). More moisture is still needed across the province to maintain soil moisture and the active growth for crops and forages. Over the past week, soil moisture reserves improved in the Southern Region, but deteriorated somewhat in the other regions. Provincially, surface moisture was rated as three per cent poor, 23 per cent fair, 47 per cent good, 25 per cent excellent and two per cent excessive (see Table 2). Sub-surface soil moisture conditions have similar ratings.
Haying has begun in the province. Provincially, pasture conditions are rated as four per cent poor, 29 per cent fair, 57 per cent good and 10 per cent excellent, with similar ratings for tame hay conditions.

The 2018 Alberta Crop Report Series continues to provide summaries for the following five regions:
Region One: Southern (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
- Rainfall was variable in the region, ranging from widely scattered showers in the eastern parts, with less than 5 mm of precipitation, to more than 40 mm in some fields in the western parts. The recent showers have improved soil moisture ratings and crop growing conditions. However, more rain is still needed in the region.
- Crop growing conditions improved from a week ago to 73 per cent good to excellent. About 74 per cent of spring wheat, 76 per cent of barley, 80 per cent of oats, 67 per cent of canola and 73 per cent of dry peas are in good to excellent condition, which is slightly lower than the 5-year averages. Most cereals are in the elongation stage.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture are rated as 55 and 53 per cent good to excellent, respectively.
- Producers have started haying with less than average yields expected. Pasture conditions are now reported as 39 per cent poor to fair, 54 per cent good and seven per cent excellent, with similar ratings reported for tame hay.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
- Showers over the past week have provided sufficient moisture to most areas, resulting in good growing conditions throughout the region. However, there are some places where crop development is behind.
- Regionally, about 74 per cent of spring wheat, 73 per cent of barley, 72 per cent of oats and 76 per cent of dry peas are in good to excellent condition, which is higher than the 5-year averages. However, the exception is canola, which is lower than the 5-year averages and rated as 62 per cent. While most spring wheat are at the beginning of the elongation stage of development, barley and oats are still in the tillering stage.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture are now rated as 67 and 65 per cent good to excellent, respectively.
- Most hay and pasture fields are not showing signs of stress. Pasture conditions (tame hay ratings shown in brackets) are reported as 5 (8) per cent poor, 38 (42) per cent fair, 54 (46) per cent good and 3 (4) per cent excellent.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
- Recent rain showers over previous weeks have improved crop growing conditions, but more rain is needed soon to maintain favourable soil moisture reserves. Most cereals are in the tillering stage of crop development.
- Regionally, about 92 per cent of wheat, 90 per cent of barley, 91 per cent of oats, 88 per cent of canola and 96 per cent of dry peas are in good to excellent condition, significantly higher than the 5-year averages.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture conditions are rated as 82 and 87 per cent good to excellent, respectively, with almost two per cent excessive for both.
- Pasture conditions are reported as 19 per cent fair, 60 per cent good and 21 per cent excellent. For tame hay though, the rating is reported as two per cent poor, 20 per cent fair, 62 per cent good and 16 per cent excellent.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
- Last week rain showers helped to improve moisture conditions for crops and forages. The warmer temperature was favourable for crop progress. Most cereals are in the tillering stage of crop development.
- About 90 per cent of spring wheat, barley, oats and dry peas and 79 per cent of canola are in good to excellent condition, which is significantly higher than the 5-year averages.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture conditions are rated as 88 and 85 per cent good to excellent, respectively, with almost one excessive for both.
- Pasture and tame hay conditions are rated as 39 per cent fair, 58 per cent good and three per cent excellent.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- Last week scattered precipitations was beneficial for crops in most parts of the region. However, some areas received excessive rain, resulting in flooding. Cereals are mostly in the beginning of the tillering stage of development.
- Regionally, about 94 per cent of spring wheat, barley and oats, 89 per cent of canola and 91 per cent of dry peas are in good to excellent condition, which is significantly higher than the 5-year averages.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture are reported as 88 and 79 per cent good to excellent, with six and four per cent excessive, respectively.
- Pasture conditions are rated as 22 per cent fair, 66 per cent good and 12 per cent excellent, with similar ratings reported for tame hay.
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
Ashan Shooshtarian, Crop Statistician
Economics andCompetitiveness Branch
Statistics and Data Development Section
E-mail: ashan.shooshtarian@gov.ab.ca
Phone: 780-422-2887
June 22, 2018
Note to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section.
The 2018 Alberta crop reporting series is available on the Internet at: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sdd4191
