Crop Conditions as of June 5, 2018 (Abbreviated Report)
Last week just about all agriculture lands across the province received decent rain, with most areas receiving over 10mm. Three major areas received over 20 mm including western Peace, the land base along the Saskatchewan border stretching from Cold Lake down to the U.S. border and a large area west of highway 2 between Edson and Calgary.
Seeding is 99 per cent complete in the province, with only small acres of feed crops left to be seeded (See Table 1).
Regionally, major crop emergence percentages are as follows: South (79), Central (84), Northeast (83), Northwest (81), and Peace (79). Recent pest infestations of flea beetles and cut worms have led to the reseeding of some fields.
Last week’s poor and fair surface soil moisture ratings have decreased and we are seeing an improvement in soil moisture conditions (See Table 2). The South, Central and the northern portion of the Peace Region still require significant rainfall to sustain crops through the growing season (See Map).
Pasture and tame hay have benefited from recent rain. While improvements have been noted, more rain will be needed soon to continue this pattern. Provincially, pasture conditions (tame hay conditions are reported in brackets) are reported as 8 (7) per cent poor, 26 (28) per cent fair, 57 (57) per cent good, and 9 (8) per cent excellent.

The 2018 Alberta Crop Report Series continues to provide summaries for the following five regions:
Region One: Southern (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
- Seeding progress is complete with small pockets of acres unseeded due to standing water.
- Emergence of crops is nearly 80 per cent with spraying in full swing and evidence of cut worms and flea beetles in some counties.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture is comparable at over 56 per cent rated good or excellent.
- Pasture and tame hay welcomed recent rain. Dryland hay is showing signs of drought and potential for early maturity. First cut irrigated alfalfa hay is underway.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
- Seeding is complete except for some feed acres in the western area of the region.
- Much cooler weather and varying levels of rain in region. Pockets of frost damage resulted in a handful of acres reseeded.
- Spotty emergence due to poor surface soil moisture was improved by recent rains. Post-emergent spraying is well under way with signs of cut worms and flea beetles.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture averages are rated 64 per cent good or excellent.
- Areas that did receive rainfall have seen improved pasture and tame hay conditions while it may have come too late for some fields which are already starting to bloom or head.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
- Seeding is complete and the recent moisture has aided germination on later seeded fields.
- Emergence of earlier seeded crops is nearly at 100 per cent while later seeded feed crops are at varying stages. Spraying is now general throughout the region. Signs of flea beetles reported in Lamont County.
- Rain in the past week has helped to replenish surface moisture. Surface and sub-surface soil moisture average rated at 87 per cent good or excellent.
- Pasture and tame hay growth has received just enough moisture to keep advancing.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
- Seeding progress is complete with small pockets of acres unseeded due to standing water.
- Recent rain amounts varied widely across the region. Localized reports of hail in Athabasca and Thorhild counties caused minimal damage given the crop stage.
- Recent moisture helped germination of shallow seeded crops. Post emergent spraying is underway with signs of grasshoppers and flea beetles in some crops, resulting in reseeding.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture disparity is evident at 70 and 86 per cent respectively.
- Prolonged dry conditions adversely impacted pasture and tame hay. More rain is still needed.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- Now that seeding is complete, recent precipitation has helped even out germination and crop development is progressing.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture disparity is evident at 91 and 80 per cent respectively.
- The majority of pasture and tame hay acres are currently rated as good or excellent.
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation
Z. Sangster & J. Sanden, Product Coordinators
Business Risk Management Products Unit
E-mail: zsuzsanna.sangster@afsc.ca
E-mail: jackie.sanden@afsc.ca
Lacombe, Alberta
June 8, 2018
Note to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section.
The 2018 Alberta crop reporting series is available on the Internet at: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sdd4191