Crop Conditions as of August 30, 2016 (Abbreviated Report)
Unsettled weather conditions continue to plague the 2016 harvest season. Producers made very little harvest progress this past week as intermittent showers and rain affected all regions. Harvest is estimated at 9% complete, up only 3 percentage points from last week (See Table #1). With the exception of the South region which improved 8 points this week to 25% combined, incremental harvest completion was minimal in all other regions. The wet conditions is also affecting swathing progress with an additional 13% of the crops swathed compared to 19% last year. Only 28% of the canola crop has been swathed to date.
Surface soil moisture ratings are reflecting the effects of the continuing precipitation (See Table #2). Though excessive moisture ratings at 3.4% of the province did not change from last week, it rose significantly in the North East and Peace Regions. Producers will need to be very cognizant of low areas in their fields when they are able to get back to combining.
The continuing wet conditions is affecting pasture/hay condition ratings. Ratings dropped 2 percentage points this week to 76% rated good or excellent. Rating declines were reported in all regions, except the Central. Hay and pastures are rated 4% poor; 20% fair; 61% good; 15% excellent. Producers continue to be frustrated by the wet weather with regards to completing the baling of their 2nd cut hay crop as they watch its quality deteriorate.

The 2016 Alberta Crop Report Series continues to provide summaries for the following five regions:
Region One: Southern (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
- Intermittent showers and heavy morning dew affecting harvest progress.
- Harvest percentage improved to 25% complete. A further 13% of crops have been swathed.
- Undercutting of dry beans nearing completion. Harvest should begin shortly.
- Excessive surface moisture declined to 0.5% from 1.2% last week.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
- Showers continue to affect all parts of the region.
- Harvest progress improved 1 percentage point to 3% complete. A further 6% of crops are swathed.
- Lentil yields in the eastern portion are reported to be extremely variable due to the excessive moisture.
- Excessive surface moisture declined to 2.6% from 3.7% last week.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
- Frequent precipitation has harvest operations at a near standstill.
- Harvest progress improved 2 points to 3% completed. 16% of crops have been swathed including 32% of the canola crop in the region.
- Field pea harvest has been slowed due to flattened crop. Dirt tag will affect quality.
- Excessive surface moisture increased to 4.1% of the region from 3.1% last week.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
- Scattered showers across the region. Region trying to recover from the heavy rains of the previous week.
- Harvest progress rose 1 point to 2% completed. Further 10% of crops have been swathed, principally canola.
- Light frost reported in isolated areas. Damage is expected to be minimal.
- Excessive surface moisture declined to 7.4% of the region from 8.4% last week following the heavy rains.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- Heavy rains in many areas of the central and south Peace region. Amounts of 35 – 125 mm reported.
- Harvest progress improved 2 percentage points to 8% combined. A further 25% has been swathed, principally canola at 46% swathed.
- Excessive surface moisture ratings rose to 6.5% from 4.2% last week due to the heavy precipitation received.
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation
James Wright, Risk Analyst
Actuarial, Analytics & Forecasting Unit
E-mail: james.wright@afsc.ca
Phone: 403-782-8336
Lacombe, Alberta
September 2, 2016
Note to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section
The 2016 Alberta crop reporting series is available on the Internet at: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sdd4191
