Crop Conditions as of August 2, 2016 (Abbreviated Report)
Over the past week, rainfall activity has been convective in nature, with heavy downpours leading to localized flooding, and in some cases damaging hail across the province. This has maintained soil moisture levels, but slowed haying progress and reduced hay quality. In cases where crops are not performing well, it is largely due to excessive moisture. Provincially, crop growing conditions did not change from last week and are rated as 83 per cent good to excellent, compared with the 5-year average (2011-2015) of 70 per cent (see Table 1). In terms of crop development, most spring wheat has started the dough development stage, while barley and oats are mostly in the milk development stage. Harvest of winter cereals, dry peas and early-seeded barley has started in the Southern Region and will start in Central and Northern Regions shortly.
Surface and sub-surface soil moisture ratings across the province did not change that much from a week ago. Provincially, surface soil moisture conditions (5-year averages in the brackets) are rated at 86 (66) per cent good to excellent and two (one) per cent excessive. Sub-surface soil moisture conditions across the province are rated as 80 (66) per cent good to excellent with one (one) per cent excessive.
Provincially, pasture conditions are rated as six per cent poor, 17 per cent fair, 58 per cent good and 19 per cent excellent (see Table 2). Tame hay conditions (5-year averages in the brackets) have similar ratings and are reported as eight (13) per cent poor, 16 (26) per cent fair, 53 (44) per cent good and 23 (17) per cent excellent. Haying operations are slowed due to shower activities and damp conditions.

The 2016 Alberta Crop Report Series continues to provide summaries for the following five regions:
Region One: Southern (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
- While harvest has been started for fall seeded, peas and early-seeded spring crops in this Region, showers and rainfalls caused challenges in harvest progress. Some crops are being cut for feed due to hail damage. Most spring cereals are in the dough development stage.
- Regionally (5-year averages in brackets), 67 (74) per cent of spring wheat, 66 (74) per cent of barley, 81 (78) per cent of oats, 71 (73) per cent of canola and 68 (77) per cent of dry peas are in good to excellent condition.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture conditions are rated at 71 (59) and 60 (63) per cent good to excellent, respectively, with no excessive surface or sub-surface soil moisture.
- Pasture and tame hay are rated at 49 (53) and 45 (52) per cent good to excellent, respectively. Silage and second cut is underway but it is delayed due to showers.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
- The weather was unsettled over the last week with hailstorms reported in most parts of the Region. The majority of crops look good, with the expectation of some pulses getting yellow due to excess moisture. Fall crops are maturing, while spring cereals are mostly in the milk development stage.
- Regionally (5-year averages in brackets), 81 (67) per cent of spring wheat, 83 (68) per cent of barley, 86 (68) per cent of oats, 78 (65) per cent of canola and 81 (69) per cent of dry peas are in good to excellent condition.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture are respectively rated at 86 (66) and 82 (66) per cent good to excellent, respectively, with more than two percent excessive surface soil moisture.
- Haying has been slow due to wet conditions. Pasture and tame hay conditions are reported as 79 (61) and 76 (63) per cent good to excellent, respectively.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
- Spring cereals are mostly in the milk development stage. Dry peas and some early-seeded barley are starting to ripen. Poor hay quality has been reported in some areas due to delays in baling progress.
- Regionally (5-year averages in brackets), about 94 (76) per cent of wheat, 92 (73) per cent of barley, 93 (75) per cent of oats, 94 (74) per cent canola, and 95 (79) per cent of dry peas are in good to excellent condition.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture conditions are reported as 95 (72) and 92 (71) per cent good to excellent, respectively, with three and two per cent excessive surface and sub-surface soil moisture.
- Pasture and tame hay conditions are rated as 98 (68) and 99 (66) per cent good to excellent, respectively.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
- Hail storms and isolated showers were reported in the Region over the past week. Negative effects from continuous wet and cool conditions are evident, particularly for dry peas and hay. Spring wheat are mostly in dough development stage, while most of barley and oats are in the milk development stage.
- Regionally (5-year averages in brackets), 97 (72) per cent of spring wheat, 96 (70) per cent of barley, 97 (71) per cent of oats, 97 (70) per cent of canola and 98 (74) per cent of dry peas are in good to excellent condition.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture conditions are rated as 96 (72) and 94 (60) per cent good to excellent, respectively, with more than two per cent excessive surface soil moisture.
- Pasture and tame hay conditions are rated as 93 (64) per cent and 100 (66) per cent good to excellent.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- Some fields are saturated with moisture, additionally some hail damage was reported in the Region. Most of spring wheat are in the dough development stage, while other cereals are in the milk development stage.
- Regionally (5-year averages in brackets), 85 (63) per cent of wheat, 75 (60) per cent of barley, 83 (63) per cent of oats, 80 (57) per cent of canola and 83 (65) per cent of dry peas are in good to excellent condition.
- Surface and sub-surface soil moisture conditions are rated as 90 (65) and 85 (69) per cent good to excellent, respectively, with more than two per cent excessive surface soil moisture.
- Pasture and tame hay conditions are reported at 81 (61) and 80 (65) per cent good to excellent, respectively.
Ashan Shooshtarian, Crop Statistician
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
Economics and Competitiveness Branch
Statistics and Data Development Section
August 5, 2016
Note to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section
The 2016 Alberta crop reporting series is available on the Internet at: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sdd4191