Crop Conditions as of May 31, 2016
Cool conditions prevailed over the week. Precipitation was reported in all regions in the amount of 10 – 20 mm with the North East Region receiving between 30 – 50 mm. Seeding progress is nearing completion at 97% seeded compared to last year at 99%, the 5 year average of 96% and the long term provincial average of 94%. The North East is the only region below 96% seeded and will incur completion delays due to the moisture received this past week.
Emergence has been slowed by the cool conditions. 78% of crops are now above ground with 86% of the spring wheat, 95% of the durum, 71% of the barley and 70% of the canola emerged. Emergence has generally been strong based upon the good growing conditions now being experienced in most areas of the province.
Soil moisture conditions improved for both surface and sub soil ratings. Surface moisture improved 4 percentage points to 77% rated good or excellent. The precipitation in the North East this week has 17% of the region rated excessive for surface moisture. Sub soil moisture ratings improved 3 percentage points to 64% good or excellent.
Hay and pastures have improved significantly with the precipitation of the past 2 weeks but need warmer weather.

The 2016 Alberta Crop Report Series continues to provide summaries for the following five regions:
Region One: Southern (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
- Precipitation was slightly above average for the month. An area along the west portion of the region remains in a moderate soil moisture deficit.
- Seeding 99.8% completed, 99.8% last year, the 5 yr. average of 96.5% and the long term average of 96.6%.
- 91% of crops have emerged with spring wheat at 95%, durum 96%, barley 93%, canola 85%.
- Surface moisture declined to 74% rated good or excellent. Sub soil moisture at 65% good or excellent.
- Forage grasses starting to head. 1st cut dryland hay crop expected to be negatively affected by the early dryness.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
- Dry start to the month of May allowed producers to make good seeding progress. Precipitation arrived in the second half of the month. April/May accumulations are 140 – 200% of normal. Moderate to severe soil moisture deficit remains in the west, north of Calgary as April/May precipitation has been only 85% of normal.
- Seeding 97.9% completed, 99.4% last year, the 5 yr. average of 95.6% and long term average of 95.9%
- 79% of crops have emerged with spring wheat at 85%, durum 89%, barley 69%, canola 78%.
- Surface moisture ratings declined to 79% good or excellent due to significant increase in excessive moisture. Sub soil moisture benefited from the precipitation and rose to 76% rated good or excellent.
- Hay and pastures benefited from the improved moisture and rose 10 points to 76% good or excellent.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
- Some areas in the region are very wet with precipitation amounts of 30 – 50 mm this week following the good moisture received the week previously. April precipitation was 80% of normal. Precipitation over past 2 weeks has precipitation amounts at 150 – 200% of the April/May accumulated normal.
- Seeding 93.7% completed, 99.4% last year, the 5 yr. average of 95.4% and the long term average of 93.6%.
- 66% of crops have emerged with spring wheat at 76%, barley 49%, canola 59%, field peas 97%.
- Surface moisture ratings showed major improvement despite 17% of region rated excessive. Surface moisture is rated good or excellent by 72% of the region, sub soil at 63% rated good or excellent.
- Hay/pasture outlook improved with the precipitation of past 2 weeks to 55% rated good or excellent.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
- Additional precipitation this week in amounts of 15 – 25 mm, following on the good rains of the previous week. After virtually no precipitation in April, the April/May accumulations are 150% of normal.
- Seeding 96.8% completed, 99.4% last year, the 5 yr average of 96.3% and the long term average of 95.0%.
- 64% of crops have emerged with spring wheat at 88%, barley 56%, canola 49%, field peas 100%.
- Surface moisture has improved significantly with the precipitation of the past 2 weeks to 91% rated good or excellent. Sub soil moisture improved to 58% good or excellent.
- 24% of hay and pastures are rated good or excellent. Should show further improvement with some heat.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- 15 – 30 mm of precipitation reported across the region. Following minimal precipitation in April, precipitation arrived in 2nd half of May. April/May accumulations now stand at 180% of normal.
- Seeding 98.2% completed, 99.4% last year, the 5 yr average of 97.2% and the long term average of 96.6%.
- 81% of crops have emerged with spring wheat at 86%, barley 75%, canola 77%, field peas 90%.
- Surface moisture improved to 76% rated good or excellent. Sub soil moisture at 49% good or excellent.
- 45% of hay and pastures rated good or excellent, improving from 37% last week.
James Wright, Risk Analyst
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation
Actuarial, Analytics & Forecasting Unit
Lacombe, Alberta
Email: james.wright@afsc.ca
Telephone: (403)782-8336
June 3, 2016.
Note to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section
The 2016 Alberta crop reporting series is available on the Internet at: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sdd4191