Crop Conditions as of May 24, 2016 (Abbreviated Report)
While wet conditions due to rainfall this past long weekend delayed seeding progress and cold damp weather slowed crop development, the much needed rain was welcome across the province. The moisture has been good for all crop, hay and pasture fields. Crops that haven’t germinated as yet, now have the moisture to get a good start. Hay and pasture fields will definitely benefit from the moisture.
Provincially, seeding advanced by 15 per cent from the past week to 90 per cent now completed (See Table 1). This is a little behind last year’s 95 per cent at this time. Seeding progress is reported over 90 per cent complete in most regions, with the North East and North West Regions slightly behind 85 per cent. Regionally, 74 per cent of crops seeded have emerged in the Southern Region, with 55 per cent in Central Region, 47 per cent in North East Region, 40 per cent in North West Region and 58 per cent in Peace Region.
Precipitation over the weekend improved surface soil moisture significantly across the province (see Table 2). Provincially, surface soil moisture is rated at two per cent poor, 22 per cent fair, 38 per cent good, 35 per cent excellent, and three per cent excessive.
Pasture and hay are still poor but will benefit from the recent moisture and relatively warmer weather. Provincially, pasture conditions are reported as 27 per cent poor (down 11 per cent from last week), 29 per cent fair (down five per cent), 38 per cent good (up 12 per cent), and six per cent excellent (up four per cent). Tame hay conditions are rated as 24 per cent poor (down 10 per cent from last week), 31 per cent fair (down six per cent), 36 per cent good (up nine per cent) and nine per cent excellent (up seven per cent).

The 2016 Alberta Crop Report Series continues to provide summaries for the following five regions:
Region One: Southern (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
- While wet conditions delayed seeding in the past few days, about 97 per cent of spring wheat and barley, 94 per cent of oats, 89 per cent of canola and 99 per cent of dry peas have already been planted. Crops are developing well due to the rainfall last week, and 74 per cent of crops have emerged.
- Surface soil moisture conditions improved 30 per cent from a week ago to 75 per cent good to excellent.
- Pasture conditions have also improved and are reported as 11 per cent poor, 39 per cent fair, 41 per cent good, and nine per cent excellent. Similarly, tame hay growth have improved and is rated as 10 per cent poor, 36 per cent fair, 39 per cent good and 15 per cent excellent.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
- About 95 per cent of spring wheat, 85 per cent of barley, 74 per cent of oats, 94 per cent of canola and 98 per cent of dry peas have been seeded. However, due to the rainfall this past week, seeding progress has temporarily has halted. Also, some reseeding has been reported due to the frost on May 10-12. Almost 55 per cent of seeded crops have emerged, up 34 per cent from a week ago.
- Soil moisture has greatly improved and is rated as 89 per cent good to excellent, compared to 23 per cent from a week earlier.
- Precipitation improved tame hay and pasture growth and will benefit alfalfa fields which suffered some frost damage from the week before. Pasture conditions are reported as 12 per cent poor, 25 per cent fair, 50 per cent good, and 13 per cent excellent, with similar ratings reported for tame hay.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
- Seeding progress has been delayed by rain. Nearly 96 per cent of spring wheat, 66 per cent of barley, 57 per cent of oats, 80 per cent of canola and all dry peas are seeded, and 47 per cent of crops have emerged.
- Surface moisture conditions improved to 68 per cent from 27 per cent good to excellent a week ago.
- Hay and pasture are still poor, but should improve quickly with some heat and more moisture. Pasture conditions are reported as 41 per cent poor, 17 per cent fair, 41 per cent good, and one per cent excellent. Similarly, tame hay growth is rated as 37 per cent poor, 23 per cent fair, 33 per cent good and seven per cent excellent.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
- Almost 99 per cent of spring wheat, 77 per cent of barley, 78 per cent of oats and canola and all dry peas have now been seeded, and 40 per cent of the crops have emerged. However, recent rains have halted seeding progress and cold damp condition have slowed crop development.
- Surface soil moisture improved dramatically over the past week and is rated as 79 per cent good to excellent, up from one per cent a week ago.
- Pasture and hay fields are still poor and will improve with the increased moisture. Pasture conditions are reported as 80 per cent poor, 14 per cent fair, and six per cent good, while tame hay growth is reported as 66 per cent poor, 27 per cent fair and seven per cent good.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- All areas in this Region received precipitation in the form of a rain and snow mix. Some frost was reported but no reports of any damage as yet. Cooler temperatures have slowed crop development.
- Nearly 94 per cent of spring wheat, 89 per cent of barley, 87 per cent of oats, 92 per cent of canola and 97 per cent of dry peas have now been seeded, with 58 per cent of crops emerged.
- Surface soil moisture was 66 per cent good to excellent, compared to 38 per cent a week ago.
- Pasture conditions are 17 per cent poor, 47 per cent fair, 34 per cent good and two per cent excellent, with similar ratings reported for tame hay.
Ashan Shooshtarian, Crop Statistician
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
Economics and Competitiveness Branch
Statistics and Data Development Section
May 27, 2016
Note to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Economics and Competitiveness Branch, Statistics and Data Development Section
The 2016 Alberta crop reporting series is available on the Internet at: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sdd4191