
Crop Conditions as of October 14, 2014
Abbreviated Report
Dry, warm weather has facilitated harvest progress during the past week with the exception of the Peace Region, where cool and damp weather continued to delay crop harvest. Provincially, 93 per cent of the crop is already in the bin, compared to 81 per cent a week ago (see Table 1), while five per cent is still in swath, and two per cent remain standing. Crop harvest is virtually complete in most areas, but lags behind in the Central and North West Regions, with 86 per cent and 89 per cent complete, respectively. Harvest in the Southern Region is 98 per cent complete, with one per cent in swath. The North East Region has 94 per cent of crops harvested and four per cent in swath. The Peace Region reported 92 per cent harvested and five per cent in swath.
Crops still in the field are mostly spring wheat, oats and barley. In most years, harvest in Alberta is complete by mid-October.
The condition of fall seeded crops are rated as 65 per cent good to excellent, while pasture is rated as 42 per cent good to excellent, both up two per cent from a week ago.
Provincially, soil moisture reserves overall have decreased eight per cent from last week and are rated as 60 per cent good to excellent, while sub-surface soil moisture reserves remain unchanged, and are rated as 58 per cent good to excellent (see Table 2).

The 2014 Alberta Crop Report Series continues to provide summaries for the following five regions:
Region One: Southern (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
- With the dry, warm weather, harvest has been in full progress and producers are practically done. About 98 per cent of cereals are in the bin, compared to 91 per cent last week, while one per cent is in swath. About 98 per cent of canola has been harvested and two per cent swathed. About one per cent of spring wheat is still standing and barley is virtually completed.
- Fall seeded crops are rated as 80 per cent good to excellent, up eight per cent from a week ago. Pasture condition is rated as 55 per cent good to excellent, down three per cent from a week ago.
- Surface soil moisture conditions in the region have dropped six per cent and are rated as 56 per cent good to excellent. Sub-surface soil moisture ratings declined two per cent, and are rated as 63 per cent good to excellent.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
- Recent dry and warm weather has harvest in full swing again. Overall, 86 per cent of the crop is already in the bin, compared to less than 73 per cent a week ago, while eight per cent is swathed. Just over four per cent of canola is standing, with nine per cent swathed and 87 per cent harvested. Over six per cent of spring wheat is still standing and barley is 85 per cent harvested.
- Fall seeded crops are rated as 90 per cent good to excellent, relatively unchanged from a week ago. Pasture condition is rated as 55 per cent good to excellent, down six per cent from a week ago.
- Surface soil moisture conditions in the region have decreased nine per cent and are rated as 66 per cent good to excellent. Sub-surface soil moisture ratings improved two per cent, and are rated as 70 per cent good to excellent.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
- Harvest has progressed very well in the region with the dry, warm weather this past week. Over 94 per cent of the crop is already in the bin (compared to 79 per cent a week ago) while four per cent in swath. Nearly 93 per cent of canola is harvested, with seven per cent swathed. About three per cent of spring wheat is still standing and barley is 95 per cent harvested.
- Fall seeded crops are rated as 94 per cent good to excellent, relatively unchanged from a week ago. Pasture condition is rated as 44 per cent good to excellent, up four per cent from a week ago.
- Surface soil moisture conditions in the region have declined 12 per cent and are rated as 68 per cent good to excellent. Sub-surface soil moisture ratings are down three per cent, and are rated as 72 per cent good to excellent.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
- The recent dry, warm weather has helped with the progress of harvest operations. About 89 per cent of cereals are in the bin, compared to 67 per cent last week, while eight per cent is in swath. About 84 per cent of canola has been harvested and 15 per cent swathed. About nine per cent of spring wheat is still standing, while barley is 95 per cent completed.
- All fall seeded crops are rated as fair, the same as a week ago. Pasture condition is rated as 44 per cent poor, 42 per cent fair and 14 per cent good, comparable to a week ago.
- Surface soil moisture conditions in the region have dropped 18 per cent and are rated as 56 per cent good to excellent. Sub-surface soil moisture ratings are down three per cent, and are rated as 36 per cent good to excellent.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- Cool weather and scattered showers continued to delay harvest across the region. About 92 per cent of cereals are in the bin, compared to 87 per cent last week, while five per cent is in swath. About 91 per cent of canola has been harvested and seven per cent swathed. About five per cent of spring wheat is still standing, while barley is 91 per cent done.
- Fall seeded crops are rated as 46 per cent good to excellent, the same as a week ago. Pasture condition is rated as 40 per cent good to excellent, up two per cent from a week ago.
- Surface soil moisture conditions in the region have improved six per cent and are rated as 52 per cent good to excellent. Sub-surface soil moisture ratings are up four per cent, and are rated as 48 per cent good to excellent.
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development
Lukas Matejovsky, Crop Statistician
Economics and Competitiveness Division
E-mail: lukas.matejovsky@gov.ab.ca
Statistics and Data Development Branch
Phone: 780-422-2887
October 17, 2014
Note to Users: The contents of this document may not be used or reproduced without properly accrediting Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Economics and Competitiveness Division, Statistics and Data Development Branch.
The 2014 Alberta crop reporting series is available on the Internet at: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/sdd4191.