Alberta Crop Conditions as of August 26, 2014
The past week brought moderating temperatures throughout the province, slowing crop development. Harvest progress was slowed by heavy rainfall in amounts of up to 90 mm in southern and east central Alberta while the remainder of the province saw light isolated shower activity. Incidences of light frost were reported in North East, North West and Peace River regions. Extremely dry conditions continue throughout the Peace region.
Harvest progress advanced to 16% swathed and 4% combined from 6% total last week. 37% of the canola has been swathed with 35% of the field peas and 18% of the winter wheat having been combined. Provincial yield estimates are trending higher for all crops with the exception of field peas. Currently, yields are anticipated to be 5% above the Alberta 5 year average. Yields in southern and central regions are expected to be average to slightly above average, yields in North East and North West regions are anticipated to be 5 to 10% above their 5 year averages. For most crops, 2014 expected yields are only surpassed by those of last year.
Crop condition ratings improved with the precipitation in the South region to 72% rated good or excellent, an improvement of 2% for the week. Crops are rapidly approaching maturity, but there are some late seeded crops in the North East and North West regions particularly which will require up to an additional 10 – 14 days of frost free weather due to seeding delays encountered during the cool, wet spring.
Hay and pasture condition ratings declined 3% over the week to 51% rated good or excellent. Hay/pastures are currently rated: 9% Poor; 40% Fair, 47% Good; 4% Excellent. 2nd cut dry land haying is 27% completed while 2nd cut irrigated alfalfa haying in southern Alberta is 62% completed.

Regional Assessments:
The 2014 Alberta Crop Report Series provides summaries for the following five regions:
Region One: Southern (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)
- Little harvest progress for the week due to the wet weather. Excellent soil moisture conditions for seeding of winter wheat later in September.
- 11% of crops swathed, 6% combined. 26% of canola and 21% of winter wheat swathed; 39% of field peas and 18% of winter wheat combined.
- Crop condition ratings improved 2% to 76% rated good or excellent.
- No dry land 2nd cut hay anticipated. Irrigated 2nd cut 62% completed with good yields and very good quality.
Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)
- Cooler weather slowed crop ripening, wet weather in eastern portion brought harvest operations to a standstill.
- 13% of crop swathed, 1% combined. Bulk of harvest operations to date has occurred in eastern and central areas of the region. 31% of canola and winter wheat swathed, 17% of field peas and 12% of winter wheat combined.
- Crop condition ratings unchanged for the week at 67% rated good or excellent.
- 2nd cut dry land haying 4% completed with good yields and fair to good quality.
Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)
- Cooler temperatures with light spotty showers and reports of light frost.
- 18% of crops swathed, 1% combined. 39% of canola swathed. 23% of field peas combined.
- Crop condition ratings improved 3% on the week to 84% rated good or excellent.
- 2nd cut dry land haying is 35% complete. Quality is very good to date.
Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)
- Cooler temperatures with light spotty showers and reports of light frost.
- 12% of crops swathed, less than 1% combined. 23% of canola swathed, 20% of field peas combined.
- Crop condition ratings improved 7% on the week to 80% rated good or excellent.
- 2nd cut dry land haying is 30% completed with very good to excellent quality to date.
Region Five: Peace River (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- Crops are progressing quickly due to the dry conditions. A few isolated showers reported. Light frost reported in all areas of the region.
- 32% of crops swathed, 14% combined. 58% of canola swathed, 68% of field peas and 21% of spring wheat combined.
- Crop condition ratings declined 1% over the week to 42% rated good or excellent.
- 2nd cut dry land haying only 8% completed. Yields are fair and quality is good at this time.
James Wright, Risk Analyst
Agriculture Financial Services Corporation
Actuarial, Analytics & Forecasting Unit
Email: james.wright@afsc.ca
Telephone: (403)782-8336
Lacombe, Alberta
August 29, 2014 |