Alberta Municipality Profiles - 2006 Census of Agriculture: Peace Region | |
Peace Region
The “Alberta Municipality Profile – 2006 Census of Agriculture - "Peace Region" is one of five publications which are based on the former five ARD agricultural administrative regions (Southern, Central, North East, North West and Peace). It is important to note that while ARD no longer uses the agricultural administrative regions, these have been maintained for the convenience of users to facilitate data comparisons with some of the previous Census years. This publication builds on an earlier release by the Statistics and Data Development Branch entitled “2006 Census of Agriculture for Alberta, I.D., M.D., and County Data by Region”. In that publication, data were presented by grouping Improvement District, Municipal District and County data for selected farm variables. This publication restructures the same farm variable information with the objective of building individualized Improvement District, Municipal District and County profiles.
The data used in this publication was from a special custom run obtained from Statistics Canada, based on the 2006 Census of Agriculture, conducted on May 16, 2006. For more information about the Census of Agriculture, readers are encouraged to visit the Statistics Canada website at www.statcan.ca.
Also worth noting, is that data confidentiality (as designated by an “x”) at the Municipality level has resulted in some regional totals not adding up to the provincial total due to data suppression.
Users are encouraged to refer to the section on the Census definitions and notes for explanations of terms used in this report. Also, for spatial data interpretation, users are advised to refer to the Alberta map with its regional boundaries, and Alberta Municipalities Classified by Region.
Tables | PDF File
Size |
Alberta Highlights | |
Alberta Profile | |
Census Definitions and Notes | |
ARD Regions Map and Municipalities Classified by Regions | |
Peace Region | |
Big Lakes | |
Birch Hills County | |
Clear Hills No. 21 | |
Fairview No. 136 | |
Grande Prairie County No. 1 | |
Greenview No. 16 | |
Mackenzie No. 23 | |
Northern Lights No. 22 | |
Northern Sunrise County | |
Peace No. 135 | |
Saddle Hills County | |
Smoky River No. 130 | |
Spirit River No. 133 | |
Other Documents in the Series |
Alberta Municipality Profiles - 2006 Census of Agriculture Alberta Municipality Profiles - 2006 Census of Agriculture: North East Region Alberta Municipality Profiles - 2006 Census of Agriculture: North West Region Alberta Municipality Profiles - 2006 Census of Agriculture: Central Region Alberta Municipality Profiles - 2006 Census of Agriculture: Peace Region - Current Document Alberta Municipality Profiles - 2006 Census of Agriculture: Southern Region
For more information about the content of this document, contact Austin Leitch.
This document is maintained by Rita Splawinski.
This information published to the web on April 29, 2010.
Last Reviewed/Revised on May 19, 2016.