| Return to the Drought Science and Indices: A Review of the Literature webpage.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Lethbridge Research Centre. 2001. "Planning ahead is key to fighting drought on the range." Lethbridge Research Centre Report - Oct. 11, 2001. Website res2.agr.ca/lethbridge/rep2001/rep1012.htm
Rec #: 839
Agriculture and AgriFood Canada. 2002. "Drought Watch on the Prairies." AAFC Web site. www.agr.gc.ca/pfra/drought/default.htm
Rec #: 521
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. 2000. Drought Management > Agricultural Disaster Management [on] Ropin' the Web. ARD Web site. www.agric.gov.ab.ca
Rec #: 312
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. 2002. Drought, water, forages and cattle [on] Ropin' the Web ARD Web site. www.agric.gov.ab.ca/
Rec #: 523 Dro
Alberta Environment. 2002. Precipitation maps -- "DroughtNet-Weather summary" [link on Ropin' the Web AAFRD Web site]. Edmonton: Alberta Environment. www3.gov.ab.ca/env/ Rec #: 722 A
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Rec #: 722
Alberta Institute of Agrologists, Southeast Branch. 2002. Drought, climate change and weather forecasting. Agency web site at URL: http://www.aia.ab.ca/
Rec #: 972
Alberta Irrigation Projects Association (AIPA) . 2002. "Alberta Irrigation Projects Association (AIPA)." Agency web site at URL: http://www.aipa.ca/
Rec #: 491
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS). 2002. "Remote sensing in Canada (RSIC) [Electronic journal] -- General Index." Web page. www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/comvnts/rsic/rsicinde.html
Rec #: 567
Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network (C-CIARN). Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative (PARC). 2001. "Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative (PARC) -- Partnerships [web links ] at www.parc.ca/partners.htm
Rec #: 824
Canadian Water Resources Association - Alberta Branch. 2002. Alberta water strategy - Our current drought and promising solutions [Conference Theme]. Canadian Water Resources Association - Alberta Branch Annual Meeting and Conference, 7-9 April 2002, Medicine Hat, Alberta. CWRA-ACRH. Agency web site at www.cwra.org/branches/abpage1.html
Rec #: 973
Canadian Water Resources Association-Association Canadienne des Ressources Hydriques (CWRA - ACRH). Alberta Branch. 2002. CWRA sustainability principles for water management in Canada. In Alberta Water Strategy - Our Current Drought and Promising Solutions -- Conference held at Medicine Hat Lodge, Medicine Hat, Alberta, 7-9 April, 2002. www.cwra.org/branches/arts/abbranch/abannintro_02.html
Fernandes, Richard. 2001. Water Fraction Database of Canada. www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/comvnts/rsic/2902/2902ra4_e.html
Rec #: 568
Goddard Institute for Space Studies. 2001. GISS Climate glossary. www.giss.nasa.gov/ref/glossary.html
Rec #: 671
Heinze, K., Walter R. Skinner, L. Vincent, and E. Mekis. 1996. "Spatial and temporal analysis of Prairie ecozone summer drought since 1920 as calculated from the rehabilitated Canadian historical daily climate database." Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative. Agency web site at URL: Available at: www.parc.ca/pdf/climate_var_1996/climate_3.pdf
Rec #: 841
Hopkinson, R. F. 2000. "Palmer drought index [Slide 16 of 43; for grid 25, 19 just west of Regina] and Environment Canada Palmer Drought Index [Slide 17 of 43 ] for November 1999 - New Procedure." Water resources and climate change: Planning for the abnormal [Powerpoint Slide Presentation] [Ottawa, ON]: Meteorological Service of Canada. Available at: www.parc.ca/pdf/hop.pdf
Rec #: 205
Iglesias, E., Garrido, A., and Gomez-Ramos, A. 2001. "An Economic Drought Management Index (EDMI) to evaluate Water Institution's performance under uncertainty and climate change ." Web page. Available at www.eci.ox.ac.uk/sirch/chapter6.pdf
Rec #: 516
Koshida, Grace. 2002. "Climate change scenarios for extreme events -- Ongoing research project of AIR Group." [Web site] Available at www.utoronto.ca/env/ies/airg.htm
Rec #: 207
Leavitt, Peter J. and G. Chen. Sustainable agriculture in Western Canada: Planning for droughts using the past. [Web page] Regina, SK: University of Saskatchewan. Available at www.uregina.ca/biology/faculty/leavitt/drought/drought1.htm
Manitoba Agriculture and Food. 2002. "Heat." [section on web page]. Available at www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/climate/waa01s06.html
Rec #: 303
National Drought Mitigation Center (University of Nebraska-Lincoln). 2002. Nebraska Research Initiative on Geospatial Decision Support Systems. Available at
Rec #: 858
National Drought Mitigation Center (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), International Drought Mitigation Center. 2001. Australia's drought policy. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. www.drought.unl.edu/plan/handbook/process.htm
Rec #: 616
------. 2001. The Basics of drought planning: A 10-Step process. [Home Page]. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. www.drought.unl.edu/plan/handbook/process.htm
Rec #: 614
------. 2002. A Historical look at the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Available at www.drought.unl.edu/whatis/palmer/pdsihist.htm and www.drought.unl.edu/whatis/palmer/riverbasin.htm
Rec #: 608
------. 2001. State drought plans. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Available at www.drought.unl.edu/plan/stateplans.htm
Rec #: 613
North Dakota State University. NDSU Extension Service. 2002. Coping with drought: Information for dealing with dry weather. Available at www.ag.ndsu.nodak.edu/drought/drought.htm Rec #. 1118
Oklahoma. Bureau of Reclamation, Oklahoma Drought Management Team. 1997. Oklahoma Drought Management Plan. Oklahoma. Bureau of Reclamation. Available at
Pennsylvania Landscape & Nursery Association. 2002. Drought Action Center [web site] -- PLNA's drought plan, Consumer tips > List of drought-tolerant garden plants {IN: "Use of [garden] Irrigation Systems During A Drought"}, Links to Other drought resources. Available at
www.plna.com/drought/consumertips.htm Rec #. 1117
Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 2001. "PFRA Water Supply and Drought Monitoring Page: Drought Watch on the Prairies. Web page Available at www.agr.gc.ca/pfra/drought/default.htm
Rec #: 002
Rusak, James. 2001. Humboldt results: Humboldt Lake, Saskatchewan [University of Regina, Drought Project, BIOCAP Research Grant]. Available at
Rec #: 013
Saskatchewan Agriculture, Food and Rural Revitalization (SAFRR). 2001. Drought watch. Web site and links available at www.agr.gov.sk.ca/docs/about_us/programs_services/droughtwatch.asp
Rec #: 978
Scott Polar Research Institute Library, and World Data Centre for Glaciology. 199x. "SPRILIB ice and snow." (Online) [computer file] University of Cambridge, Scott Polar Research Institute. www.spri.cam.ac.uk/wdcc/icesnow.htm
Rec #: 642
Skinner, W. R., and J. A. Majorowicz. 1999. "Regional climatic warming and associated Twentieth Century land-cover changes in north-western North America." Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative (PARC). [Search on Author=Skinner]: www.parc.ca/bibsearch.pl#results
Rec #: 843
Smith, Steven. 2001. Geospatial data gateways. Remote Sensing in Canada (RSIC) 29 no. 2 (Dec): Index. Search: www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/comvnts/rsic/2902/2902ra4_e.html
Rec #: 569
South Carolina. Drought Information Center. 2002. "South Carolina Drought Response Program - Drought pointers, and Important drought-related sites and other information." Web page, available at: www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/regional_monitoring/palmer.gif
Rec #: 966
Szeicz, Julian M., and Glen M. MacDonald. 1995. Dendroclimatic reconstruction of summer temperatures in Northwestern Canada since A.D. 1638 based on age-dependent modeling.
Rec #: 830
United Nations University (UNU), and University of Tokyo, International Center for Disaster Mitigation Engineering (INCEDE). 1999. "United Nations documents on Coping with Disaster: Coping Study on Technology for Disaster Reduction." IDNDR Secretariat. [Agency web site] at:www.unisdr.org/unisdr/
Rec #: 473
United States Department of Agriculture. 2001. Drought Monitor: Current Conditions - USDA data summaries [on agency web site]. USDA. enso.unl.edu/monitor/current.html
Rec #: 206
United States Geological Survey. 2000. "Definitions of drought -- Drought Watch." Web page, available at md.water.usgs.gov/drought/define.html
Rec #: 486
United States Global Change Research Program. 1997. "Impact of climate change and land use in the Southwestern United States." Web page, available at geochange.er.usgs.gov/sw/ and geochange.er.usgs.gov/sw/impacts/
Rec #: 518
United States. National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), Scientific and Technical Information Program. 1998. NASA Thesaurus. NASA. www.sti.nasa.gov/thesfrm1.htm
Rec #: 672
United States. National Drought Mitigation Center. 2002. "U. S. Drought Monitor." Web page, available at enso.unl.edu/dm/mo Rec #: 1071
United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Climate Office. 2002. "Vegetation health surface condition, NOAA 16 [North America near real-time satellite image]." Web page, available at: www.plantstress.com/Stuff/vegetation_stress.gif
Rec #: 857
United States. National Weather Service, and John Werth. 2002. National Fire Danger Rating System Web page, available at: www.seawfo.noaa.gov/fire/olm/nfdrs.htm
Rec #: 845
University of Colorado-Boulder. Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center. 2002. "The Hazards Literature (HazLit) Database of the Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center". Web page available at www.colorado.edu/hazards/litbase/litindex.htm
Rec #: 792
University of Saskatchewan-Regina. 2002. The Prairie Ecosystem Study Project (PECOS). Web page, available at: www.cprc.ca/pecos/ and www.usask.ca/medicine/agmedicine/proceeding/subindex43.html
Rec #: 890
University of Saskatchewan-Regina, Department of Biology. 2000. The Prairie Drought Project. www.uregina.ca/biology/faculty/leavitt/drought/update00/Update00Menu.htm
Rec #: 891
Water Institute for Semi-Arid Ecosystems (WISE). 2001. "Water Institute for Semi-Arid Ecosystems (WISE)." Web page, available at www.waterinstitute-wise.ca/main.html
Rec #: 492
Wilhite, Donald A., Michael J. Hayes, Cody Knutson, and Kelly Helm-Smith. 2001. The Basics of drought planning: A 10-Step process. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [SEE: National Drought Mitigation Center] Available at www.drought.unl.edu/plan/handbook/process.htm
Rec #: 615
World Meteorological Organization. Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC). 2001. "The Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) Home Page." Web page, available at:
Rec #: 484
World Meteorological Organization (WMO). 1999. Early warning systems for drought and desertification: Role of national Meteorological and Hydrological Services. WMO. www.wmo.ch/index-en.html and www.wmo.ch/web/catalogue/New%20HTML/frame/engfil/906.html
Rec #: 908
Notes: --
To search for 'drought indices' or for keywords, in (the "big4" federal govt depts.) All of
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Environment Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (eg. "Inland Waters Directorate")
Natural Resources Canada
Also: --
Natural Resources Canada (NRC) announced via its GeoConnections website a Geomatics Canada "Partners in Innovation" program to include
: "research using satellite technology to estimate crop biomass; mapping "hot spots" in forest fires; and providing digital data support of search-and-rescue operations" including various programs that make data available: www.geocan.nrcan.gc.ca/ar/ar_english/partner_e.html
CEONet provides tools to locate and access Canadian geospatial data sets and services through the CGDI web site : geoconnections.org This site is maintained by Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) and funded by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) under the Long Term Space Plan. National Atlas of Canada collaborates here.
---GeoGratis service is free web access to 1200 small-scale framework datasets.
A new Disaster Information Centre by the University of Manitoba, collaborating with government, Simon Fraser University, Fisheries and Oceans and Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) will use remotely-sensed data for disaster management and monitoring, flood level prediction and drought monitoring, building on the Crop Information System developed by CCRS and operated by the Manitoba Centre for Remote Sensing, [which has classified AVHRR data sets, and uses GeoComp program software.
---CCRS and Agriculture Canada are using RADARSAT 2 to estimate crop biomass east of Ottawa, Ontario.
Aerial Photos are retrievable from the National Air Photo Library (NAPL) on-line via the web site at: airphotos.NRCan.gc.ca including coverage of "southern Canada from Quebec to Alberta." |