Drought Indexes: Versatile Soil Moisture Budget (VSMB)

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Akinremi, O. O., S. M. McGinn, and A. G. Barr. 1996. Evaluation of the Palmer Drought index on the Canadian prairies. Journal of Climate [Boston, MA : American Meteorological Society] 9, no. 5 (May): 897-905.

Akinremi, O. O., S. M. McGinn, and A. E. Howard. 1997. Regional simulation of fall and spring soil moisture in Alberta. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 77, no. 3 (Aug): 431-42.

Baier, W., J. B. Boisvert, J. A. Dyer, and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre [ECORC]. 2000. The Versatile Soil Moisture Budget (VB) reference manual [Computer program], ECORC Contribution No. 001553. Ottawa, ON: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre.

Baier, W., D. Z. Chaput, D. A. Russello, and W. R. Sharp. 1972. Soil Moisture Estimator Program system, Technical Bulletin no.78. Ottawa, ON: Agriculture Canada, Research Branch, Agrometeorology Section.

Baier, W., J. A. Dyer, and W. R. Sharp. 1979. The Versatile Soil Moisture Budget (VSMB), Technical Bulletin no.87. Ottawa, ON: Agriculture Canada, Research Branch, Agrometeorology Section.

Baier, W., and G. W. Robertson. 1966. A New Versatile Soil Moisture Budget (VSMB). Canadian Journal of Plant Science 46, no. 3 (May): 299-315.

Baier, W., and G. W. Robertson. 1996. Soil moisture modelling - Conception and evolution of the VSMB. IN: Proceedings of the Baier and Robertson Symposium on modelling and measurement of soil water content, CSSS Annual conference, 7-11 July 1996 held in Lethbridge, Alberta. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 76, no. 3 (Aug) [special issue]: 251-261.

De-Jong, E., and W. K. Sly. 1985. Comparison of modelled soil water reserves on Canadian prairie soils with water-holding capacities of 280 and 250 mm. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 65: 219-223.

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Dyer, J. A., and A. R. Mack. 1984. "The Versatile Moisture Budget (VMB) -- Version three [1984]." Technical Bulletin 1984-1E. Lethbridge, AB: Agriculture Canada, Research Branch.

Gordon, R., D. M. Brown, and M. A. Dixon. 1996. Evaluation of a cultivar-sensitive soil water model for the potato crop. IN: Proceedings of the Baier and Robertson Symposium on modelling and measurement of soil water content, CSSS Annual conference, 7-11 July 1996 held in Lethbridge, Alberta. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 76, no. 3 (Aug) [special issue]: 275-283.

Howard, A., and J. Kirtz. 1998. Development of a method for modelling Alberta soil moisture conditions. Edmonton AB: Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Technology and Innovation Branch.

Maybank, J., B. Bonsal, K. Jones, R. Lawford, and E. G. O'Brien. 1995. Drought as a natural disaster. Atmospheric-Ocean [Article #330201 ; Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society] 33, no. 2: 195-222.

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Topp, G. C., M. Watt, and H. N. Hayhoe. 1996. Point specific measurement and monitoring of soil water content with an emphasis on TDR. IN: Proceedings of the Baier and Robertson Symposium on modelling and measurement of soil water content, CSSS Annual conference, 7-11 July 1996 held in Lethbridge, Alberta. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 76, no. 3 (Aug) [special issue]: 307-316.

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This document is maintained by Laura Thygesen.
This information published to the web on November 15, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 16, 2015.